Energetic Magic

Energetic Magic

Product Name: Energetic Magic


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Energetic Magic is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


It can’t be that simple. Can it? Actually it can. You’ve been trying to change your reality, and you’ve been working hard to do it. You’ve probably been doing self-help, life coaching, business coaching, or other programs. You’re following the steps, using the formulas. You are frustrated, and maybe even angry, because you can see other people succeeding but, for some reason, you’re not getting the results you expect. 

Did you know that the reason you aren’t able to solve a problem may be because you’re working on the wrong problem? BUT the problem you think you need to solve seems so big or important that it so completely distracts you from the problem you need to solve that you can’t even see it. It’s the beliefs and stories, implanted in you so long ago that you don’t even know they’re affecting you, that are wrecking your result. Sucks, right?

That’s where we come in. We work with motivated people who are determined to get to their goals, but have hit that frustrating space where things should work but just aren’t or aren’t working is a big enough way. What if, by clearing away junk cluttering up your mind, you results changes completely. What if life just became easier? Interested?

The things you are told growing up become your reality as an adult.

“Life is a struggle.”

“It’s better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable.”

“Better the devil you know.”

“You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.”

“Money is the root of all evil.”

There are dozens, hundreds, even thousands of things you were told by family, friends, media, and other sources that have lodged in you as beliefs. You probably even disagree withmany of them at a conscious level, but they’re still affecting your thoughts and actions. They’re creating your stories. They are the basis of your reality. Here’s the secret, though. Those beliefs can be changed.

Your current life is a first draft.

What would you like the story of your life to become? What change are you looking for?

Gain the tools to overcome your challenges

As you work with us, you will battle your limiting beliefs, your current stories. They will fight back. They’ve lived with you for so long that they won’t want to be replaced. But we’ll give the tools to build your new life, the weapons to battle the dragons in your subconscious. Some breakthroughs will take time, others will occur like magic. But you will see and feel the changes, big and small, almost immediately. And, you will gain the wisdom and experience to deal with any new dragons you create while they’re still small.

Learn to control your destiny

The goal of our coaching programs and classes is to help you control your subconscious, become the rider of your dragon, the author of your stories. Imagine if your stories were, “Everything always works out for me.” or “Money comes in faster than I can spend it.” or “My relationships are full of love and understanding.”

Life will happen for you, not to you. You will choose your next adventures instead of finding yourself dropped into ones you don’t like. You get to set the direction. How great does that feel?

Start celebrating your successes

Enjoy the new stories you live in. Sure, there will be challenges, but they’ll be for your growth through action, not for your escape from a life of struggle. You will find yourself looking forward to what life gives you next, not dreading the next disaster. Imagine celebrating your life each day.

After each new adventure (and even during), take time to settle in and enjoy your life. Our goal is to increase your overall happiness throughout each new story. Once you get proficient with our techniques, if you find yourself in a story you don’t like, you’ll be able to revise it or rewrite it completely. How awesome does that sound?

Work with a coach to identify your limiting beliefs and destroy them quickly. individual and group coaching available 

Monthly workshops online and in Toronto, ontario on a variety of topics relating to money, relationships, Health and SUCCESS. 

Want to learn how to perform energetic Magic on yourself and others in your life?  Read More about our foundation courses

Beliefs First, Reality Second

Copyright 2020 Energetic Magic, all rights reserved.

In response to Covid-19 our in person events have been canceled. To support our community at this time we have significantly discounted and upgraded our monthly magic mentoring program.


Click here to get Energetic Magic at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Energetic Magic is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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