Advanced Social Buttons

Advanced Social Buttons


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What is AVSB ?

Advanced Social Buttons is small however highly effective net element, which might help you to create superior social buttons panel, that you may embrace in straightforward method in your web site.

Complete Social Icons List

medium, mumble, raidcall, younow, ventrilo, teamviewer, teamspeak, wykop, stackexchange, filmweb, endomodo, draugiem, quora, zomato, viber, amplement, openid, telegram, deezer, itunes, bandcamp, sharethis, yandex, google, residentadvisor, stayfriends, imdb, ebay, angellist, baidu, weibo, ravelry, smugmug, icq, amazon, 8tracks, twitch, tumblr, mwordpress, instagram, 500px, flickr, vine, dailymotion, vimeo, youtube, lastfm, grooveshark, spotify, soundcloud, myspace, xing, viadeo, linkedin, feedburner, yelp, skype, yahoo, foursquare, pinterest, googleplus, fb, twitter, snapchat, android, ps, meetup, douban, qq, home windows, xbox, steam, zynga, bebo, identica, newsvine, friendfeed, renren, github, flattr, apple, wikipedia, zerply, play, forrst, deviantart, scrumptious, behance, envato, digg, stumbleupon, dribbble, reddit, technorati, blogger, mail, pocket, storehouse, patreon, whatsapp, vkontakte, disqus, buffer, slideshare, lanyrd, tripit, goodreads, appnet, tripadvisor, coderwall, outlook, periscope, airbnb, odnoklassniki, paypal, rss, houzz, triplej, persona, stackoverflow, ello, yammer, istock, swarm, drupal, mixcloud, modelmayhem


  • 127 Social Icons
  • 5 measurement variations
  • eight shade variations
  • Vertical & Horizontal Direction
  • Nice Css Effects on regular and hover state : Nice Css Effects on Hover : Grove , Shrink, Background change, Transparency change, Inclination change, Font shade change Different Shapers
  • Use CSS3
  • Free code generator


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