BT Travel – Jomsocial and Kunena Template

Joomla Templates


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BT Travel is improbable joomla template with JomSocial component and Kunena Forum. BT Travel in addition to a perfect solution for travel companies, it also can be used for many different purposes such as social networking, corporate website…We are sure that you would find it pretty flexible for your usage.

Joomla Templates


  • Responsive Joomla templates
  • Running on T3 Framework Version 3
  • 6 Colors themes support
  • 4 Menu types option
  • Inbuilt Google Fonts configuration
  • handsome background Slideshow module for Joomla
  • Jomsocial and Kunena component supported
  • Delivery with 6 powerful Bow Themes’ extensions
  • Improved style of Joomla! Core system pages.
  • Multiples modules suffix’s build-in template for module styling.
  • Inbuilt CSS and Javascript Compression
  • Template support for MooTools 1.2
  • Compatibility with Joomla 2.5, Joomla 1.6 and Joomla 1.7
  • Cross Browser Support: IE7+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Chrome 8+, Opera 9+
  • XHTML 1.0 Transitional Check it ?
  • CSS Validates Check it ?

Joomla Extensions

Change logs

================ VERSION 2.1 ================

- Fix error popup in BT Image gallery when click to image.
(solution for this error: replace file boostrap.js in: pluginssystemt3basebootstrapjs by itsefl lastest version)

- Fix error popup in K2 arrticle single when click to image.

- Fix issue do not display mega menu when configed, it still not display and style mega menu.
(something need change: header.php and style-bt.css)

- Update Framework T3 plugin.

- Fix error: images don't display in IE8 (solution: remove style max-width of image: 100%.)

- Fix error: quickcontact button submit (on chrome): click to button, message display on a new blank page. (solution: there is conflick with content showcase js, set height for tag li in contentshowcase: file: ...templatesbt_travelhtmlmod_bt_contentshowcasethemesdefaultdefault.php)

=============== VERSION 3.0 ===================
- Update extension: 
    + K2 (component)
    + BT Background Slideshow v2.4.6 (module)
    + BT Content Showcase v2.3.2 (module)
    + BT Facebook v1.5
    + BT Google Maps v2.0.8
    + BT Image Gallery v2.1.4
    + BT Login v2.5.6
    + BT Quick Contact v2.1.2
    + BT Tabs v2.1.1
    + Kunena forum v3.0.3(component)
    + Jomsocial (component 3.1)
    + T3v3 (plugin - framework 2.0.1)
    + Template ~ T3V3 blank v2.0.0

=============== VERSION 3.0.2 ===================
- Update com jomsocial from 3.1.1 to 3.2 RC-01 
    + change head.php (add css file: style_bt_update_3.0.2.css)

=============== VERSION 3.2 ===================
- Update com jomsocial to
- Update joomla to 2.5.24 (joomla 2.5) and joomla 3.3.3 (joomla 3)
- Install BT Social Login (ecommerce extension) v1.1.6 replace BT Login v2.5.6 (free extension)
- Update extension: 
    + K2 (component) to 2.6.8
    + BT Background Slideshow to v2.4.10 (module)
    + BT Content Showcase to v2.4.0 (module)
    + BT Google Maps to v2.0.9
    + BT Quick Contact to v2.1.3
    + BT Tabs to v2.1.2
    + Kunena forum to v3.0.5(component)
    + T3v3 (plugin - framework) to 2.3.0

=============== VERSION 3.2.1 ===================
- Update extension: 
    + Update com jomsocial to
    + T3v3 (plugin - framework) to 2.3.2    
    + BT Content Showcase to v2.4.2 (module)



All images for demo only, not including with template package!

– Image sources :

Please notice that our template do not including the JomSocial component. You must buy it at :

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