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As COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreads across the globe, it is helpful and interesting to track the transmission patterns through a coronavirus map.
The plugin allows adding statistics table/widgets via shortcode to inform your site visitors about changes in the situation about Coronavirus pandemic.
- Website with https (SSL certificate)
- WordPress 4.6.x or above
- Available WP-cron (enabled by default)
What are the sources of data informing the dashboard?
The data sources include the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, and the DXY, one of the world’s largest online communities for physicians, health care professionals, pharmacies and facilities.
How often is the data updated?
Data is updated every 10 minutes.
How to add a widget to the WordPress sidebar?
- Go to «Appearance > Widgets»
- Create a new Text widget
- Insert the desired shortcode from the plugin settings, eg. [COVID19-WIDGET]
- Done!
How to Update the plugin?
- How to update automatically?
You can use Envato Market plugin to update. WordPress will periodically check for updates, so keeping your items up to date is as simple as a few clicks. Read more: https://envato.com/market-plugin - How to update manually through WP backend?
Download the latest version. Uninstall the previous version from the plugins page on your website (Deactivate and Delete the plugin). Install the latest version of the plugin.
Need Help?
As the Codecanyon comments section is meant only for pre-sale questions and generalities, we are not able to provide detailed support here. We would request you to please create a support ticket and our support team will gladly assist you. Do not forget to provide a link to your site and choose the right product from the list.
Website hacked / virus found,etc. Is there anything I can do?
Seems you didn’t download the plugin from Codecanyon. Only here you will get clean files. I am not responsible for downloading the file from anywhere else: https://snipboard.io/J8mjSW.jpg
[2.1.8] – 12-Apr-20
- Added: New Widget format – Full.
[2.1.7] – 10-Apr-20
- Redesign: Table of Countries.
- Redesign: Graph.
[2.1.6] – 08-Apr-20
- Added: Horizontal style for Data Ticker.
- RTL bug fixes.
[2.1.5] – 05-Apr-20
- Added: Data Ticker.
- WordPress 5.4 Support.
[2.1.4] – 04-Apr-20
- Added: Bar Chart for individual country.
[2.1.3] – 03-Apr-20
- Added: Map of the USA.
- Visual improvement.
[2.1.2] – 30-Mar-20
- Panning and zooming of a Map.
[2.1.1] – 29-Mar-20
- New responsive Table of Countries.
- Added: New data in the table «New Cases», «New Deaths».
- Fixed RTL bugs.
[2.1.0] – 28-Mar-20
- Added: New Inline Text shortcode.
- Increased widgets loading speed.
[2.0.0] – 27-Mar-20
- Data updated every 10 minutes.
- Added Table of Countries.
- Updated Widgets.
- Updated Map of Countries.
- Updated List of Countries.
- Bug fixes.
[1.0.5] – 24-Mar-20
- Added a new column «Recovered».
- Visual improvement.
[1.0.4] – 22-Mar-20
- New shortcode available «List of Countries».
- Bug fixes.
- Visual improvement.
[1.0.3] – 21-Mar-20
- WP Widgets support.
[1.0.2] – 20-Mar-20
- Bug fixes.
- RTL support.
- Pot file included.
- RU language available.
[1.0.1] – 18-Mar-20
- Add a field “Custom CSS”
[1.0.0] – 17-Mar-20
- First Release.
* * *
Be healthy! NYCreatis © 2020
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