CakePHP CRUD Generator

CakePHP CRUD Generator


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Now You can generate:
Add, Edit Page
Modal, View, Controller
Searching, Sorting by subject
Export csv/pdf
Single and a number of delete possibility
Left be a part of. Search, Sort information from overseas desk
Important options are one to many & many to many relationships
Generate fields 1) Input 2) Textarea 3) Dropdown (Data from overseas desk) 4) Status 5) Image 6) Radio (Unlimited choices) 7) Checkbox (Unlimited choices) 8) Date 9) Time 10) Datetime

Best coding apply. all coding requirements adopted.
Clean and simple code.
User pleasant generator.
Highly customizable. You can edit template to customise.
Bootstrap admin panel
Fully responsive
Unlimited subject. You may also generate CRUD with many left be a part of.
You can combine generated code in your undertaking with none error.
The most vital options are, you may create one to many & many to many relationships.
Validation: allowEmpty, alphaNumeric, ascii, boolean, creditCard, date, dateTime, decimal, e mail, integer, ip, ipv4, ipv6, latLong, latitude, longitude, naturalNumber, nonNegativeInteger, notBlank, notEmpty, numeric, time, url, urlWithProtocol

Freelancers, Agencies This generator is will need to have device for you. You can generate code and begin utilizing admin panel or you may copy generated code to your undertaking. You can construct fast demo to your shoppers.

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