Advanced WooCommerce Quantity Control

Advanced WooCommerce Quantity Control


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Full Control Over Quantity

This plugin lets you take full management over the amount enter area in your product and cart web page with the aptitude to regulate your minimal amount, most amount and the interval between every step on the enter.

With 2 ranges of settings:

  1. Global – you may set the minimal, most and interval between every step for each product.
  2. Product – you may set the minimal, most and interval between every step by single product. If this degree is enabled, the worldwide degree settings shall be ignored.

Set The Minimum Quantity

You’re in a position to set the minimal amount {that a} buyer can order. Let’s say that you really want the client to order a minimal of Four for a selected product, you’d set the minimal amount area at both international or product degree to place this into place.

Set The Maximum Quantity

With this characteristic, you may set the utmost amount that the client can order for that product, or all product – relying in your settings degree. For instance, if you need the client to have the ability to order solely 10, you’ll set the sector to 10.

Set The Interval Between Each Step

You’re in a position so as to add the worth of the incrementation of every step. For instance, if you need the person to order in 4’s you’ll set the sector to 4, in end result, the client would go up Four every time, or go down Four every time till it reaches the minimal or most amount allowed.

Add Plus & Minus Buttons (-/+)

With this characteristic, you may add intuitive buttons to permit simpler usability in your amount area. You can allow and disable the -/+ buttons at any time. When disabled, the button styling will even be eliminated so it doesn’t intervene with some other of your CSS recordsdata.

Set Minimum Order Value

A bonus characteristic, but additionally an asset in the event you’re a wholesaler. With this characteristic, you’re in a position to management the minimal order worth. For instance, in the event you set the worth to be $200 and the cart complete is $180, it’ll inform the person they should spend one other $20 earlier than testing.

Change Log

  • Tested with WooCommerce 3.6.x
  • Tested with 5.x


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