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Product Description
Angular 2 Shopping Cart is a Single Page Shopping Cart Web Application with many useful features of an eCommerce website. It is lightweight, flexible, adaptive, secure and easy to install. Just Install it and start selling your products and receive payments through PayPal.
Angular 2 Shopping Cart has an easy administration page is built with Express Framework in Nodejs that gives you full control over category, brands, products, orders, roles, accounts and settings.
With our responsive, you will have your site displayed correctly across a wide range of end-user devices and screen resolutions for easy ordering and checking out process.
Front-end Features
- Bootstrap Themes
- Responsive Design
- Single page web app (SPA) created using Angular 2
- Featured Products
- Latest Products
- Mosted View
- Best Seller
- Categories
- Brand
- Product Search
- Cart
- Checkout with Paypal
- My Account
- My Orders
Back-end Features
- Use Express Framework built Admin Control Panel
- Use Express Framework publish Restful Web Serivces to Front-End
- Categories Management
- Brands Management
- Products Management
- Orders Management
- Roles Management
- Accounts Management
- Admin Profile
- Securely built and prevent security attacks
Live Demo
- A server with Node.js installed
- MongoDB server
Install Application
Install Database
Create new database on your hosting and import files in Database folder to new database. Create database user and assign dbo rights to the user.
Install Back-End
- Unzip Main.zip file and upload to your hosting.
- Open Back-Enddatabase.js file and change value to mongodb as below:
- var db = monk(‘url to access mongodb’);
- Run website and login with default account:
- User Panel (Customer access)
URL: http://www.yourdomain.com/
Username: customer1
Password: 456 - Admin Panel (Admin access)
URL: http://www.yourdomain.com/admin/login
Username: admin
Password: 123
Remember that you can change default admin URL in order to secure admin UI entry point.
- User Panel (Customer access)
Install Front-End
- Open Front-Endappservicesrest.service.ts file
and change values to connect back-end as below:- BASE_URL: url connect to back-end
- keyValue: key is created from back-end
Product Support
If you have problems, questions, ideal, etc…Contact me via email octopuscodes@gmail.com Please contact us with any questions you may have via the contact form
on my author profile page.
Product Updates
- Free Updates
- 100% Support
- V1.0 Released – June 02, 2017
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