123 Crazy Puzzle Game – Admob, GameCenter

123 Crazy Puzzle Game – Admob, GameCenter


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123 Crazy is humorous puzzle recreation.

For two seconds countdown, you should faucet to decide on Three numbers and kind them by ascending.

If type them not true or time countdown to zero, Game is Over.

See, Tap and immense Win with 123 Crazy now!

Now the 123 Crazy puzzle recreation for iOS is gaining recognition and also you don’t wish to be late to earn some $$$.

So don’t wait for an additional alternative and are available trip the wave with us.

Support Admob adverts

report excessive rating to GameHeart.

Include Document to assist.

The code:

It has no Cocos2D or any graphics API

Simpe native UIKit parts

Admob for banner adverts

GameHeart integration

Leaderboard assist

iPhone 5 broad display screen assist

iOS assist on iOS 6+.

Runs on iPhones, iPads and iPods.

It comes with Layer PNG pictures


We present assist throughout the feedback part. So when you’ve gotten questions, we’re right here to answer. So let’s get the brand new prime checklist app code!

Update is FREE!

Get this code and begin getting cash!

How to Setup:

A. Quick Setup

There is not any setup.
Just open the 123 Crazy.xcodeproj and you can be in your means.
1 prerequisite is that you’ve XCode min model 5.1 put in one you mac.

B. Basic Configuration

1. Open 123 Crazy.xcodeproj

  • Change CFBundleIdentifier “com.iMadeLab.” to your app identify ID (instance: com.YouGame.)

2. Open Prefix.pch file

  • Change admob id to indicate Ads: #outline PUBLIC_ID and PUBLIC_IPAD_ID @”your_admod_id” to your admob ID for iphone and ipad
  • Change time for play: #outline MAX_TIME to your time
  • Change #outline LEADERBOARD_ID @”com.iMadeLab.laderboard_id” to your chief board id Gameceenter

3. Open Info.plist file

  • Change CFBundleIdentifier com.iMadeLab.123Crazy to your app Bundle Identifier

4. And Done

C. Ready Submit to Appstore


To get this product on 50 p.c low cost contact me on this link



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