Dependent/Related Product Options (Opencart 3.x)

Dependent/Related Product Options (Opencart 3.x)


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Module is designed to set related-to-option values for items (eg. color and dimension). Thus it offers a method to account items on inventory relying on choice combos. Option combos can also have completely different costs.


Admin: ( Login/Password: demo/demo )

Online documentation

Fields “Parent option” and “Parent option value” by a sure product on the admin panel (tab “Options”) are used to create associated choices.

By a store-front the associated choice is proven solely after selecting some mother or father choice worth. After that related-to-option values can be found in response to a selected mother or father choice worth. For instance, related-to-colour dimension.

Key Features & Options

  • Easy set up, OCmod modification!
  • Unlimited choices variations
  • Using all commonplace choice varieties
  • Automatic worth adjustment for product
  • Stock substract for every choice variant
  • Documentation included
  • User-friendly interface

If you want that pictures mechanically adjustments when dependent choice is chosen – this mod will likely be helpful:
Product image change for related options with price auto-update


Compatible themes (templates):

  • Default
  • Journal2
  • Journal3
  • Basel
  • Getcart
  • Homecrest
  • We can’t assure supporting of all the present templates and repair for adaptation is payable. Please write us help request to estimate mandatory work earlier than shopping for (it’s free). Price depends upon a theme.

    Module settings

    settings module

    • You can activate/off worth adjustment.
    • If you wish to present combos for merchandise, which aren’t in inventory – select Yes.
    • Decimal locations – depend of digits after decimal separator.

    Change Logs

    v.3.1.10 – 11.09.2019

    • Adding help of theme: GetCart
    • Auto-recalculation mechanism replace when choosing an choice + the amount of things worth counting
    • ]v.3.1.8 – 21.08.2019

      • Tooltip has been expanded when including a brand new product choice: displaying 15 choices, as an alternative of 5 commonplace
      • Default template bug repair with footer
      • Adding help of themes: Basel, Homecrest
      • 3.1.5 – 23.04.2019

        • Built-in computerized cleansing system cache when updating
        • Added mental set up of the module
        • The format of the settings web page for Opencart Three requirements has been utterly modified
        • Optimization and enchancment of the code
        • Correction server-response scheme of the choice enhancing.
        • Improved language information
        • More info is displayed in case of errors
        • Built-in test for the php max_input_vars parameter on the server. If this parameter is 1000, the person will see the corresponding warning when coming into the module settings.
        • 3.1. – 03.04.2019 Default template replace and Journal Three adaptation

          3.0.2 – 24.10.2017 Release for default template

          3.0.3 – 01.12.2017 Ajax added & Release for Journal template

          Support and Features Request

          Is this script not fairly working because it ought to? Having bother putting in? Or want some customized modifications that aren’t already included? Or you need extra options on subsequent launch? Feel free to get in contact about any of your queries through profile web page Conceptlogic.


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