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Ehaul – Flutter E-Commerce UI KIT Template
E-Haul is a modern native E-Commerce application. Compiled through flutter version which is susceptible to iOS, Android react native users. Exceptional features with UI single code for curates libraries & tools. You would love to visit our blogging & newsletter sections. Comment your shopping experience & share it on your social media sites. Awe-inspiring shopping experience with customization widgets. Trendy, New arrived or flash sale product features are available for being a love-some experience.
Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building handsome, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter reduces code development time. It provides a wide variety of ready-to-use widgets. Most of them are incredibly customizable, saving your time like no other framework before. In addition to numerous core layout widgets, Flutter provides a large set of Material and Cupertino widgets that perfectly mimic the behavior of each design language.
Basically any cross-platform framework provides a way to share codebase between the target platforms. But there are no such application frameworks that allow sharing both the UI code the UI itself besides Flutter.
Key Features:
- Sign Up
- Sign In
- Social Sign In(Google, Facebook)
- Forgot password
- Dashboard with a Glance of Todays Offer, Category, Flash Sale, Ad, New Arrival, Trending Items
- Wishlist Items
- All Products with Gridview and LinearView and Filtering on Multiple Attributes(Price, Color, Brand, Size etc.)
- Product Details with Rating System
- Add Cart
- Shipping Address With Confirmation
- Multiple payment gateway
- Category and Subcategory, Category or Subcategory wise Product, Offer Product
- Purchase History
- Search with Search History
- Settings and Change Password
- Watch List
- View Profile and Update Profile
Basic Requirements:
- Android Studio or VS Code with Flutter Sdk
- Gradle 4.10.1 distribution
- Gradle Build Version 3.4.1 or above
- Target SDK version 27
- Minimum SDK version 16
- Java 8.0 or above
- Kotlin latest version installed
- Build tools 26.0.0 or above all
- X-Code version 3.2 or above
Used Tools:
- Flutter SDK
- Dart as primary language
- Markdown for documentation
- Http as Network client
- Json for Data parsing
Installation and Building App
- Download Java 8.0 or above and Install in your computer.
- Install Android Studio 2.3.3 or any above version in your PC
- Install the latest SDK files in your Android Studio
- Install the flutter SDK and Dart Plugin in your Android Studio
- Install the required Gradle distribution and build tools
- Open Android Studio and browse through File-> Open-> E-Haul Source file
- After opening the project, wait for the build finish, if show any error or suggestions follow the instruction.
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