Advance Post Grid/List with custom filtering for Visual Composer

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Advance Post Grid/List with custom filtering for Visual Composer - 1

Advance Post Grid/List with custom filtering for Visual Composer - 2

Advance Post Grid/List with custom filtering for Visual Composer - 3

Advance Post Grid/List with custom filtering for Visual Composer - 4

Advance Post Grid/List with custom filtering for Visual Composer - 5

Key Features

  • System Requirement : Visual Composer
  • Clean Design
  • Responsive Layout
  • WPML Plugin Support
  • Grid Option
    • Grid Type : You can select Grid kind. Standard(Fix row)/Advanced Grid (Mixitup)/Masonry
    • Count of Columns : There are three fields for column. You can select rely of column for Descktop(PC), Tablet and cellular Size(mode).
    • Grid Skin Type :
      • Skin one : In this pores and skin you may have many fields and choice for customization grid merchandise fashion.
        • Teaser Layout : Make Visual Layout for Items with drag & drop and generate many mixtures
        • Border Options : You can decide border dimension,kind and border coloration for Top,Right,Bottom and Left.
        • Read More Type : Choose “Read more” kind.We present two sorts. 1- Button mode 2- Link mode
      • Skin Two : In this pores and skin you may have multi preset fashion and impact for Grid`s objects
        • Grid Effect : We present Four effetcs for Grid`s Items. Test and revel in!
  • List Option
    • List Type : We present two sorts of checklist.List with medium picture or giant picture.
  • Advance Filtering Options : You can select any custom taxonomies for use in filters.
  • Build Query : You can select knowledge supply(publish,custom publish,web page,…),variety of objects and order by, then you may filter them by class,tags and …
    • Choose knowledge supply : Select publish sorts to populate posts from. Note: If no publish kind is chosen, WordPress will use default “Post” worth.
    • Post Count : How many teasers to indicate? Enter quantity or phrase “All”.
    • Order By : Select the best way to kind retrieved posts. More at WordPress codex page
    • Categories : Filter output by posts classes, enter class names right here.
    • Tags : Filter output by posts tags, enter tag names right here.
    • Taxonomies : Filter output by custom taxonomies classes, enter class names right here.
    • Individual Posts/Pages/Custom Post Types : Only entered posts/pages shall be included within the output. Note: Works in conjunction with chosen “Post types”.
    • Author : Filter by writer title.
  • Hide/Show excerpt in objects
  • Image impact
  • Icon impact
  • 2 sorts of diplay objects : Choose web page navigation kind:
    • No pagination
    • Display “Show More” button
    • Infinite scroll
    • Page quantity
  • Full management in Gril/List
    • Filter By If “YES” Filter management shall be show.
    • Order By If “YES” Order management shall be show.
    • Ajax Switch Icon You can switching between grid and checklist with out refreshing web page.
  • Other choices
    • Display newest publish
    • Display oldest publish
    • Display solely class`s posts
    • Display writer`s posts
    • And ….

Version 4.0 Release Date -05-09-2019

  • Fixed : Compatible with New model of VC
  • Fixed : Fixed some minor points
  • Fixed : Fetch Products

Version 3.9 Release Date 01.03.2019

  • Update : Order phrases of filters

Version 3.8 Release Date 07.26.2017

  • Upgrade : Compatible with Visual Composer 5.2.x

Version 3.7 Release Date 11.05.2015

  • Upgrade : Compatible with Visual Composer 4.8.x

Version 3.6 Release Date 10.22.2015

  • Fixed : Compatible with New Visual Composer

Version 3.5 Release Date 07.30.2015

  • Added : Show/Hide Meta tags (Tags/Categories/Taxonomies) for checklist mode.
  • Added : Show/Hide Comment No. for checklist mode.
  • Upgrade : Display excerpt/fucll content material
  • Upgrade : WPML Compatible
  • Fixed : Image/Overlay hyperlink to single web page
  • Fixed : Some filters Not seem all phrases

Version 3.4 Release Date 02.25.2015

  • Fixed : Filter Item
  • Fixed : “Read More” Translate
  • Fixed : Show/Hide Icon & Overlay

Version 3.3 Release Date 02.19.2015

  • Added : Show/Hide Overlay
  • Added : Thumbnail Link

Version 3.2 Release Date 1.02.2015

  • Added : “Read More” translate
  • Fixed : Issue with new model of VC plugin

Version 3.1 Release Date 20.01.2015

  • Fixed : Font Option Issue
  • Fixed : Zoom icon and Enlarge picture difficulty

Version 3.0 Release Date 16.01.2015

  • Added : 500+ google font for title
  • Added : 500+ google font for metas
  • Added : 500+ google font for excerpt
  • Added : font dimension to title,metas and excerpt
  • Added : Hover icon kind (squar,spherical and none)
  • Added : Show/Hide Zoom Icon And Link Icon
  • Added : Hover Background Color For Grid Skin One And List
  • Added : Show/Hide Post Date
  • Upgrade : 16 New And Awesome impact For Grid Skin Two

Version 2.0 Release Date 19.12.2014

  • Added : Recent Posts Option
  • Upgrade : Build Query
  • Fixed : Show Author in Top of Page

Version 1.6 Release Date 02.12.2014

  • Added : Exclude Category in Filter
  • Added : Show/Hide Author
  • Added : Show/Hide Meta tags (Tags/Categories/Taxonomies)
  • Added : Show/Hide Comment No.

Version 1.5 Release Date 13.09.2014

  • Added : No impact for picture and icon
  • Fixed : Filter & Order Conflict

Version 1.4 Release Date 11.09.2014

  • Added : No impact for picture and icon
  • Fixed : Filter & Order Conflict

Version 1.3 Release Date 03.09.2014

  • Fixed : Pagination in checklist

Version 1.2 Release Date 30.08.2014

  • Fixed : Custom Filter
  • Fixed : Hide Blank Filter Item in Custom Filter

Version 1.1 Release Date 28.08.2014

  • Update: WPML Support & Language File


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