
CiuisCRM - 1


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We have up to date our web site and Documentation, More updates upcoming..

Demo Information:

Admin Login:


Username: [email protected]

Password: demo

User/Staff Login:


Username: [email protected]

Password: demo

Customer/Client Login:


Username: [email protected]

Password: demo

CiuisCRM - 1

CiuisCRM - 2CiuisCRM - 3

CiuisCRM - 4


Codecanyon Release V1.95 (27/09/19)

New Features:
1. Added kanban view (Drag and Drop) for Tickets.
2. Added extra currencies to the Currency Library.
3. Introduced Mollie Payment Gateway within the Modules tab in settings.
4. Added Kanban view (Drag and Drop) for Tquestion.
5. Introduced a column filter to each listing view.
6. Option contained in the setting to cover shopper space button and alter the textual content of button.
7. Introduced a ship mail choice and add a file inside a bill.
9. Introduced timesheets export in report.
10.Introduced a "restore default" button for language in editor.

Bug fixes & Improvements:

1. Updated Bulgarian Language.
2. Fixed the recent set up difficulty. (For now, database ought to be empty.) 
3. Fixed the 'Milestone' edit.
4. Fixed the workers consumer notification when assign a tquestion to workers inside from undertaking.
5. Fixed the paid bill and buy replace (For now, consumer cannot replace paid bill and buy.)
6. Fixed the date-time format for complete software.
7. Fixed the shopper space button in cellular view. (For now, consumer can see shopper space button in cellular view.)
8. Fixed the ticket creation inside from undertaking.
9. Improved session for User login.
10. Fixed the pdf edit difficulty by way of editor.
11. Fixed the corrupted pdf difficulty when generate a pdf for shopper. 
12. Fixed the despatched mail difficulty. (For now, sender identify is modified after altering it in setting.)  
13. Fixed the Project lifeless line.

Link: Changelog History


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