Chatbot for Android

Chatbot for Android


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One and Only Android based chatbot in Codecanyon!

Highly configurable with free services.

Get your Chatbot up and running in few minutes. This app will respond to any of your questions. No need of scratching head to write algorithms for Natural Language Processing! No need to have a server side component for chat messaging and persisting the messages.

Everything is taken cared via Google’s Firebase and Dialogflow conversational AI platform.

An easy way to setup a Chatbot in Android platform with Firebase and Dialogflow cloud services. Just few steps to bring your chatbot alive.


  • Realtime response from Chatbot
  • Google Sign-In for Authentication
  • AdMob and Push Notification support
  • Firebase Realtime DB for persisting chat messages
  • API.AI / Dialogflow integration for NLP

Click here to download the Demo App


Demo App’s backend, i.e Dialogflow is configured to reply basic questions and basic flow to book a hotel to demonstrate the conversation flow. But it can do more than this provided the intents in Dialogflow are enriched with more questions/scenarios to satisfy any domain.

For example, one can include pre-built agent’s like Weather, Food Delivery, Flight booking, Traffic, etc to their project and customize the replys.


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