ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script


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ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 1
ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 2

User Profile Features

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 3 Unique Username: Each person has distinctive username

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 4 Unique Profile: hyperlink: Unique profile hyperlink with there username

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 5 Image Gallery: Gallery of all the photographs shared by a person

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 6 Favorites: Gallery of all of the favorited photographs

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 7 Most used tags: Profile web page show most used tags

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 8 Followers: List of all of the followers

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 9 Following: List all the next

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 10 Counter: Counter for variety of photographs shared – variety of feedback – variety of followers

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 11 Social Link: Users can share there fb – tw – weblog hyperlinks

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 12 RSS: Unique rss hyperlink for every person

Limits Settings Features

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 13 Limit variety of photographs person can add per day

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 14 Limit most picture dimension a person can add

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 15 Limit most variety of tags picture can have

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 16 Limit variety of picture in gallery to regulate pagination

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 17 Admin can set web site as auto approve or approval required

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 18 Allow obtain unique picture or not or go away upto to person

Registration Features

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 19 User can register by there e mail tackle

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 20 Support for Facebook and Google join for fast login

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 21 Email affirmation is required to guard from spams

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 22 Support twin fb && google + username login

Admin Panel Features

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 23 List of all of the customers at one place

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 24 Track inactive customers with no exercise over a month

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 25 List of all photographs

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 26 List of all feedback

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 27 Admin can edit any customers profile

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 28 Admin can customers

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 29 Admin can edit picture description and title

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 30 Admin can delete any picture

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 31 Admin could make person and pictures as featured

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 32 List of all featured photographs at one place

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 33 List of all featured customers at one place

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 34 Managing studies

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 35 Edit FAQ – Privacy – About us pages

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 36 Admin can add as many as class he/she desires

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 37 Clear cache at any time to refresh the location

Upload Features

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 38 Multiple – Drag and Drop – Clipboard add

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 39 Mass add to populate your web site

Security Features

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 40 Email Confirmation to guard from spams

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 41 Unique obtain hyperlink of photographs every time web page refresh

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 42 CSRF Protection: Protection from CSRF

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 43 XSS: Protection from cross web site scripting

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 44 SQL Injection: 100 % SQL Injection secure utilizing late binding

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 45 Secure Bcrypt password hashing

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.5.9 or Greater
  • GD or Imagick
  • Curl
  • Fileinfo Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension

Check your server comparability utilizing :- Server test script

Demo ( Visit )

  • Live demo web site ArtVenue Demo ( some options are disabled )
  • Demo Login 1 : username = take a look at : password = testuser
  • Demo Login 2 : username = test2 : password = testuser
  • Visit Admin Panel after Login

SMTP Support for

ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 46

Some Sites Using ArtVenue

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ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 48
ArtVenue : Image Sharing Community Script - 49

Post your web site URL in remark if you wish to get listed ( Make certain you’ve gotten giant variety of photographs in your web site )


Version Nov 11, 2017

  • Library updates
  • Minor tweaks
  • Make certain to delete and exchange `vendor` folder

Version Jul 11,2017

  • Library updates
  • Minor efficiency tweak.
  • Few identified points with e mail token are mounted
  • Make certain to delete and exchange `vendor` folder

Version 5.0.9 Oct 17, 2016

  • List of is aware of points are mounted.
  • Very Minor admin panel tweaks.

Version 5.0.8 Oct 03, 2016

  • Minor identified points are mounted
  • Some enhancements.
  • Google maps at the moment are utilizing API key

Version 5.0.7 July 19, 2016

  • Admin Panel updates
  • Some reported and know points are mounted
  • Code optimizations
  • Library updates
  • Better delete features

Version 5.0.6 April 18, 2016

  • SQL question are optimized
  • Admin panel enhancements
  • Minor template enhancements
  • Library updates
  • Know and reported points are mounted

Version 5.0.5 April 07, 2016

  • Minor database replace
  • Minor identified points are mounted
  • Added NSFW possibility in admin panel
  • Library updates

Version 5.0.4 March 18, 2016

  • Library replace
  • Image Lens exif correction
  • Minor know points are mounted

Version 5.0.2 Nov 02,2015

  • All minor identified points are mounted.
  • CSS library replace

Version 5.0.1 Sep 17,2015

  • All minor reported points are mounted.
  • Just exchange app, sources and public/static folder.

Version 5.0 Sep 14,2015

This is actually actually large replace. Tons and tons of providers added.

CDN Support For

  • Amazon S3 and cloudfront
  • Dropbox Pro


  • Facebook ( Improved )
  • Google ( Improved )
  • Twitter ( Added New )


  • Watermarking
  • Prograssive and sooner picture loading.
  • Better and sooner picture resizing
  • Improved assist for GD and Imagick
  • Standard picture web site all through the location.


  • Login throttle.
  • Cookies encryption ( Improved )
  • Better xss safety
  • Better validation checking at each step


  • Easy and single file configuration


  • Better caching assist.
  • Redis assist
  • Memcached assist


  • Improved design
  • New pop-up gallery loader with zoom
  • Image pop-up load on primary picture
  • Updated third occasion dependency.
  • Merged all CSS-JS to single file
  • Better responsive assist.
  • Bower and gulp assist

Coding Improvement

  • Optimized outdated algos.
  • Minor Bug fixes.
  • Minor translation replace
  • Change file construction.
  • Dropped assist of lifeless PHP 5.4

Admin Panel

  • All new admin panel.
  • Faster and simple to kind
  • Quick search characteristic
  • Clear particular person picture cache characteristic

Error pages

  • Added all new 404, 400, 500 error pages.


  • All new docs, with movies

Version 4.4 March 30, 2015

  • [ New ] Voting on feedback and Replies
  • Coding Improvement
  • Minor translation fixes
  • Added some lacking icon recordsdata
  • Reported Issues are mounted
  • Minor safety replace

Version 4.3 Dec 06, 2014

  • [ New ] Using newest Google’s “No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA” ( learn the docs for api key )
  • [ New ] Featured photographs now have banner
  • Minor reported points are mounted.

Version 4.2 Nov 18, 2014

  • [ NEW] Time primarily based filters [ Week – Month – Year ].
  • [ Added ] Left and proper keybaord <- -> navgiation assist to modify between photographs.
  • [ Improved ] Users listing is now organized by poular ( primarily based on algo ).
  • [ Improved ] Minor theme updates.
  • [ Improved ] JavaScript – CSS libaray updates.
  • [ Improved ] Known points are mounted.

Version 4.1 Sept 22, 2014

  • [ Improvement ] Minor reported points with model Four are mounted
  • [ Improvement ] web optimization enchancment

Version 4.0 Sept 2, 2014

  • [ Added ] Geo-tagging on images.
  • [ Added ] New full web page uploader
  • [ Added ] Custom exif addition
  • [ Added ] Category filters
  • [ Added ] Adult ( NSFW ) safety
  • [ Added ] Dual assist for avatar’s ( Gravatar + Image add )
  • [ Added ] Fancy alerts ( show on prime bar, for few seconds. )
  • [ Improvement ] Coding construction
  • [ Improvement ] Code Re-factoring
  • [ Improvement ] Coding construction
  • [ Improvement ] Tags and class grow to be optionally available
  • [ Improvement ] Minor points with template are mounted
  • [ Improvement ] Improved Facebook-Google login
  • [ Improvement ] Database construction
  • [ Improvement ] Default theme replace

Version 3.4.5 July 21, 2014

  • [ Added ] Queues are encrypted
  • [ Added ] New tremendous quick mandrill API mail driver
  • [ Improvement ] Facebook – Google login enchancment
  • [ Improvement ] Minor admin panel replace
  • [ Improvement ] Few reported points resolved

Version 3.4.4 Jun 3, 2014

  • [ Added ] RSS feeds now reveals photographs
  • [ Improvement ] Framework replace ( Twitter Boostrap )
  • [ Improvement ] Framework replace ( Laravel 4.2 )
  • [ Improvement ] Improvement in search outcome
  • [ Improvement ] Fixed subsequent/prev fast navigation button
  • [ Improvement ] Minor admin panel points mounted
  • [ Improvement ] Admin panel graph enchancment
  • [ Improvement ] Minor theme fixes
  • [ Improvement ] Reported points mounted

Version 3.4.2 May 5, 2014

  • [Added] Comments part in admin panel
  • [Added] Deleted Category characteristic
  • [Added] Drag and drop class re-order in admin panel
  • [Bug Fix] Some minor reported points are mounted.
  • [Bug Fix] User delete bug repair
  • [Framework] Framework updates
  • [Improvement] Category enchancment
  • [Improvement] Performance Improvement
  • [Improvement] Translation replace
  • [Optimization] Reduced variety of SQL executed
  • [Security] Minor safety replace

Version 3.4.1 April 16, 2014

  • [ Added ] Intelligent view counter
  • [ Added ] Popular part ( auto choose in style photographs primarily based on algo )
  • [ Added ] Most considered part
  • [ Added ] Total variety of views in customers profile web page

Version 3.4 April 9, 2014

  • [ Added ] Google Login
  • [ Added ] Blogs for web site
  • [ Added ] New admin panel
  • [ Improved ] Facebook login
  • [ Fixed ] Minor points

Version 3.3 February 10, 2014

  • Framework replace
  • Speed Improvement
  • Facebook SDK replace
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1

  • Initial Release


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