Events | PHP Event Sharing Web Template

Events | PHP Event Sharing Web Template


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iOS, Android and Web versions can share the same database on back4app

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10 April 2018
• Added 'header.php' and 'footer.php' files | edited all the other PHP files by removing their header and footer code and added the 'include' PHP function to include the new header and footer files
• Optimized the code by making it more compact 
• Added a 'header-event-details.php' file and edited 'event-details.php' accordingly by removing the code that fetches the Event's Parse object (such code is not into 'header-event-details.php'). In this way, when you click one of the share buttons on the right side, you'll be able to share title and description of the selected event
• Edited the code of the 'contactModal' and moved it into footer.php
• Added 2 app store evilge images into the 'images' folder

24 May 2018
Added a function named 'getEventTitle()' on the top of event-details.php
Replaced the first 2 meta tags with this:
     <meta charset="utf-8">
            <?php getEventTitle() ?>
In this way, you'll get the title of the event displayed I the tab of your browser, and when you'll share it on Facebook, the post will show title and description of the event.

Made from iOS and Android apps makers, Events is a Responsive HTML/CSS Website Template where you can showcase and share events all over the world. Users can submit new events to the Admin of the site (you) and you can approve them by changing the isPending field’s value into False in your Parse Dashboard on back4app.

You may also use the Adminca CMS Panel for Parse apps as a great alternative to insert/edit data in your Parse Dashboard, after you’ll create your app on back4app, create a free account on and create a new Panel, choose Self-hosted Parse server and paste your Host link, Application ID and Master Key in the relative fields (you can find them in Core Settings of your back4app dashboard)

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About Parse SDK and back4app

Read this article for more info about back4app and Parse SDK:

Can I host Parse Server on my own server?

Yes, although I don’t provide support for the setup process, you can read the official Guide here:

What about free support for this template?

I can offer free support for bugs encountered in the original code.
Instead, if you’ve edited the code and messed something up with it, I may apply some fee to fix it either via TeamViewer or by checking your app project files directly on my computer.

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• Fully Responsive
• Works with Parse PHP API hosted on
• Submit new events to the Admin via the website
• Modal ‘Contact Us’ form
• Add an event to your Google Calendar
• Geolocation with Google Map for events addresses
• Share an event via social networks and Mail
• Font Awesome icons
• Flat and modern Design
• Easy to customize
• Bootstrap
• HTML & CSS and PHP well commented code
• jQuery

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• A personal domain with at least PHP 5.4 (GoDaddy, HostGator and many other hosting providers have the latest version of PHP installed as default)
• A free account on
• Basic knowledge of how the Parse Dashboard works:

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