Bold – Blog and Magazine Clean Ghost CMS Theme

Bold - Blog and Magazine Clean Ghost CMS Theme


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Bold Ghost Theme reviews

Bold Ghost Theme 5 Stars Review

Bold Ghost Theme Google Page Speed Record

Bold Ghost Theme Pingdom Record

Bold Ghost Theme Responsive

Bold Ghost Theme Translation Support German, Spanish, and French translation

Bold Ghost Theme Authors Page

Bold Ghost Theme Tags Page

Bold Ghost Theme Search Page

Bold Ghost Theme Load Posts With AJAX

Bold Ghost Theme Related Posts

Bold Ghost Theme Responsive Tables

Bold Ghost Theme Medium Style Image Zoom

Bold Ghost Theme Syntax Highlighting with Prism

Bold Ghost Theme Responsive Videos (YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, and TED)

Bold Ghost Theme Instagram User Feed Integration

Bold Ghost Theme Disqus Comments Integration

Bold Ghost Theme Social Media Sharing (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest)

Bold Ghost Theme Syntax Highlighting with Prism

Bold Ghost Theme Supports an Alternative Header Style

Bold Ghost Theme Subscription Feature

Bold Ghost Theme Detailed Documentation

Bold Ghost Theme Supports Both Ghost v1.+ & Pre v1.0.0

Bold Ghost Theme Validated With GScan

Bold Ghost Theme Developer Friendly (Gulp, ITCSS, Sass, NPM, Bower)

Contact Ahmad Ajmi For Support

What Makes the Bold Theme Unique ♔

Bold is created to provide a great experience with a responsive, minimal design, and a lovely layout to maximize the beauty of Ghost and take it the next level, and you will truly love it.

Among other Ghost themes, Bold comes with a new way to load posts with AJAX load more button, this makes life easier for you and your audience to instantly load your next posts without leaving the page.

I believe in clean code, accessible, and faster websites, this leads me to use the latest web technology like Sass, ITCSS, Gulp, and Bower to craft and build the theme from scratch, this leads to high performance, light, and a developer friendly code base.

Bold is very easy to install and I prepared a detailed documentation for all the things you will need with a video tutorial showing how to install the theme, upload blog cover image, favicon, create the tags page, and update the profile information for the editor

Clean Design

I love minimal & functional design as you do, so every element is designed with simplicity and details in mind, and well-tailored to match your own taste.

Fully Responsive

Bold is created from the ground up to work on different devices from mobile phones, tablets, and desktop with performance in mind.

With the search functionality, you will be able to search posts and pages instantly as you type.

Ajax Posts Loading

Instantly load more posts with a click of a button, you don’t have to click through pages, this will absolutely enhance site browsing and user satisfaction.


Have an Instagram account? Bold will easily help add your Instagram feed widget to the sidebar with the ability to set the shown images number.

Authors Page

Bold comes with a custom page for Authors. This is incredibly a huge asset for multi-author sites.

Bold comes with a custom page for Authors

Tags Pages

To make the theme more elegant and to take advantage of Ghost features, Bold comes with a custom and elegant tags page to list the blog tags in a totally different way.

Subscription Form

Bold supports the subscription feature built by Ghost and comes with two widgets, on the site footer and the post single page.

Custom Logo Support

The Bold theme supports the Ghost custom logo, and once you upload your logo from the Ghost admin, it will be shown instead.

Syntax Highlighting

Never worry about adding syntax highlighting for your source code, Bold shipped with Prism which is a lightweight, robust, and elegant syntax highlighter.

Bold comes with related posts by tags section, this encourages readers to read, discover, and engage with more content.

Disqus Comments

Out of the box Disqus integration, with only a single edit adding your Disqus short-name.

Post Sharing

With post sharing, your readers will be easily able to share your posts on Twitter, Facebook, Google +, and Pinterest.

Custom 404 Page

Bold comes with a ready custom and designed 404 Page that shows the recently published stories.

Responsive Video

Make your embedded videos responsive and flexible with any screen size. A full responsive video feature built in and will take care of your videos rendering. (YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, TED, Dailymotion and Facebook)

Responsive Tables

Responsive tables are required and essential for adding tabular content. Bold make any table responsive across all viewports making them scroll horizontally


I don’t let you wonder how to do this or that, that’s why you will have access to online and updated online documentation.

Developer Friendly

Developed with the latest web technologies and tools including HTML5, Sass, ITCSS, Gulp, and Bower with standard and clean code.

Header Styles

An alternative header style is provided which you can add the logo to left anstead of the center with a simple class. (docs)

Package Included:

  • Nubia theme for Ghost 2.+ versions
  • Nubia theme for Ghost 1.+ versions
  • Nubia theme for old Ghost versions (Pre 1.0)
  • Documentation


I’m dedicated, listening, value and welcome your feedback. If you have something to share, please send me an email at [email protected]. Let’s make the theme better, useful and valuable for you.

  ------------ VERSION - 1.2.4: Release on 16 Oct 19 ------------
  [+] FIX: Fixed kg-bookmark-publisher class installation issue

  [====] Changed Files:
  ------------ VERSION - 1.2.3: Release on 3 Sep 2019 ------------
  [+] NEW: Support for bookmark card
  [+] FIXED:  Missing Author name in related posts and error page

  [====] Changed Files:
  ------------ VERSION - 1.2.2: Release on 28 August 2019 ------------
  [+] FIXED: Authors get helper in Authors page
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Optimize search performance and fixed subdirectory search URL

  [====] Changed Files:
  ------------ VERSION - 1.2.1: Release on 29 July 19 ------------
  [+] FIXED: Fixed the phone onscreen keyboard to auto appear when visiting the site.

  [====] Changed Files:
  ------------ VERSION - 1.2.0: Release on 16 April 19 ------------
  [+] FIXED: Ghost @site validation issues. The {{@blog}} helper should be replaced with {{@site}}. With the introduction of the Content API {{@blog}} became deprecated in favour of {{@site}}. The {{@blog}} helper will be removed in next version of Ghost and should not be used.
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Added {{ @site.lang }} to the language attribute

  [====] Changed Files:
  ------------ VERSION - 1.1.9: Release on 6 February 19 ------------
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Updated to Gulp 4
  [+] FIXED: Search and compatibility with Content API

  [====] Changed Files:
  ------------ VERSION - 1.1.8: Release on 13 Sep 2018 ------------
  [+] NEW: Support for Koenig Gallery

  [====] Changed Files:
  ------------ VERSION - 1.1.7: Release on 27 August 2018 ------------
  [+] NEW: Ghost 2.0 Support
  [+] NEW: Added Twitch, TED, Dailymotion and Facebook responsive video support

  [====] Changed Files:
  ------------  VERSION - 1.1.6: Release on 28 March 2018  ------------
  [+] NEW: Add Twitch to responsive videos support
  [+] NEW: Added Support for Ghost translation with German, Spanish, and French translation
  [+] Improvement: Support and improved search for RU, FR, ES, and DE languages
  [+] Improvement: Placeholder for the search placeholder to be gray
  [+] FIXED: Dropcap issue
  [+] FIXED: Moved {{ ghost_foot }} to the bottom of default.hbs file
  ------------  VERSION - 1.1.5: Release on 3 March 2018  ------------
  [+] NEW: Added new page for Authors
  [+] NEW: Added posts count to the tag card
  [+] NEW: Added responsive tables styles
  [+] NEW: Added images zoom effect to post images
  [+] NEW: Added stylish dropcap for post content
  [+] FIXED: Related posts check if there are no posts
  [+] Improvement: general design optimization and improvements
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Make the hero sections consistent with homepage and posts
  [+] Improvement: Typography utility classes
  [+] Improvement: Accessibility improvement for the Instagram widget images
  [+] Improvement: Accessibility improvement for colors, social share icons, and labels
  ------------  VERSION - 1.1.4: Release on 7 Dec 2017  ------------
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: General typography improvments
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Footer tags and widgets overall design polishing
  ------------  VERSION - 1.1.3: Release on 5 Dec 2017  ------------
  [+] NEW: Added header left logo style alternative
  [+] NEW: Added tags, Instagram, and subscribe form sections to the footer
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Bottons style
  ------------  VERSION - 1.1.2: Release on 29 November 2017  ------------
  [+] FIXED: Hero section align in large screens
  ------------  VERSION - 1.1.1: Release on 20 November 2017  ------------
  [+] FIXED: The search engine to search content for Ghost 1.0
  ------------  VERSION - 1.1.0: Release on 15 Oct 2017  ------------
  [+] FIXED: Post card image loading issue in Google Chrome
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.9: Release on 6 Oct 2017  ------------
  [+] FIXED: Accessibility issues
  [+] FIXED: Code block responsive
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.8: Release on 9 August 2017  ------------
  [+] FIXED: Link highlight selection on content pages
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Remove image placeholder in post cards if there is no image
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.7: Release on 31 July 2017  ------------
  [+] NEW: Added support to Ghost 1.0
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.6: Release on 14 July 2017  ------------
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Added the post image to the Pinterest sharing button URL.
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.5: Release on 26 May 2017  ------------
  [+] NEW: Added responsive video support for TED videos
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Typography visual improvements with consistent line height in style
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.4: Release on 15 May 2017  ------------
  [+] FIXED: Internet Explorer 11 layout fixes
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.3: Release on 7 May 2017  ------------
  [+] FIXED: Ajax posts pagination issue when used with HTTPs
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Added header border in paged pages
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.2: Release on 6 May 2017  ------------
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Header sections to adapt more navigation items
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Images transition in webkit browsers for post and tag cards
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.1: Release on 10 April 2017  ------------
  [+] IMPROVEMENT: Show the latest tag in post card instead of 2 tags to avoid spacing issues in small screens
  ------------  VERSION - 1.0.0: Release on 7 April 2017  ------------
  [+] Initial Release


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