Custom Select for Twitter Bootstrap 2

Custom Select for Twitter Bootstrap 2


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What is that this?

This is a jQuery plugin extending the performance of Twitter Bootstrap. It means that you can flip a default choose enter subject into a component utterly matching the model of Twitter Bootstrap with one line of JavaScript.

Why use it?

  • applies Twitter Bootstrap model to a choose enter subject
  • preserves native choose enter subject behaviour (you should use GET or POST strategies to submit the chosen worth)
  • simply stylable
  • responsive (optionally)
  • by default makes use of Twitter Bootstrap button styling and subject sizing classnames, however this may be simply overridden through the use of customized ones
  • accessible – helps keyboard tabbing very effectively (gaining and loosing focus)

Easy to make use of



Please word: step-by-step rationalization is within the docs.

This plugin requires

  • jQuery JavaScript library
  • Twitter Bootstrap 2 front-end framework


v 1.0 (03 November 2013)

Restructured plugin and added public strategies: change, get_value, set_value; Custom attributes on preliminary choose ingredient are copied to a generated HTML ingredient

v 0.1 (21 September 2013)

Prevented kind submit on caret/button click on, autocomplete prevented on enter subject, typing and pasting prevented, added a brand new choice – most objects seen with no scrollbar

Initial launch (16 May 2013)


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