Abandoned Carts | Magento Extension

Abandoned Carts | Magento Extension


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The plugin “Abandoned Carts” is the extension for Magento.
This extension permits administrator controll deserted carts of the purchasers by sending e-mail notifications to them.

The extension has many permits administrator to set:
– First delay, the time which will likely be added to the time up to date of the cart. This time will likely be used to verify if we have to ship notification proper now.
– The variety of quotes which will likely be processesed directly
– To set the time frame which shouldn’t be used to search out the deserted carts (It may be good when you haven’t any must proccess some time frame)
– To set the interval of quote ids which the extension will ignore in proccessing
– To set time in H:i format, which is used to explain how a lot time ought to move to make not up to date cart deserted.


1) First of all You ought to disable Compilation right here ([ Admin Area ]: System -> Tools -> Compilation )
2) Then You ought to disable the cache
3) Unzip the archive with the extension
4) Be carefull when importing the content material of the archive by ftp in root folder of your Magento, You ought to MERGE the content material.


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