EventOn Slider Addon | Events

EventOn Slider Addon


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This occasions plugin is third-party addon and it’s not developed by the creator of EventOn plugin.

A set of sliders and carousels to point out EventOn occasions in new superior methods. EventON plugin is required.

EventOn Slider Addon | Events - 1


  • Show your customized fields in sliders, carousels, and occasion playing cards
  • Show solely featured occasions or present all not featured occasions
  • Import / export EventON and EventOn Slider Addon translations. English and italian translations included
  • Set slider animation: slide or fade
  • Set slider transfer, variety of occasions moved when slider scroll to subsequent occasions
  • Popup field over overflow texts for present the total textual content
  • Not minified dimension are 100KB of CSS and 50KB of JavaScript, minify css and js scale back dimension of about 30%
  • Button to point out a all occasions checklist into a pleasant scrollable field


== V 3.0.1 ==
BUG:  Fixed admin bug that block the occasions date replace

== V 3 ==
BUG: Admin choose inputs design repair
BUG: Infinite loading on cell for Aveda theme for carousels

== V 2.9.0 ==
NEW: Calendar filter for isotope
NEW: Events label assist
BUG: Various bug fixes

== V 2.8.1 ==
BUG FIX: Incorporated Single Event Addon compatibility
BUG FIX: EventOn Addons now are totally suitable

== V 2.8 ==
BUG FIX: Address bug repair
NEW: Support for coordinates

== V 2.7 ==
NEW: Added assist for required Google Maps API Key
NEW: Added assist part in administration space

== V 2.6 ==
NEW: Cancelled occasions assist
BUG FIX: minor bugs repair

== V 2.5 ==
NEW: Cumulative classes choice
BUG FIX: repeating occasions

== V 2.4 ==
Full assist of repeating occasions

== V 2.3 ==
BUG FIX: Load extra masonry and occasions quantity
BUG FIX: Date format
BUG FIX: Others minor bugs

== V 2.2 ==
NEW: Filter by in the present day, this week, this month
BUG FIX: Load masonry script and css
BUG FIX: Some minor bugs solved

== V 2.1 ==
NEW: Cover picture zoom animation
NEW: Read extra button assist
BUG FIX: Fixed some minor bug

== V 2 ==
NEW: Masonry kind with classes, all options of sliders work additionally for masonry.
PERFORMANCE: Selective script and magnificence loading, plugin css and js recordsdata are loaded solely on pages the place plugin is executed. Async loading on footer for quicker web page load time.
BUG FIX: Event card description now could be wordpress render
BUG FIX: Ticket Addon hyperlinks
BUG FIX: Solved some generic bug

== V 1.4 ==
NEW: additional fields assist, present additional fields for occasion card, carousels, sliders
BUG FIX: right date format for traditional slider type b
BUG FIX: eliminated blurred impact

== V 1.3 ==
NEW: set cowl picture: default featured picture, organizer picture, location picture
NEW: admin space up to date, now with superior choices part
BUG FIX: Stronger CSS for keep away from theme and exterior css overwrite

== V 1.2 ==
NEW: present solely featured occasions or present all not featured occasions
NEW: customized occasion hyperlink, set customized hyperlink for each occasion
BUG FIX: unique Lightbox and Original dropdown field top

== V 1.1 ==
NEW: 100% compatibility with ADDONS by load unique Event Card
NEW: Set open kind occasion additionally for card field
BUG FIX: Hide End Time from calendar bug
BUG FIX: Stronger CSS for keep away from theme and exterior css overwrite


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