Atom Ui Kit – Android Kotlin Starter Mobile App Theme


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Devspush ionic 6 atom app

Devspush ionic 6 atom app

Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app

Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app
Devspush ionic 6 atom app


  • Starter Theme App
  • Android Studio
  • Firebase backend
  • Push notifications
  • Kotlin
  • Mobile App


ATOM Android is a high-quality, fully responsive app template that offers all the tools you need to create a user-friendly, clean experience. With 6 color combinations to choose from, it’s easy to make this template fit any app.

Why Choose ATOM Android?

Whether you’re building something for yourself or a client, you need to know you have the right tools. Here are the features you can find in this template:

  • Firebase backend

  • Any app you build with Deco will be powered by Firebase, a cloud-based platform owned by Google. This means that you can use the Firebase console to manage your app’s data, and you get some extra features too.

  • Push notifications

  • Push notifications are a fast, efficient way to communicate with app users. With the ATOM Android app template, push notifications are an additional perk of the Firebase platform.

  • Versatile UI

  • ATOM Android is a template made for responsive, quick applications. It’s RTL compatible and offers form validation. This makes it ideal for multi-language applications, and great for creating secure, safe apps.

  • MVP architecture

  • The MVP (Model-View-Presenter) architecture makes an application easy to develop, but also simplifies the process of enhancing and updating it later on. One of the main advantages is the possibility of testing each unit separately, maximizing efficiency and focus.

  • Tools

  • Using the ATOM Android template is as easy as using Android Studio – and has the added extensions of RxKotlin. This lightweight library, combined with the Android Studio IDE, makes for a smooth development process from initiatening to end.


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