Angulr – Bootstrap Admin Web App with AngularJS

Angulr – Bootstrap Admin Web App with AngularJS


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Admin web application template with Bootstrap 3 and AngularJS.

Using grunt and bower with bootstrap and angular, features nested views & routing and lazy load for large project.


  • Magic AngularJS
  • Powerful AngularUI
  • Popular Bootstrap 3
  • Nested routing
  • Nested views
  • Less CSS
  • Many jQuery plugins included
  • 70% of jQuery plugins can work
    without creating the directive
  • Lazy loading
  • Grunt tinquire ofs
  • Bower dependency management
  • International Translate
  • Save user settings
  • Note app
  • Contacts app
  • Multiple Layout options
  • Separated Html blocks

Change Log

v.2.2.1 – 20 September 16

  • Update angularjs to 1.5.8
  • Update angular-ui-select to 0.19.4
  • Fix css issue on Chrome53
  • Fix vbox on small screen

v.2.2.0 – 4 January 16

  • Add RTL support view
  • Remove angular material on main layout.

v.2.1.0 – 1 November 15

  • Update AngularJS to 1.4.7
  • Update Footable to 3.0
  • Add Grunt Usemin
  • Add Grunt Watch
  • Fixed search page on html version
  • Fixed scroll on iPhone

v.2.0.3 – 27 July 15

  • Add Swig files for generate the html
  • Update AngularJS to 1.4.3
  • Update Angular Material to 0.10.0
  • Fixed mobile menu on material version

v.2.0.2 – 19 May 15

  • Added Google Material Design theme, view

v.2.0.1 – 8 February 15

  • Added ui-scroll
  • Added smart table
  • Added date-range-picker
  • Added tag adder
  • Added to-do
  • Update AngularJS to 1.3.11
  • Use bower_components, Stop coping modules
  • Fixed Nav padding on Firefox
  • Fixed Html version aside right
  • Fixed Fullcalendar overlay position

v.2.0.0 – 30 December 14

  • Added app landing page view
  • Added html version view
  • Added ui.utils(removed ui.validate)
  • Added minquire of input
  • Added multiple level nav
  • Added ui-grid
  • Added editable form
  • Added editable table
  • Some fixes

v.1.3.3 – 19 November 14

  • Added Music app view
  • Update angularJS to 1.3.2
  • Update angular-bootstrap to 0.12.0
  • Update angular-ui-router to 0.2.12
  • Update bootstrap to 3.3.0
  • Update angular-ui-calendar to latest
  • Update oclazyload to 0.5.0
  • Fix fullcalendar

v.1.3.2 – 27 October 14

  • Added ui-select
  • Added textAngular
  • Added slider
  • Code review

v.1.3.1 – 28 September 14

  • Added mega menu
  • Added tree view
  • Added file upload
  • Added image crop
  • Added weather app (Yahoo weather API with animated skycons)
  • Added tabs in vbox
  • Added double click to create event on Fullcalendar
  • Added background image on boxed layout.
  • Added angularjs-stripped.html sample page.
  • Changed lang file .json to .js
  • Fix fullscreen icon status when use escape to exit fullscreen mode
  • Fix fullscreen on ie11(disabled)

v.1.3.0 – 17 September 14

Many Thanks to lordzardeck for sharing his Grunt/Bower files!
  • Included Grunt build steps and Bower dependency management.
  • Can compile application less files with grunt
  • Added grunt for versioning and changelogs.
  • Added dashboard v2 page
  • Added Note app (CRUD functions)
  • Added Contacts app (Group/Items CRUD functions)
  • Update Fullcalendar to 2.1.1
  • Update FontAwesome to 4.2
  • Fix Sparkline on retina display

v.1.2.0 – 7 September 14

  • Add dock aside option (horizontal menu)
  • Add boxed layout option
  • Add ng-grid
  • Add toaster
  • Fix sub menu when using ”.bg-white”
  • Fix dataTables width issue

v.1.1.3 – 2 September 14

  • Add PSD file
  • Add application layout
  • Add full width layout
  • Add mobile layout
  • Add off screen nav “pull-right” option
  • Improvement on ”.item” css

v.1.1.2 – 25 August 14

  • Add off-screen nav on mobile
  • Add sample on signin/signup
  • Add .app-aside-right aside
  • Add pricing table
  • Use ui-sref-active to get the link active
  • Fix ui-bootstrap carousel conflict with ng-animate
  • Fix refresh page when choose language

v.1.1.1 – 19 August 14

  • Add ui-module directive to load dependence for child directive.
  • Add Angular Select2
  • Add Angular Google Map
  • Fix fixed-aside nav padding on OS X trackpad users in WebKit/Blink
  • Fix header show first when modal closing.
  • Fix flot resize error

v.1.1.0 – 15 August 14

  • Detect smart device and change .no-touch to .smart class
  • Fix butterbar when page scrolled
  • Fix less file compiling error

v.1.0.3 – 11 August 14

  • Save settings to local storage
  • Add scroll to top at the bottom
  • Fix scroll to top when modal opened

v.1.0.2 – 9 August 14

  • Add angular-translate for international
  • Add footable jQuery plugin
  • Fix menu on small device.
  • Fix line-height on ”.btn-icon” class

v.1.0.1 – 5 August 14

  • Add Fullscreen directive for fullscreen application
  • Add Butterbar directive for loading indicator
  • Add list group .auto class
  • Fix scroll bounce when page transition


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