Agency CMS – Agency, Business, Consultancy Website CMS

Agency CMS –  Agency, Business, Consultancy Website CMS


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Agency CMS is a responsive Agency, Business, Consultancy Website Content Management System (CMS). It has a 10 engaging entrance finish template. Almost all types of modifications are doable to do utilizing the admin panel with out having any variety or programming language data.

Agency CMS Feature

Key Features

  • It comes with 10 efficient template.
  • Easy set up with steps.
  • Powerful Admin Panel.
  • Multi-language(add new languages and handle your translations).
  • Multiple Themes out there for entrance aspect view with clear, easy, light-weight, responsive and person-pleasant designs.
  • Enabel/Disable menu and sections.
  • Set your default language, brand, website title, electronic mail and lots of extra from website setting.
  • Admin can simply replace the search engine optimisation particulars of website like as title, writer, key phrase, description or and many others from Admin panel > search engine optimisation
  • Customer can simply get in contact for citation element utilizing request a quote.
  • Clean, Modern and highly effective Design.
  • Helpful documentation.

Front Side:

Admin Panel


Email: [email protected]

Password: Admin@123

What makes Agency CMS Outstanding?

1. Agency CMS HTML Templates are absolutely responsive with any units like smartphone, tablets, iPad, laptop computer, desktop.

2. Agency CMS HTML Templates are suitable with all main browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, safari and many others..

3. No Expert Needed. You can handle every little thing from admin panel.

4. Agency CMS is constructed with search engine marketing in thoughts to make sure higher rankings throughout all engines like google.

5. Customer/End person can in a position to contact and ship citation request.


  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Materialize
  • Font-awesome

Agency CMS Ratings


Please do electronic mail at [email protected] to your help requirement


November 22, 2018 (Version 1.0.0)

* Initial launch


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