To get this product on 50 percent discount contact on Whatsapp +919720226833 or on my Freelancer profile or on Fiverr link
It is fully responsive, built with Bootstrap 4 Framework, HTML5, CSS3 and SCSS. It has a large UI collection. Developed with the latest jQuery plugins. You can easily use it in your projects with different dashboard options. You can interact with customers faster with web applications. It is very easy to use.
- Build on the latest version of Bootstrap (4.3.x)
- Multi purpose
- SASS supported
- Easy customization
- Useful plugins
- Authentication pages
- 4+ icons sets
- 80+ pages
- 3+ unique dashboard layout
- Vertical layout
- Horizontal layout
- Google fonts
- Fully responsive design
- Clean and intuitive design
- Well commented & quality Code
- W3C validated
- Orders
- Product List
- Product Grid
- Product Detail
User Pages
- Profile
- User list
- User edit
- Sign In
- Register
- Recovery password
- Lock screen
- Timeline
- Pricing
- Pricing 2
- Search result
Error Pages
- 404
- 503
- Mean at work
Email Templates
- Basic
- Alert
- Billing
- Form validation
- Form wizard
- Form repeater
- Datatables
- Form mquestion
- Select2
- Datepicker
- Timepicker
- Colorpicker
- File upload
- Toast
- Sweetalert
- Lightbox
- Nestable
- Range slider
- Calendar
- Tour
- Tags Input
- Slick slide
- Apex Chart
- Justgage
- Peity
Images are not included in the download.
To get this product on 50 percent discount contact on Whatsapp +919720226833 or on my Freelancer profile or on Fiverr link