3D CSS Menu

3D CSS Menu


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A Simple and elegant, Web 2.0 inspired 3D CSS Menu

  • Includes 9 predefined color styles
  • 2 Menu Positions (Sticky Top & Standard)
  • Unlimited amount of style combinations
  • 3 Different Link/Styles (Text Only, Icon+Text, Icon only!)
  • Font-Awesome Icons!
  • Easy Installation
  • Cross browser support
  • WordPress Ready

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Change Log: v2

  • Add font-awesome support
  • Slight redesign
  • Now supports unlimited* submenus
  • Added an IE fallback
  • Two different menu positions – sticky top or standard potision.

*Or however deep youd like to go.

Change Log: v1.1

  • Slight alteration to the structure for even easier set up,
  • Now WordPress Navigation friendly (See FAQ/Help doc),
  • Now automatically add sub menu arrows,
  • Now supports a sub menu item level,
  • Better support documentation.

Change Log: v1

  • Initial Release


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