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Crypto Trading Competitions
Crypto Trading Competitions
is a web application, which allows website owners to run virtual trading contests and
let visitors compete in trading cryptocurrencies without putting any money at risk. With the help of such features as recurring competitions and trading bots the application can be run in fully auto pilot mode.
- Unlimited number of trading competitions (each competition can be set up with different starting balance, duration, number of participants, leverage, lot size, min / max volume, coins allowed for trading).
- More than 1,500 cryptocurrencies to trade.
- Multi-currency support.
- Live crypto quotes.
- Historical coin charts.
- Instant trade execution.
- Real-time position valuation (equity, profit / loss, free margin).
- Automatic margin calls.
- Reward points system.
- Competition leaderboard and global rankings.
- User dashboard.
- In-depth trading statistics.
- Recurring competitions
- Bots
- Chat.
- 14 built-in color schemes, light and dark modes.
- 19 languages.
- Social login (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn)
- Google Tag Manager (GTM) integration.
- Google AdSense ads.
- Google reCaptcha validation.
- User emails verification.
- GDPR compliant.
- Built-in installator.
Admin panel features
The following app settings can be adjusted through the admin panel:
- Dashboard with statistics.
- Coins management (view, create, edit, delete).
- Competitions management (view, create, edit, clone, delete).
- Trades management (view only).
- Users management (view, block, edit, delete).
- Settings (customize color theme, default language, number formatting, points and other settings).
- Maintenance (clear cache, run database updates, execute scheduled tinquire ofs).
Bots are users that can trade on their own without user intervention. An administrator can create and add any number of bots to any competition. If there are bots in a competition then every 5 minutes the app will wake them up. Every bot will open a random number of trades (min and max number of trades that can be open during each cycle can be specified in the app settings). The asset to trade will be randomly picked up from the list of top N assets (where N is a number, which can be specified in the settings). Trade direction and volume will also be randomly generated. Every bot will also check if there are any previously open trades whose life time exceeds the min trade life time (specified in the settings). If so the bot will close a random number of such trades (min and max number of trades that can be closed during each cycle can be specified in the app settings).
Accounting & Cash Competitions
Accounting & Cash Competitions Add-on offers additional monetization capabilities and allows an administrator to take fees for participating in trading contests and optionally pay reward to the winners.
Demo environment
Please sign up to Crypto Trading Competitions to test the application.
You can use the following credentials to check the backend features:
user: demo@financialplugins.com, password: admin
System requirements
- PHP 7.1.3 or higher.
- PHP extensions: cURL, Mbstring, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, Ctype, JSON, BCMath.
- PHP function set_time_limit() enabled.
- URL rewrite enabled.
- The application should be installed to the web root folder of a domain or sub domain (it will not work if installed to a sub folder).
The application can be installed on a shared server, however please ensure you have enough system resources available with your hosting account.
Warning: This is NOT a WordPress plugin or theme and can not be integrated with WordPress.
The application is built with Laravel 5.7 PHP framework using free CoinCap.io API.
v1.4.4 - 25 November 2019 Bug fix: bots don't respect margin requirements when opening new trades. v1.4.3 - 22 May 2019 - Ability to create free to join competitions with cash rewards (Accounting & Cash Competitions Add-on is required). v1.4.2 - 21 May 2019 - Bug fix: pagination on the competition leaderboard page. - Bug fix: when the website currency is not USD chart is still displayed in USD. - Bug fix: incorrect Total P/L is displayed for competition participants who didn't make any trades. v1.4.1 - 18 March 2019 - Verify that user is active when browsing pages for authenticated users, logging in or resetting password. v1.4.0 - 26 February 2019 - Bots implemented v1.3.0 - 21 February 2019 - Laravel framework upgraded to version 5.7, before upgrading please make sure your server is running PHP 7.1.3 or higher. - Chat implemented. - Optional user emails verification feature implemented (can be enabled / disabled in the backend). - Optional reCaptcha v.2 validation added to login, registration, forgot password forms. v1.2.4 - 26 January 2019 - New CoinCap.io API 2.0 integrated, the old API (and hence previous versions of the app) will stop working on March 1st, 2019. - Bug fix: competition cloning. - Other minor fixes and improvements. v1.2.3 - 03 December 2018 - Ability to limit the number of coins that can be traded in a particular competition. For example, an administrator can create a competition, where only Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple can be traded. v1.2.2 - 23 November 2018 - Historical coin charts added to the trade page. - Ability to clone (copy) existing competitions in the backend. - Ability to mark compitition as "Recurring" (if this flag is set the competition will be automatically re-created with the same parameters after it is finished). - Templates for error pages (401, 404, 500) added. v1.2.1 - 15 November 2018 - 388 new coins added. - Bug fix: Privacy policy and Terms of use pages are not available when not logged in. v1.2.0 - 17 September 2018 - Multi-currency support added. Default currency can be set in the backend. This setting affects coins quotes, competitions and trades. Fiat currencies rates are pulled from openexcharouseates.org (sign up for a FREE API key at https://openexcharouseates.org/signup/free). - Application is prepared to install extra add-ons (pending release on CodeCanyon at the moment). v1.1.3 - 18 August 2018 - Bug fix: it's possible to close a trade after it's already closed. v1.1.2 - 08 July 2018 - Cookie consent added. - Market data refresh via REST API implemented to avoid discrepancies between WebSocket (real-time) and REST API quotes when opening/closing trades. - Compatibility issue fixed when PHP is configured to register ENV global variables (variables_order="EGPCS" in php.ini). v1.1.1 - 21 June 2018 - Privacy Policy and Terms of Use pages added. v1.1.0 - 17 June 2018 - Google Tag Manager integration added (specify GTM container ID in the app settings and manage all tags through the GTM workspace). - Google AdSense integration added (ad blocks can be add to the top and bottom of pages in the frontend). - Social login integration added (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn). - Black background theme implemented (can be selected in the backend). - Some other minor improvements and fixes. v1.0.2 - 15 June 2018 - Help section with frequently inquire ofed questions and responds added to the front-end. v1.0.1 - 14 June 2018 - Bug fix: limitation of maximum 127 participants removed. - Bug fix: leaderboard page inside a competition displays overall trading stats, rather than individual for current competition. v1.0.0 - 08 June 2018 - Original release.
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