AJAX GuestBook



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  • XML based database. No MYSQL or any other kind of database required.
  • HTML code allowed in comments for styling comments.
  • Badword filter and spam protection with Akismet.
  • Avatar from Gravatar based on email.
  • Smileys and captcha protection.
  • Admin module to manage comments and guestbook settings.
  • AJAX GuestBook has fallback to PHP if JavaScript not enabled on browser.
  • Email notification to admin when new entry from guest is added.
  • Mobile ready
  • Much more in the package and more to be updated.


PHP 7.1.29 and above with GD and Multibyte String extension.
Apache webserver.

Hot New Features NEW

  • Bootstrap version 3 is now replaced with version 4. (Used as default theme for admin section)
  • Added support for multiple themes. (Quasar framework based theme is included. Requires JavaScript.)
  • Added support for multilanguage. (Languages are not supplied but one can create easily reading the help file.)
  • New Admin Dashboard


Guest Link – http://www.aiglemedia.com/php/ajaxgb/
Admin Link – http://www.aiglemedia.com/php/ajaxgb/admin/

Login details for administrator
userid : admin
password : admin

It is strongly recommended to update the guestbook to this latest version by all the clients who have already purchased it.
Important note for those updating. Please check upgrading section in the help file provided.

Change Log.

Update to - v6.0 [02nd October 2019]
Added support for multiple themes.
Added support for multilanguage.
Bootstrap version 3 is replaced with version 4. (Used as default theme for admin section)
Update to - v5.2 [11th July 2019]
Added spam protection to the guestbook.
Update to - v5.1 [11th July 2018]
Some minor bug fixes and improvements have been made to the application.
Update to - v5.0 [20th Aug 2017]
1) Now uses the popular CKEditor as WYSIWYG text editor for HTML codes.
2) Uses HTMLPurifier to filter HTML comments that guards against XSS.
3) Guestbook entry time can now be displayed in custom language and timezone.
4) Admin can now add custom smileys.

Credits to 3rd party libraries.

PHP Libraries
Twig                 - https://twig.symfony.com/
HTML Purifier        - http://htmlpurifier.org/
PHPMailer            - https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/
Respect/Validation   - https://github.com/Respect/Validation/
Carbon                 - https://carbon.nesbot.com/
Mobile Detect        - http://mobiledetect.net/

JavaScript Libraries
CKEditor             - http://ckeditor.com/
JQuery               - https://jquery.com/

CSS Libraries
Twitter Bootstrap    - http://getbootstrap.com/
Font Awsome          - http://fontawesome.io/

And many more used in project.


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