Active eCommerce CMS

Active eCommerce CMS


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Active eCommerce CMS - 2

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Active eCommerce CMS - 6

Active eCommerce CMS - 7

Active eCommerce CMS - 8

Active eCommerce CMS - 9

Active eCommerce CMS - 10

Active eCommerce CMS - 11

Active eCommerce CMS - 12

Active eCommerce CMS - 13

Active eCommerce CMS - 14

Active eCommerce CMS - 15

version : 2.2 (10/04/2020)

- New feature - Bulk product upload option in admin panel
- New feature - Bulk product upload option in seller panel
- Improvement - Ajax product filtering in product listing page
- Improvement - Staff permission - Add-on manager access
- Improvement - Product details page performance improvement
- Bug fixing - Add-on installation problem solve
- Bug fixing - Other minor bug fixing.

version : 2.1 (27/03/2020)

Bug fixes & improvements ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Product details page response issue fixed
- Translation missing key added.
- Icon font issue fixed.
- Addon installation issue fixed
- Variant product quantity issue fixed
- Some rtl & ui issue fixed

version : 2.0 (16/03/2020)

New Features & improvements ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- New dynamic product attribute system. Admin can add an unlimited number of attributes. Vendors can use those attributes for their product variations.
- New advanced filter option in product listing page. Users can filter products using the product's variation’s attribute value from the product listing page.
- After placing an order vendor will receive an email notification for his/her product.
- Addon system integration
- Brand selection for product is now optional

Bug solving
- Multiple File field issue for seller verification form fixed
- Price currency format decimal issue has been fixed
- Product discount calculation bug has been fixed (if flash deal is enabled)
- Duplicate cart item for one product has been fixed
- Product listing page category accordion change
- Mobile view menu duplicate wallet removed
- Product carousel arrow ui & some other frontend ui improved
- custom-style.css file added in frontend for your custom style

version : 1.9 (17/02/2020)

What's we updated ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unlimited Flash Deal(Offer) creating option to use in different banners
- Flash deal view with new style, countdown 
- Flash deal background color option, text color option, banner option
- Make a flash deal featured to show in homepage
- Automatic expiration of flash deal after expiration date

Improvements & Bug solving
- Admin tables optimized by switching to improvised table with search, pagination, filter ooption
-- Brand, Category, SubCategory, SubsubCategory table (search by name)
-- Flash deal table (search by title)
-- Support Ticket table (search by code)
-- Seller Payment table, Seller Withdraw request table
-- Pickup point order table
-- In house product table(search by name and slug)
-- Seller Product table(search by name and slug)
-- Product reviews table
-- Seller list table(search by name and email)
-- Customer List table(search by name and email)
-- Inhouse Order list table(search by order code)
-- Total Sales list table(search by order code)

- Seller profile view from admin panel seller list
- Without seller verification approval no seller product will show
- Without seller verification approval customer will not get anything in seller shop page
- Admin can view the product review, total number of sale, product rating from admin panel in In-house product and Seller Product table
- Admin can sort in house product and seller product  by rating and number of sale and base price
- Admin can filter order by payment status and delivery status
- Admin can change seller approval from admin panel
- Admin can filter seller by approval status
- Speed optimization
- Category dropdown menu show on hover
- Non published product will not show in flash deal
- Pickup point shipping cost issue solved
- Related product cart modal issue solved

version : 1.8 (23/01/2020)

What's we updated ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Product based chatting option for customer and seller.
- Category based commission
- Add link on slider
- Seller wise product filter in admin panel
- Add ‘sendmail’ option in smtp settings
- Guest Checkout Activation option(on/off)
- Add Facebook Pixel

Improvements & Bug solving
- Fixed : Order details modal showing
- Fixed : Invoice pdf column width issue 
- Fixed : Category, Sub-category, Sub-sub-category slug issue 
- Fixed : Checkout issue
- Fixed : Google analytics issue
- Fixed : Admin Dashboard Multi Translate

version : 1.7 (21/11/2019)

What's we updated-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- African Payment gateway (Voguepay)
- Product Stock without customer choice option  
- Multiple unlimited Currency add/edit/delete option
- Select default language option.
- Pickup point add(adding point location, select in checkout page, create pickup branch manager, order showing in pickup branch manager & admin)
- Notification for customer, seller(new order, new review, new support reply, order status change - customer, verified seller, )
- Seller withdraw request 
- Maintenance mode enable

- Business Setting in staff permission
- Social Media Login 
- Coupon remove after apply any coupon

version : 1.6 (22/08/2019)

What's we updated-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Paystack payment gateway for product purchasing, wallet recharge, seller payment
- Support ticket unique id
- Ticket status option (open, solved, pending)
- Support ticket file attachment
- Manual slug creating option for product  category, subcategory, sub subcategory, brands
- Meta title, meta description for product category, subcategory, sub subcategory, brands 
Seller payment history
- Social media login avatar save
- Coupon remove after applying coupon 
- Frontend UI improvement (wallet recharge and wallet pages, support, many more)
- Redirect previous page after login

version : 1.5 (09/07/2019)

What's we updated-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  Updated to Laravel 5.8
- Add Instamojo payment gateway
- Add Razorpay payment gateway
- Solve minor bugs

version : 1.4 (17/06/2019)

What's we updated-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Coupon system (Per product and cart based)
- Support system
- Frontend beautification 
- Home page design improvements
- New page : All Brand page 
- New page : All Category page
- Improve product detail page
- Improve frontend color theme
- Review Ui/UX improvements.

version : 1.3 (20/05/2019)

New Features-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Order tracking system

Improvements & Bug fixing--------------------------------------------------------
- Mobile version improvements : Sticky header, Cart on header
- Mobile version - improve Product box size
- SMTP related issue has been solved
- Registration issue
- Order related issue
- Meta tag issue

version : 1.2 (29/04/2019)

New Features-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RTL (Right to left) view for frontend view.

Improvements & Bug fixing--------------------------------------------------------
- Mobile version  On mobile version we designed with new dimension as like double product box on mobile
- .env file solve the unfortunate .env file crash
- Ordering mail Products ordering mail sent except SMTP setup
- Live paypal Unfortunate live paypal payment issue has been solved!

version : 1.1 (18/04/2019)

New Features-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wallet system - recharge
- Product based Shipping settings : Free shipping, Local shipping, Flat rate
- Admin administrative Facebook chat integration
- Product Stock Reports
- In house product sale report 
- Seller report
- Sellers's product sale report
- Product wish report

Improvements & Bug fixing--------------------------------------------------------
- Translate all language (e.g. Product title,category title etc)
- Image size level for all images (e.g. Slider image, banners, Category banner, Product spot based images etc.)
- Sub SubCategory deletion notification and unplugged the related category and brand
- Brand deletion  notification and unplugged the related category and sub subcategories
- Social Login hiding option on Registration page


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