Ajax Contact Form with attachments 2.0

Ajax Contact Form with attachments 2.0


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Ajax Contact Form with Attachments and no spam management (drag and drop, reCaptcha, ayah)

The w2 Ajax Contact Form is a whole resolution to create ajax contact type. Designed to be a versatile plugin, this merchandise supply classics and originals options. You can simply create your individual varieties HTML templates and your individual themes CSS.

minimal necessities:

  • PHP model 5.x (PHP5 or larger).

No Spam Control (Drag and Drop)

The drag’n’drop No Spam Control is an person pleasant different to the traditionnal Captcha.
It will not be a easy drag’n’drop function to show the ship Button. It is a whole resolution for anti spam.

The No Spam Control controls the time between every submission (configurable max/min) and generate some hiddens fields with an encryption key (configurable) when the dragger is dropped. The hidden fields are generated with alphanumeric random and Time (encrypted by way of encryption key) to make sure that the No Spam Control fields can be found just for a restricted interval (configurable).

This is a very protected and person pleasant safety. Then it’s simple to customize it with CSS.

There is Four kind for No Spam Control:

  • fundamental (merely drag’n’drop)
  • colours (drag’n’drop the correct colour)
  • numbers (drag’n’drop the correct quantity)
  • shapes (drag’n’drop the correct form)

The plugin means that you can use different capctha resolution like Google ReCaptcha or AYAH (are you a human).

PHP and JavaScript Librarys

  • This plugin makes use of some PHP Zend Components (Zend Mail, Zend Mime) for mailling options.

    The Zend Mail part is likely one of the most powerfull and professionnal mailling library. It means that you can ship clear mail (encodage and attachments) for all mailbox kind (desktop or cell).
  • It makes use of classics jQuery plugins like jQuery Ui, jQuery Form, jQuery Validation. All themes (jQuery UI) and translation recordsdata for plugins are indluded within the package deal.

WordPress version available
Videos tutorials


  • Optimized for iDevices (responsive).
  • Multiple or single attachments recordsdata (you’ll be able to simply disable this function).
  • Multiple or single recipient (concurrently or not).
  • Easy to configure (html, css, javascript, php).
  • Easy so as to add (or take away) your individual fields.
  • Auto-responder function (configurable).
  • Javascript and php validation.
  • Email message accepts HTML content material (configurable).
  • You can use a number of occasion of type in the identical web page.
  • PHP Script primarily based on the open supply Zend Framework Components Mail, Mime and Translate.
  • Drag and Drop function (no spam management) have Four differents fashions (view dwell preview).
  • Drag and Drop function (no spam management) is prepared for contact display screen.
  • ReCaptcha integration.
  • ayah (Are You A Human) integration.
  • Full documentation (examples effectively documented).
  • JQuery plugin totally configurable:
    //Initialisation of the shape
      noSpamControl: true,  //Specifie if No Spam Control is activate (true / false)
      noSpamControlType: 1,  //Spcifie the Type of No Spam Control (1 / 2)
      resetForm: true, //Spcifie if reset type after submit (true / false)
      reCaptchaPublicKey: null, //Specifie your reCaptcha PublicKey
      reCaptchaId: 'recaptcha', //Specifie an unqiue ID for HTML ingredient the place reCaptcha might be built-in (simply specifie the ID don't create the ingredient within the type)
      reCaptchaTheme: 'clear', //Specifie the reCaptcha theme you wish to use
      reCaptchaLang: 'en', //Specifie the reCaptcha Lang you wish to use
      reloadCaptcha: true, //Specifie if captcha is reloaded after submit (true / false)
      ayah: false, //Specifie if AYAH is activate (true / false)
      attachmentFile: true,  //Specifie if attachment file is activate (true / false)
      maxAttachments: 5, //Specifie the utmost variety of attachments recordsdata
      showBtnSend: false, //Specifie if the btn ship is seen when loading type when No Spam Control is activate (true / false)
      customizedFileEnter: true, //Specifie if file enter is customized pores and skin (true / false)
      submitAlertType: 'slide', //Specifie the kind of alert displaying for submit (dialog / slide)
      maxAttAlertType: 'slide', //Specifie the kind of alert displaying for max attachments (dialog / slide)
      urlLoaderImg: 'css/w2_contact_form/photographs/ajax-loader.gif', //Specifie the url of the loader picture
      nospamInfoHover: true //Specifie if nospam infos is displaying on mouseover (true / false)
  • PHP Class totally configurable:
      //creation of a brand new occasion of Class Contact
      $contact = new W2ContactForm();
      //if you should redefine some parameters (instance: you probably have a number of contact type in your website)
      //Specifies the emails sender. If you do not specifie electronic mail sender the e-mail used to ship the mail would be the person mail (who submit the shape)
      $contact->setMailSender('[email protected]');
      ///Specifies the emails recipients. You can specifies a number of emails for a number of recipient. If just one electronic mail is specifie the default electronic mail would be the first (index 1)
      $contact->setMailRecipient(array('1' => '[email protected]', '2' => '[email protected]'));
      //Specifies if you wish to use auto responder function  
      //Specifies if you wish to use an electronic mail totally different that electronic mail sender to the auto responder
      $contact->setMailResponder('[email protected]');
      //Specifies the title of your website
      $contact->setSiteName(array('title of website'));
      //Specifies the required fields for the shape validation.
      $contact->setRequiredFields(array('recipient', 'mail', 'topic', 'message'));
      //Specifies the fields for including them within the mail physique message - in case you do not specifie area all of the fields might be routinely added to the mail physique message
      $contact->setBodyMessageFields('<p>E-mail: [mail]</p><p>Version: [version]</p><p>Phone: [phone]</p><p>Date of Birth: [datebirth]</p><p>Country: [country]</p><p>Web website: [website]</p><p>Message: [message]</p>');
      //Specifies the topic of the e-mail in case you do not use topic area in your type
      $contact->setMailTopic = 'topic of the message';
      //Specifies the fields want HTML encodage (instance: textarea)
      //Specifies if HTML tags is accepted within the electronic mail message (for the textarea type ingredient)
      //Specifies if the HTML type is encoded in utf_8
      //Specifies the folder for uploads attachments recordsdata in your server
      //Specifies the max file measurement for the attachments recordsdata (in octet)
      //Specifies the utmost quantity for attachments recordsdata
      //Specifies the accepted extensions (.jpg, .png, .pdf ...) for the attachments recordsdata
      $contact->setExtFileOkay(array('pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'));
      //Specifies if you wish to delete recordsdata uploaded after electronic mail sending
      //Specifies the minimal and the utmost time between submission of the shape (in seconds)
      $contact->setAntiSpamTimeControl(array('min' => '5', 'max' => '3600'));
      //Specifies if you would like the script configure the CHMOD for "uploads" folder
      //Specifies if you wish to use no spam management (drag and drop)
      //Specifies if you wish to use recaptcha for validation type
      //Specifies if you wish to use AYAH for validation type
      //internationnalization with easy .tmx file (laguages/w2_cf_notifications.tmx)
      //Sending electronic mail     
  • Easy to internationalize (simply use the translated recordsdata or create your individual):
    for PHP.

Technical Support

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  • model 2.0.7:

    • Added HTML5 a number of File area help.
    • Fixed PHP7 error.
  • model 2.0.6:

    • Added timestamp, person IP and URL referer on the footer of the mail message.
    • Added new Google recaptcha.
    • Added xlsx entension for attachment file.
    • fastened connected file notification undefined.
  • model 2.0.5:

    • Fixed improper auto responder sender title in mailbox.
  • model 2.0.4:

    • Added HTML5 data-attached-notification attribute to show textual content notification for attachment file button.
  • model 2.0.3:

    • Added function so as to add “entry incomplete” notification for javascript validation.
    • Updated CSS themes.
    • Added function so as to add area values in mail topic.
  • model 2.0.2:

    • Fixed bug for lang choice.
    • Updated CSS themes.
  • model 2.0.1:

    • Added function so as to add cc or bcc recipient by utilizing this synthax “bcc:[email protected]”.
    • Updated CSS grid format to heart the grid components.
  • model 2.0:

    • Added Ui tootlip help.
    • Added type multi web page help
    • Added CSS grid format to create advanced type template responsive.
    • Added HTML5 data-rule validation.
    • Added new jQuery plugin paramater for fulfillment submit ( disguiseFormAfterSubmit, redirectTo, delayRedirect ).
    • Removed inline HTML template ( use grid format as a substitute )
  • model 1.2.1:

    • Added lacking Zend Validate library recordsdata for sending mail by way of smtp.
  • model 1.2.0:

    • Updated the interpretation course of to exchange .tmx file by .php recordsdata.The purpose is to minify the package deal by eradicating the Zend translate part.
    • Added new strategies to specify the auto-responder message and topic or all PHP notification messages with out modifying the interpretation recordsdata.
    • Added new responsive CSS guidelines for nospam message field
  • model 1.1.18:

    • Updated CSS recordsdata to heart fields components.
  • model 1.1.17:

    • Added a brand new methodology to ship electronic mail to all recipients routinely (with out utilizing hidden fields).
  • model 1.1.16:

    • Added translation recordsdata for datepicker widget
  • model 1.1.15:

    • Added CSS transition for IE 10
  • model 1.1.14:

    • Fix bug for placeholder on IE9.
  • model 1.1.13:

    • New methodology to solely add recordsdata (not ship them as attachment).
  • model 1.1.12:

    • New function so as to add attachment recordsdata to the auto-responder message.
  • model 1.1.11:

    • Add loader for nospam management to show button “send” solely when nospam hidden fields are fully loaded (usefull for sluggish server connexion).
  • model 1.1.10:

    • Fix CSS bug for customized file enter in IE10.
  • model 1.1.9:

    • Adding new laguage (Portuguese).
  • model 1.1.8:

    • Possibility so as to add fields worth within the auto-responder message (simply use shortcode [field_name] within the content material of the mail responder message).
    • New HTML type template with HTML5 attribute placeholder.
  • model 1.1.7:

    • upgraded the PHP AYAH library to repair error
  • model 1.1.6:

    • Progress bar for attachment file add
    • Fix error for jquery 1.9 ($.browser).
    • Adding the HTML attributes enctype=”multipart/form-data” for type ingredient in examples.
  • model 1.1.5:

    • CSS transition now out there for browser Chrome, Safari and Opera.
  • model 1.1.4:
    • Automatic reloading of AYAH after type submission.
    • Fix CSS bug for button ship colour with CSS theme hot-sneaks.
  • model 1.1.3:
    • Fix PHP 5.Four error for $_FILES.
    • Fix CSS bug for UI button set on Chrome.
    • Jquery UI 1.9.2 included in obtain package deal (if you should use it).
    • Body mail message show fractureline (for Textarea fields worth).
  • model 1.1.2:
    • Fix bug for checkbox fields width in Chrome.
    • You can add your individual customized file area in your type.
  • model 1.1.1:
    • You can ship your electronic mail by way of SMTP with authentification (instance: gmail).
    • New methodology to create your individual HTML template for the mail physique message.
    • New javascript callback for submit success occasion. You can create your individual javascript operate for submit success occasion.
  • model 1.1.0:
    • You can ship your electronic mail by way of SMTP.
    • Fix encodage bug for utf_8 content material within the mail message to simply accept all kind of character.
    • new CSS type (resizable) optimized for iDevices.
    • repair error message for lacking language translation.
    • javascript callback operate (beforeSubmit) to create your individual particular guidelines of validation.
    • code supply type editor (included in obtain package deal).
    • simple insatallation package deal (all recordsdata in a single folder).
    • new CSS UI themes (for UI widget datepicker, buttonset …).
    • auto-responder function.
    • simple translation methodology for PHP notifications messages (by way of .tmx file).
    • ayah (Are You A Human) integration.


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