Country and Mobile Redirect for WordPress – Professional Edition

Country and Mobile Redirect for WordPress - Professional Edition


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Country and Mobile Redirect is a WordPress plugin for redirecting or blocking site visitors based on various use cases. Redirect your visitors based on any combination of location (Country, State, City), language, IP, date, browser, mobile user, bulk or pattern redirect and more. This Plugin uses SEO standard 301, 302 redirects and enables any page to be used as the 404 page. Special features like country dropdown, Redirect PopUp, Custom PopUp Tempate, Bulk Redirect and many more. You can now define redirects like never before with zero coding necessary! CloudFlare CDN integration, WMLP compatible, Caldera Forms, WordPress Multisite support, translation ready and high performance.

Works with WP Rocket, WP Super Cache, W3 Total cache and other caching plugins.
Works with WMPL and CloudFlare CDN.

Define redirect with almost everything like Geolocation, IP Address, Request URL, Third-Party URL, User Role, Guest User, Date and Time, Page, Post, Category etc 44 different options with any combination. Click here to know more.

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Video Tutorials:

Click on below videos








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Redirect/Block Visitors based on:

  • Geo Location (Continent, Country, State, Region, City).
    Uses MaxMind and IP2Location database for accurate Geo location.
  • database for accurate Geo location.

  • IP address
  • Language
  • Browser
  • Date Range (Time, Month, Day of Week), Used to set the expire for page or Post or any URL.
  • Pages, Posts, Categories
  • Profile (User Id, User Role, Email Id)
  • Device (Tablet, Phone)
  • Mobile/Tablet OS (Android, iOS, Windows, etc.)
  • Mobile/Tablet Device (iPhone, Android Phone, Window Phone, iPad, Android Tablet, HP Touchpad, Blackberry)
  • Request URL, Request Parameters, Form Data, Response Cookies
  • Referral URL (Source of URL, Third-Party Websites)
  • Country dropdown shortcode, Using which user can be redirected to country specific website irrespective of Geo location.
  • Redirect PopUp: A PopUp will be displayed. see demo
    • Configure Title, Heading, Sub Heading, Button Labels, Redirect URL.
    • Add image to the PopUp.
    • Configure Auto Redirect time.
    • Customize PopUp using configuration UI.
    • Supports customer own PopUp template
    • Remember user selection using cookie.


  • Works with WP Rocket, WP Super Cache, W3 Total cache and other caching plugins.
    more info
  • Follows SEO standards by redirecting using 301 and 302 status codes.
  • 404 Error Handling: redirect to a custom page for 404 errors
  • “At least Once” Rule: Allows redirection to continue after rule is satisfied once
  • Bulk or Pattern Redirect: Redirect using the wild card () from one URL pattern to other. See special feature for more info.
  • Activate/Deactivate Rules
  • Analytics: Understand your site traffic and user base. No need to share your site data to third-party providers like Google Analytics. (PRO Feature). Activate or deactive Analytics feature.
  • Back from mobile site to desktop site using simple parameter (bis_nrd=1).
  • Includes reusable RulesEngine Platform plugin, using which you can add AddOns. which can save customers approx 50% of the plugin cost. Example:
    WooCommerce and WP Category Controller – AddOn
  • Plugin include sample rules to define url redirection very quickly.


  • WPML
  • WooCommerce
  • WordPress Multisite (PRO Feature)
  • WP Super Cache, W3 Total cache and other caching plugins.


Special features:

Redirect PopUp : Plugin comes with a configurable Redirect PopUp. Instead of auto redirecting, we can configure a Redirect PopUp, which will be shown to the users on site access. Below is the configured PopUp using the plugin.

Click here for redirect PopUp demo


Redirect PopUp configuration

  • Configure PopUp to a single or multiple Countries, Region, City, Pages, Posts, Categories, User Roles, URLs, IP Addresses, dates etc and based on any combination.
  • Configure Title, Heading, Sub Heading, Button Labels, Redirect URL.
  • Add any image from WordPress media to the PopUp, image size option is also provided.
  • Configure Auto Redirect time.
  • Show PopUp Once or Always per user visit.
  • Open Redirect URL in current browser window or new window..
  • Customize PopUp using configuration UI.
  • Remember user selection using cookie.(Cookie life time is one week)
  • Template based PopUp design for easy for customization.
  • Users Country, City and Region is derived using the below placeholders.
    • [bis_country_name] for Country
    • [bis_region_name] for Region
    • [bis_city_name] for City

    These place holders are helpful in defining the Headers and Sub headers in PopUp configuration page.


    Shopping from India? Looking for

    The above will be replaced with users country as shown below.

    Shopping from [bis_country_name]? Looking for

    [bis_country_name] will be replace with India or United States dynamically depending on the user location.


Redirect PopUp custom template
Plugin offers the custom popup template feature using which customer can use any html template as a popup which may include custom images, text and other information. Click here to know more on using custom popup template.

Country drop down shortcode : Using which user will be redirected to country specific website irrespective of Geo location. Shortcode generates Countries list drop down with flags and works with any theme.This shortcode also provides option to include or exclude countries from default list and has a option to provide custom css class for dropdown.

User selected country is be stored in cookie used for future redirection. Below are different ways to include “country selector” short code.

Click here to configure the country dropdown.


  • [bis_country_selector] : Default usage to generate country drop down.
  • [bis_country_selector include=”IN,US” ] : Generate country drop down with only India and US countries.
  • [bis_country_selector exclude=”IN, US”] : Generate country drop down excluding only India and US countries.
  • [bis_country_selector exclude=”IN,US” eng_label=”true” ]: Generate country drop down excluding only India and US countries and drop down with English labels. eng_label can have true, false and only option and default value is false.
  • [bis_country_selector exclude=”IN,US” eng_label=”only” ]: Generate country drop down excluding only India and US countries and drop down with only English labels. eng_label can have true, false and only option and default value is false.
  • [bis_country_selector exclude=”IN,US” class=”custom-css” ]: Generate country dropdown excluding only India and US countries with custom dropdown class.

Bulk or Pattern redirect:
Bulk or pattern redirect is useful, if customers want to redirect the URL of one pattern type to other
pattern and keep the remaining part of the URL as is. This feature is extremely useful for WPML websites.

If source and target urls defined below

Source URL : http:/

Target URL : http:/**


Source URL: http:/

Redirected URL: http:/

Source URL: http:/

Redirected URL: http:/

Important Use Cases:

  • Redirect for Mobile Device: This is a very common use case where user from a mobile or tablet device should be redirected to a mobile sites, this can be achieved by defining a logical rule for Mobile and Tablet devices and use them in Redirect Rules.

  • Redirect by Geo Location: If you want to redirect all the user who are coming from a specific geographic location country or continent then define a logical rule using “Geo Location” Criteria.This is very useful when you want to redirect users to a local server.
  • Redirect by Role: You might be having a use case of redirecting specific role users to a different page, in such case define a logical rule using “User Role” criteria and use it in redirect rule.
  • Redirect by Request URL: Define a logical rule using Request URL Criteria and use this in defining Redirect Rule. Useful for static paths, like whenever user request from a we can redirect them to
  • Redirect in Site Down Time: Define a Redirect for home, which can be simply achieved by defining a logical rule on Home Page and leveraging it in Redirect rule.
    You can use Date, Time, Day of Week and Month sub criteria to further refine the rule.
  • SEO Redirect:
    SEO redirects is an important for enhancing SEO, by using 301 redirects search engine will be informed that this page is moved to another one, which prevent indexing the two pages of the same content and will mark them as a duplicate content,
  • Activate or deactivate redirect rule: Redirect can be activated or deactivated. If the rule is deactivated the action pertaining to the rule will not be performed.
  • Standard rule support:

    Standard rules are simple to create and solves most of the use cases. Below rule is used to redirect to france Amazon site If the user access the global website from france.


  • Advance rule support:

    Advance rule is one of the key features of RulesEngine Platform. RulesEngine is very flexible for defining very complex logical rules using “AND” “OR” and “Brackets” operators.

    Below advanced rule is used to redirect to “http://rulesengine” website if the users from Washington or Sidney Cities or from India and date is less than Jan 01, 2017.


  • 03 - creative image - customers review

    Release Notes

    Version 1.11 – November 22, 2018

    This release contains bug fixes.

    Version 1.10 – October 19, 2018

    Feature added to avoid redirection for bots, crawlers and robots.

    Version 1.09 – October 10, 2018

    Updated logic for envato license verification.

    Version 1.08 – August 24, 2018

    Fixed 404 error code bug.

    Version 1.07 – August 16, 2018

    This release extended the pattern match for non WPML customers and fixed bug related to country drop down.

    Version 1.06 – July 07, 2018

    This release contains below new features.
    1. Now users can define multiple redirection URLs. Redirection could be either Sequential or Random for the list of Redirect URLs. URLs must be comma separated.

    Version 1.02 – Jan 18, 2018

    This release contains below new features.
    1.Site Redirect Performance is improved to less than a second.

    Version 1.0 – November 19, 2017

    This release contains below new features.
    1. Customers can use custom templates for redirection popup.
    2. Performance bug fixes.

    Version 1.0 – September 21, 2017 (Version # reset)

    This release contains below new features.
    1.Setting Menu is divided into Global Settings and Site Setting.
    2.Redirect based on zip code.
    3.Redirect based on WordPress Tags.
    4.Redirect based on Woo Tags and Woo Attributes.
    5.UI facelift.
    6.Bug fixes.
    Please Note : This version of plugin do not support upgrade from existing plugin. We have reset the version number of plugin to 1.0 to make it version number compatible with other addons.

    Version 5.4 – August 15, 2017

    This release contains below features:
    1. Support for Ip2location API.
    2. Cloudflare CDN Integration.
    3. Simplified the Advanced Rule Creation.
    4. Updated look and feel of the Plugin.
    5. Bug fixes.
    Please Note : This version of plugin do not support upgrade from existing plugin, due to a change in basic design to support new Advanced Rule. Customers should remove existing plugin and install the latest plugin. Create new fresh set of redirect rules.

    Version 5.3 – June 15, 2017

    1. Support for Caldera Forms. Now customers can define a redirect rule on submiting the Caldera Forms.
    2. Activate, Deactive single or multiple Redirect Rules List Page.
    3. Delete single or multiple Redirect Rules from List Page.
    4. Pagination added for Redirect Rules.
    5. Add label for Cancel Button in Redirect PopUp.
    6. New Menu Errors and Debug Menu.
    7. Using Errors and Debug Menu, admin can delete all rules in the system an clear transient cache.
    8. Improved performance.
    9. Bug fixes.

    Version 5.2 – March 01, 2017

    1.Once and Always option added for Redirect PopUp, by selecting Once option redirect popup will be shown only once and default is Always.
    2.Plugin now works with PHP 7. Certified on PHP 7.
    3.Bug fixes.

    Version 5.1 – Jan 16, 2017

    1.New category Operation System Category added, so that we can define redirection based on the OS.
    2.New option called Redirect Page In added, so that the redirect can happen in a new window or same window.
    3.Bug fixes.

    Version 5.0 – Oct 26, 2016.

    This release has the following new features.
    1. Performance improvements.
    2. Now admin can use both MaxMind DB and MaxMind Webservice at the same time.
    3. Bug fixes.

    Version 4.9 – Oct 08, 2016.

    This release has the following new features.
    1. Performance improvements.
    2. User region details added in trouble shoot page.
    3. Bug fixes.

    Version 4.7 – Sep 12, 2016.

    This release has the following new features.
    1. Now redirect target URL can maintain the parameters from source URL.
    2. Redirect by Language.
    3. Default value option added for country drop down.
    4. Cache enabled for this site option added in settings for cached sites.
    5. Bug fixes.

    Version 4.6 – Aug 20, 2016.

    This release has the following new features.
    1.Now Redirection works for website sites which are using caching plugins such as WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache etc.
    2.Pattern redirect, Now customer can device the pattern redirect for both source and target. This feature is extremely useful for WPML websites.
    If source and target urls defined below
    Source URL :** 
    Target  URL : http:/** 
    Source URL:
    Redirected URL:
    Source URL:
    Redirected URL:
    3.Performance improvements.
    4.Bug fixes.

    Version 4.5 – July 21, 2016

    1.Redirect PopUp feature included. The PopUp is easily customization.
    2.Shortcode added for country, region and city, use
    Country  [bis_country_name]
    Region [bis_region_name]
    City [bis_region_name]
    3.Bug fixes.

    Version 4.1 – July 07, 2016

    1. Improved performance of plugin by consolidation and minification of  all js and css files into to single js and css file.
    2. Added Trouble shoot page in setting section, to view the client ip and geo-location details.
    3. Page loader added for better usability.
    4.Bug fixes.

    Version 4.0 – Jun 13, 2016

    1.This release mainly concentrated on User Experience. 
    Now customers can define a redirection and rule in a single page. 
    Provided different options to create rules. 
          a. Standard Rule.
          b. Advance Rule.
          c. Use Existing Rule.
    2.Provided sample rules as part of the installation.
    3.Provided "Contains any of" for IP address rule, which enables customer to add more IP Address in a single rule with comma separation.
    4.Removed Category and Subcategory dropdowns and provided them as Grouping for better user experience.
    5.Removed wizard way of rule creation and provided them in a single page.

    Version 3.8 – Jun 06, 2016

    This version includes two options for Geo-location. 
    1. MaxMind countries database. 
    2. Geo Plugin webservice.
    Including MaxMind database as part of the plugin increased the performance for countries lookup based on the IP Address and provides accurate information.

    Version 3.7 – May 09, 2016

    This version includes contains and does contains for referral URL subcategory and bug fixes.

    Version 3.6 – May 03, 2016

    Country drop down shortcode :  This shortcode is used to generate country dropdown with country flags.
    Below are different option used for displaying country dropdown.
     [bis_country_selector] : Default usage to generate country drop down.
    Options : include, exclude, eng_label, see the documentation for more details.

    Version 3.5 – April 08, 2016

    1.Request Parameters : Enables customers to define redirection using the request parameters.
    2.Request Form data :  Enables customers to define redirection using the submitted form data.
    3.Response Cookies : Now customers can define redirection if cookie exists in the browser.
    4.Fixed URL contains condition bug fix and other minor bug fixes.

    Version 3.4 – Mar 22, 2016

         1.Referral Redirect : New subcategory “Referral URL” added, which enables customers to define rules using the source of request. The Referral URL can also from Third-Party websites.
         2. Evaluation Type : "At least Once” rule evaluation feature added in Logical Rules, which is useful if the customer want to perform redirection even if the rule is satisfied at-least once.
         3. Auto rules refresh : After any rule add or update, no need to clear browser cache. Updated rule is effected on browser refresh.
         4.Performance Improvements : This version contains an important fixes to improve the overall performance of the plugin by evaluating all the dynamic conditions at once.

    Version 3.3 – Mar 03, 2016

    Minor bug fixes.

    Version 3.2 – Feb 24, 2016

    This version mainly contains the analytics enhancements.
    Now plugin supports Page View and Unique Visitor reports.No javascript, purely based on wordpress api used for analytics development.
    Below are the important feature covered in this release.
    1.XY Line Chart.
    2.Bar Chart.
    3.Area Spline Chart.
    4.Area  Chart.
    5.Pie chart.
    6.Page Views, report also support for single or multiple pages reports. 
    7.Unique Visitors, report also support for single or multiple pages reports. 
    8.Added date search for Analytics.
    9.Added configuration to disable the data capturing for analytics. 
    10.Minor Bug fixes.

    Version 3.1 – Feb 03, 2016

         1. Fixed compatibility issue with download manager plugin.
         2. Fixed login debug message issue.
         3. Minor bug fixes.

    Version 3.1 – Jan 28, 2016

         1. Fixed admin console css overriding issue and other minor bug fixes.

    Version 2.0 – Jan 05, 2016

          1.Redirect Rule Wizard:  Now Customer can create Redirect Rules using wizard.
          i.e No need to create a Logical Rule before creating the Redirect Rule.
          2.Bug fixes.

    Version 2.0 – December 14, 2015

          1.WordPress Multisite support
          2.WordPress 4.4 support.
          3.Minor bug fixes.

    Version 1.0 – October 24, 2015

        Initial Release.


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