Easy Script Copier – Extract HTML, CSS and JS !

Easy Script Copier – Extract HTML, CSS and JS !


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Easy Script Copier is small software constructed to save lots of an HTML web page and all CSS/JavaScript recordsdata hooked up.

I constructed this software to save lots of on my PC some jQuery and Ajax scripts (sliders, accordions, countdowns, charts, …).
It works with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript recordsdata.
Easy Script Copier will change all native hyperlinks to recordsdata in the primary HTML file.

This software has been constructed for net builders, and so it won’t crawl a full web site, however just one web page and obligatory recordsdata.
It won’t save pictures or media, additionally it won’t create hierarchy subfolders (multi functional folder with all appropriate hyperlinks).

Easy Script Copier is extraordinarily quick and simple to setup : just one subject to fill !
Give a glance to screenshots.


Here is an instance : http://www.p51labs.com/accordion/
You need this JavaScript accordion powered by Prototype framework ?
Just put the URL within the software program and click on a button.
Now, on the root listing you’ll discover a folder with random title (and date creation), and on this folder are all saved recordsdata.


If you’ve gotten issues, bugs or recommendations, be happy to inquire of by way of “Comments” part.

I attempted this software with loads of scripts, however should you discover complicated scripts that dosen’t works, be happy to inform me, I’ll attempt to repair that  :)

Enjoy !



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