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- 3D Webgl graphics
- All Modern Browers support
- Android, IPhone, IPad Support
- Light-weight – 1.5 mb
- Uploud any picture
- Easy installation and configuration
- WordPress plugin included
- Use any image
- Set maximum count of pieces
- Set default count of pieces
- Auto Shuffle puzzle on start or on image upload.
- Rotation of pieces can be disbled
- You can set url to redirect than puzzle folded
- Social buttons can be off
- FullScreen can off
- iframe size can be set in wordpress
- Your logo can be add to puzzle image
- User image can be uploaded to server and shared in social networks
Files included
html, js, css, obj, json, eot, svg, ttf, woff, woff2, php
Third party
- three.js
- bootstrap
- jquery
Other Assets Used
Bootstrap font icons
Change log
Version 1.3
- Upload user images on server - Rebuilded social buttons (now users images can be shared). - Autoshufle after pieces count changed - Some bugfix
To get this product on 50 percent discount contact me on this link