Fast Fat Burning Meals

Product Name: Fast Fat Burning Meals


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Hey, Yuri Elkaim and Amy Coates here and we’d like to ask you a question:

Are you fed up with not being able to lose weight and keep it off? Sick and tired of constantly trying to figure out what to have for your next meal? Are you bored of the same old bland meals?

This letter will change all of that for you.

Yet, still more than 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese. So what’s going on here?

Well, one of the largest studies on this topic out of UCLA found that people who diet typically lose 5% to 10% of their starting weight in the first six months, but between one-third and two-thirds of them end up REGAINING more weight than they lost within four to five years.

Why does this happen?

First, when you eat foods that trigger inflammation inside your body – like many diet and processed foods and even seemingly healthy foods like whole grains and soy – your adrenal glands pump out the stress hormone cortisol. Over time, this chronically high level of cortisol prompts your body to store more fat around your stomach and vital organs.

Also, worrying out about what to eat is another form of unneeded stress that leads to elevated cortisol and eventually increased belly fat.

Second, leptin is a hormone that is produced by your fat cells,
which tells the control center in your brain (known as the
hypothalamus) that you’re “full” and have enough “energy”
to function.

Normally, when you eat, your fat cells increase in
size slightly, and leptin is released, telling your
brain to STOP eating.

However, when you’re overweight or eat
processed foods that contain brain-disrupting
ingredients like sugar, fructose, MSG, or aspartame,
your hypothalamus becomes resistant to leptin.

That means that your brain NEVER gets the message that you’re full and so you feel like eating everything in sight. Your brain’s “off switch” no longer works properly.

So…can you see why eating common “diet” and processed foods (and being overweight) is so dangerous?

Have a look at most of the people you know that have gone on a diet or obsessed about counting calories. Have a look at women and men who choose the low-fat yogurt, the margarine over butter, or think they’re doing good by drinking diet sodas.

Now, you tell us: have their bodies changed at all in the past 90 days? We’ll wager you said, “No,” And you would be correct.

And that’s because most people can’t keep themselves from eating forbidden foods for long…so when they do, they BINGE, taking in a ton of “bad” calories all at once.

The result is simple – MORE fat on your hips, thighs, belly, and everywhere else!

If you’ve ever found yourself in this situation then please know that it is NOT your fault.

Why? Because good people just like you have been misled and lied to by the food and diet industry. You’ve probably even been brainwashed to believe that low-calorie diet foods are “smart” options because they supposedly help you lose weight…quickly and conveniently.

Just pop them in the microwave or open the box…and enjoy!

But the TRUTH is that sneaky food companies vilify health-transforming whole foods because they supposedly take too long to make…and so they force their man-made products on you as the quicker, healthier solution.

(We’ll show you otherwise in just a moment. So keep reading.)

According to a 2006 study in the Journal of Marketing Research, people who saw a “low fat” label on a food package ate up to 50% more of that food in a sitting than people who didn’t. No wonder diet foods make us fatter!

And a 2010 study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found
that the actual amount of calories in frozen diet foods was an average of
8% higher than what was listed on the label, and that items served in
restaurants had 18% more calories than the menus said they did!

The TRUTH is that the diet industry is in the business of making you
scared of real, wholesome food and getting you addicted to their
quick-fix (yet dangerously fattening) artificial products.

Living off “low calorie”, “low fat”, and other “diet” foods NEVER works in
the long run. And it drives you crazy in the process!

Have you ever heard of the French Paradox? It was a catchphrase, first used in the late 1980s, that referred to the paradox that French people have a relatively low incidence of obesity and disease, while having a diet rich in delicious natural foods, including saturated fats.

How could this be?

Here we are in North America obsessing about every little calorie and avoiding the very foods that are helping the French stay lean and healthy.

Michael Pollan, in his book In Defense of Food, explains it best by saying:

Eating REAL FOOD made from scratch is how the French and most indigenous cultures around the world have remained lean and healthy.

And that’s exactly how YOU will do it too. And the best part is that you don’t have to spend all day in the kitchen.

We’ll show you how in just a moment…

I (Yuri) used to live in France and experienced their culture and delicious foods firsthand. And I can tell you that calorie counting and diet foods were never a part of their diet – until they recently adopted more American dieting ideals.

And the best part is that we’re going to show how to enjoy the fat burning and health benefits of eating delicious “real” meals in just minutes per day!

Now, we’re sure you understand how important it is to eat real food. We’re not going to insult your intelligence.

But we also know that one of the reasons many people don’t do what they
know (ie. eat better quality food) is because most healthy recipes either
taste like cardboard or require too much time to prepare.

It’s certainly a lot easier to order take out or rip open a bag of chips when
you’re stressed or tight on time.

We get it.

But what if you actually craved delicious, whole food meals? Meals that are
simple super to make and that dazzle your tastebuds. And best of all, meals
that take mere minutes to make…that you could turn to in a pinch.

Both Amy and I are naturally quite lazy so we completely get not wanting to
spend all of your time in the kitchen. Yes, we love good food but we’d rather
have it sooner than later, right?

That’s why we only create delicious whole food recipes that burn fat and take
no time at all to prepare. We’ve quickly become known for providing the BEST
quick and delicious healthy meals that burn fat.

Recipes and meal plans that work for the busy, over-30 man or woman who
wants equally FAST results… without spending all day in the kitchen, counting
calories, or the same old bland recipes.

Listen: We don’t spend more than a few minutes preparing our meals.
We’ve got 3 young boys (and ourselves) to feed so we don’t have time to mess
around. But we also love great tasting food that’s good for us and that’s exactly
what we’re here to provide for you as well.

Are you tired of feeling like a prisoner to impossible dieting rules and bland health foods that take forever to make? Are you tired of beating yourself if your diet isn’t “perfect”? Are you done feeling guilty for enjoying foods that actually taste good?

If so, then the “Food Freedom Formula” that is integral to this program will finally give you the FREEDOM (and mouthwatering, healthy meals) you’ve been craving for far too long.

Let us quickly tell you about the 3 tenets of our Food Freedom Formula:

Do you want to lose 10 to 20 pounds or more while still enjoying delicious food? Good because you won’t need to deprive yourself of mouth-watering meals ever again!

That’s because every meal we’ll be providing for you is 100% allergen-friendly, which means there’s NO gluten, dairy, corn, soy, or other inflammatory allergens that disrupt your vital fat-burning hormones, making it near impossible to lose weight.

When you eat our meals you won’t need to count calories or feel guilty about indulging in delicious food because these flavorful anti-inflammatory foods are the “magic bullet” to balancing your hormones and keeping you lean, healthy, and happy.

So, go ahead…eat your heart out…without feeling guilty!

Yes, we love great food and we appreciate making meals from scratch. But we certainly don’t have all day to spend in the kitchen, do we?

The good news for you is that, other than tasting great and doing your body good, every single meal takes less than 15 minutes to prepare. Certain meals may sit in the oven or crockpot a little longer but at least the prep will have taken just a few minutes of your time.

Imagine that – delicious, guilt-free, fat burning meals that you can enjoy quicker than it would take a gooey fattening pizza to be delivered to your door. They’re so fast, that you might even feel like your days now have 26 hours

You’re busy. You’ve got stuff to do…and perhaps kids to feed and take of as well. The last thing you want to do is figure out “what to make for dinner”, especially after a long, tiring day.

As you’ve experienced before, when you’re tired and stressed, good decision-making goes down the drain. Instead, you feel like tearing open a bag of chips or devouring that “hidden” chocolate bar, which do little more than pack on weight and leave you feeling terrible.

We’re here to make your life as easy as possible and take the heavy food burden off your shoulders. That’s why we’re hooking you up with the BEST simple recipes that don’t require being a chef to make… along with daily meal plans that give you “laser-like” guidance on exactly which fat burning meals to eat and when.

There’s nothing wrong with experimenting with new recipes and trying things out on your own but if that’s a daily occurrence your chances of success are slim to none.

These 3 tenets give you the FREEDOM to live your life without being a slave to food…

Is that something you want?

I bet it is.

This is truly the ultimate done-for-you solution for quick and
delicious healthy meals that burn fat…without counting calories,
feeling guilty about food, or spending all your time in the kitchen.

It takes the frustration and thought out of meal prep and resets
your body’s natural ability to start “burning” every ounce
of unwanted fat…

…fat that has been “trapped” inside your body for years.

And yo u’ll get to do this all while savoring delicious dinners, sensational smoothies, healthy “wonder” breads, and even irresistible homemade desserts as often as you like.

Whether you’re looking for paleo or vegan options, you can enjoy the most delicious healthy meals that will please your tastebuds and sizzle away fat. And you’ll get the daily meal plans and grocery lists to make eating yummy, fat-burning meals as easy as 1-2-3.

As a leading holistic nutritionist, health expert, and New York Times bestselling author who’s helped more than 500,000 men and women to amazing health over the past 15 years…

I (Yuri) can tell you that the most important thing you can do to lose weight and keep it off is to focus on the QUALITY – not quantity – of the foods you eat. That means calories matter little if you eat foods that are packed with high quality nutrients.

And that’s what my wife (and fellow nutritionist) Amy and I have spent so many years compiling for our clients. And now you get to benefit from it as well in a way that simplifies your life and allows you to enjoy great tasting food once again.

Here’s what a few of our clients have said about delicious, fat burning meals:

“Eat your way to a new healthier you with Yuri, Amy, and their team’s fantastic recipes! Yes you can eat and love it along with loving your newfound energy and body!! I did and I am!!!”

“I thought that I could never stop eating bread and cheese, but now that I’ve started using these recipes, I can’t imagine eating any other way. Most meals can be prepared in less than half an hour, and they taste great. More importantly, I feel so much better. My acid reflux and IBS symptoms have improved tremendously, and so far I have lost 23 lbs!”

“I have been so impressed with all of the recipes on this plan. They’re simple to make and all very satisfying. I especially love the Creamy Tomato Soup with Sausage, my kids love it too and that is a big plus in my household!”

Having helped more than half a million people to amazing health and lean bodies over the past two decades I’ve seen it…I’ve tried it…and I keep coming back to what really works:

Eating real food in a way that is simple, tasty, and nourishing. No deprivation or complicated dieting schemes.

Did you know that most people have been duped into believing that secret diet foods are required to lose weight and that eating real wholesome foods takes too much time, is too expensive, and is too complicated?

Well, that’s exactly why I’ve put this together Fast Fat Burning Meals cookbook!

You deserve to feel FREE and no longer held hostage by stupid diet “rules” or meals that are impossible to make.

Unlike traditional cookbooks that simply “fire hose” hundreds of time-sucking recipes at you – that are likely more suitable for professional chefs…

The simple “done-for-you” recipes and meal plans inside our cookbook give you fast, fat-burning results, while allowing you to once again enjoy your food – without the guilt!

And you can feel like a hero in your kitchen because they’re so easy to prepare.

Ah…doesn’t that just feel great?

You just have to be willing to follow the recipes and simple meal plan and your body will take care of itself. There are no complicated meal plans, counting calories or points, or gimmicky diet foods found inside.

Why? Because none of that nonsense works…and you know it.

Every shady marketer, diet book, and food company wants you to believe there’s some kind of shortcut to the body and health you desire. They’re full of it. You’re too smart to buy into that, right?

Remember, Amy and I are in our mid 30s. We’re extremely busy raising 3 young boys (under 5 years old), and are on a mission to serve millions of people around the world. We don’t believe in stupid, time-sucking diets or laborious, tasteless recipes.

We put this solution together with busy men and women like
us (and older) in mind, and it’s specifically and uniquely tailored
to provide you with quick and delicious healthy meals that
burn fat.

People like Patrick Diaz…

A busy new dad who for years struggled with being severely
overweight. However, following these types of delicious
fat-burning meals he lost 30 pounds in just 42 days!

Or look at Michelle – another one of our client’s who was always
tired and bloated because she relied on convenient processed
foods for most her meals.

After just 21 days she noticed increased energy and that her pants were looser. She even fit into an old pair of skinny jeans!

By day 42, her cravings were gone and she had lost 13
pounds, 4 inches, and 6% body fat!

And it’s these same real food-based meals that will slow the
aging process, help you lose years of “trapped” fat, add a pep
in your step, and overcome food cravings that may have held
you hostage for years!

You’re going to eat anyways so you might as well be
eating foods that create the body you want.

And just know THIS…

Over the past 15 years, we have seen the same common “stories” told over and over again…

“I’m too busy and I don’t have time to prepare healthy meals”

“I don’t know how to eat healthy”

“Eating healthy is too expensive”

“I’ve tried everything…I simply can’t lose weight!”

We want you to realize that these stories are just that – stories. And if you have been telling yourself one or more of them, they will hold you back from achieving the health and body you want!

That’s going to stop today because:

The Fast Fat Burning Meals cookbook is a simple, proven system that works for anyone at any age, without overhauling your life.

That means you can prepare delicious healthy meals for yourself and your family without becoming a slave to your kitchen or blowing all of your money on expensive foods.

Amy and I use these recipes to make dinner together with our kids and we have a blast. Most importantly, we look and feel better than ever.

And so too have our clients all around the world. Here’s what a few of them have to say:

“These healthy but oh-so-delicious recipes are the number one reason why I decided that going gluten- and dairy-free is not so bad after all. I couldn’t have done it if it wasn’t so delicious! These meals are amazingly delicious, they make me feel so much happier, healthier and more energetic. They completely changed the way I look at food and eating.”

“Eat your way to a new healthier you with Yuri, Amy, and their team’s fantastic recipes! Yes you can eat and love it along with loving your newfound energy and body!! I did and I am!!!”

“I’ve been everything from vegan to paleo and tried all sorts of eating plans. Yuri’s fat burning meals have been the easiest to make, follow, and most importantly enjoy! They are delicious and straightforward, and easy to incorporate into my busy lifestyle. Moreover, I can make them for my husband and he has no complaints either!

Although we’ve helped hundreds of thousands of men and women around the world to radiant health, know this:

We aren’t genetic freaks. We both had to overcome years of terrible eating habits. And we certainly don’t spend all of our time in the kitchen.

In fact, up until her mid-twenties, Amy struggled with her weight. In college, she exploded past the typical “freshmen fifteen” by packing on a total of 30 lbs in just one year.

It didn’t help that she also worked at McDonalds’ flipping burgers as a teenager. Growing up on fast food and rarely ever having a meal at home that was made from fresh foods, was a ticking time bomb that eventually forced her to body to pack on stubborn weight.

For years, she tried every diet under the sun. She would lose some
weight here and there, only to put it back on (with interest) shortly
thereafter. It seemed like the more diets she tried, the more weight
she ended up gaining afterwards. By following the latest “low fat”,
“low calorie”, and other diets-of-the-day she likely did more harm
than good.

Then, one day, Amy snapped.

She was gearing up for a hockey game. Getting undressed in the locker
room with all the other girls, she felt embarrassed about her body.
She was certainly more comfortable hiding under her hockey equipment.
At least she thought so.

As she started to “gear up”, she slid her legs through your hockey pants and pulled them up. But they wouldn’t budge! She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t even fit into her big hockey pants anymore. She felt like running away and hiding in a cave. She knew something had to change.

Then there’s me:

I certainly wasn’t always a highly sought after health and nutrition expert or New York Times bestselling author… and
I certainly wasn’t always a regular guest on shows like Dr. Oz or The Doctors.

Growing up, my terrible diet caused me to suffer from a host
of health problems that I thought would simply take care of
themselves because I was so active.

Instead, my digestive problems, eczema, asthma, and low
energy eventually erupted into a full-blown autoimmune
condition, in which my body attacked my hair, leaving me
complete bald from head to toe just before my 17th
birthday. I later discovered that this was largely caused by
my diet and eating a lot of supposed health foods.

Because of our mutual struggles growing up on foods that are known dangers to the human body, Amy and I have always been passionate about learning the truth about what creates optimal health and a lean body. We wanted answers to our problems and those answers came rushing in when we returned to school in our mid-twenties to study holistic nutrition.

Since discovering the life-changing health and nutrition secrets from that schooling, Amy has lost years of stubborn weight, had to buy smaller hockey pants, and kept off the weight even after multiple pregnancies. And both of us are leaner and healthier than we’ve ever been.

And we’re motivated more than ever to keep eating this way
so that we can provide our kids with the best start in life as
possible. Something neither Amy nor I had growing up.

It just so happens that the very meals that have kept both
Amy and I super lean and our entire family healthy are
the SECRET to helping you burn more fat as well.

Amy and I are not genetics freaks (as we just showed you)
and the recipes and meal plans that you’re about to enjoy
inside this cookbook haven’t just transformed our bodies
and health…

They’ve also done so for countless other men and women around the world as we showed you above.

The same exact system that produced the above results can give you the health and body you want as well. But how?

No matter how much weight you have to lose…no matter if your hormones are a mess…and even if don’t think you can lose weight and keep it off…

You can! And you will because:

Our “unique” whole food recipes help your body in TWO specific (and powerful) ways:

And this is crucial since we’ve already shown you that eating the wrong foods that disrupt your hormone and create inflammation are the very cause of your weight gain!

Thus, eating foods that fight inflammation, like the ones that are abundantly found in our Fast Fat Burning Meals cookbook, is vitally important at helping you beat belly fat.

In fact, ALL of your hormones will start to function properly as you start eating the right kinds of foods…

The result…effortless weight loss!

Now, here’s the really good part (and ladies, listen up!) You are in TOTAL CONTROL — you simply eat when you want and stop when you’re full. At last, your body works as it should and you are in control of what you eat – not the other way around. You enjoy complete peace of mind knowing that
every meal and necessary shopping list is provided for you. No more
guesswork. Doesn’t that feel awesome?!

I know, this sounds so incredibly simple… and it is. You see, you might
be confused right now about how to eat to lose weight…in a way that
is actually easy and healthy for you.

There are so many super-complicated diets and recipes out there
that are not as healthy as they’d like you to believe – it’s enough to
confuse anyone! And it’s not your fault.

So many magazines print the most confusing, and downright
STUPID diet plans and recipes (loaded with inflammatory and
hormone disrupting foods) we’ve ever seen! It’s no wonder the nation is growing fatter by the year, and people have no idea how to eat well.

Our motto is: radiant health and lasting weight loss begin in YOUR kitchen with clean, simple, and great-tasting whole foods.

So, let’s recap what we’ve learned so far:

Since your body is truly made in the kitchen, the fastest way to lose years of “trapped” fat is to have “done-for-you” recipes and meal plans based on real, whole foods that fight inflammation and reset your body’s hormones to function properly. NOT counting calories, relying on fleeting willpower, or turn to “diet” foods that send a wave of toxins into your body that disrupt your ability to lose weight and keep it off…and drive you crazy in the process.

The mistake you absolute MUST AVOID is obsessing about calories and depriving yourself of delicious REAL foods. Because, if you do, it’s only a matter of time before you rebel and eat everything in sight…causing you to pack on even more fat!

The solution is to focus on eating high-quality foods that are fast and easy to make so that obsessing about calories becomes unnecessary. Remember, low-calorie “diet” foods disrupt hormones in your body and create excess inflammation, which forces you to store fat and eat more. By contrast, eating delicious (even higher calorie) REAL food lowers inflammation and helps your metabolism reset so that it can naturally release unneeded fat. And you get to actually ENJOY your food again!

The results have been proven for centuries by generations of men and women who ate real food found in nature. Not the processed crap that you see on TV and down most aisles in the grocery store. Now, YOU can have the exact “blueprint” to give your body exactly what it needs to shed fat and feel amazing! And it’s easier than ever before. Just eat!

Unless you’re a NY times bestselling nutrition author and health expert
who knows exactly the right foods to eat for cooling inflammation,
resetting your hormones, and releasing “trapped” fat, OR…

You’re a trained chef who knows exactly how to make mouth-watering
healthy meals in a matter of minutes, OR…

You already have a proven “done-for-you” daily meal plan with itemized
grocery lists that’s actually getting you the fat loss results you want, THEN…

You simply cannot find anything like the Fast Fat Burning Meals cookbook
anywhere on the planet but on this page.

Sure, you can find copycat approaches to meal planning online. And there
are certainly no shortage of cookbooks at your disposal. If you really
wanted to, you could order every cookbook on Amazon and try figuring
out which ones will help reshape your body. You could also spend about
100+ hours on Google and probably track down 80% of what Amy and I
provide for you in the Fast Fat Burning Meals cookbook.

You could do that…but why?

After all, that’s the exact reason why we created this solution. We’ve not only
created the system FOR you. We’ve already put the beautiful recipes with full
color professional photos that make your mouth water, the daily meal plans,
and the action steps all into one convenient, easy to follow place that you can
access AND put into action immediately. That’s it. Quick and delicious
healthy meals that burn fat – every time!

So, it’s up to you: get access to everything we’ve created for you – for pennies on the dollar – or start digging around and hope you figure it out.

And, no matter what you decide, you will never access our amazing transformation stories (just look where Amy started after 3 pregnancies), all the specifics that can make or break your results, and all the ridiculous freebies I’m about to show you without trying out this one-of-a-kind cookbook.

Here’s what you get TODAY:

Enjoy 30 of our best fat-burning meals that you and your entire family will enjoy. They take less than 15 minutes to make, are 100% allergy-friendly, and big on flavor.

Plus, we’ve organized them for you in a convenient and easy-to-follow 30-day meal plan so that you know exactly what to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now you can look forward to eating again without all the fuss – quickly and conveniently! Finally, enjoy – 100% guilt-free – delicious, healthy, fat-burning recipes like these:

Built into this cookbook is a “done-for-you” 30-day meal plan that structures all of your recipes into a daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner MENU for faster fat loss and so that you never have to stress about what to have for your next meal ever again.

To make your life even easier, you’ll also get an itemized shopping list for all of the necessary ingredients for each meal so that you know exactly which foods and ingredients (and in what quantities) to grab at the store. Having this detailed breakdown will save you time and money on foods that may otherwise go to waste.

Go it alone, and you will end up confused and frustrated…and you’ll end up right back here where you are right now. Amy and I have seen it time and time again – people try and do it on their own without our super simple recipes and daily meal plans.

The results are NOT pretty.

Sure it sounds easy to “eat healthy” and that you can probably get similar solutions elsewhere. But let’s get real: if that were true, you would have done so already and would look and feel exactly the way you want.

Without using our “Food Freedom Formula” your body will continue to struggle with excess inflammation and messed up hormones that are preventing you from losing weight and feeling more youthful.

That’s because our Food Freedom Formula is highly specific and requires eating (and omitting) exactly the right foods. It requires adhering to a simple-to-follow, yet specific, daily meal plan that is proven to melt fat.

You can’t just slap a bunch of recipes together and expect great results. That’s what amateurs do. Pros follow a proven plan that is developed by experts who have discovered the “formula” to quick and lasting results.

That’s what Amy and I have spent the last 15 years mastering. Now, for less than the cost of a greasy pizza you can tap into our expertise and enjoy the quickest, tastiest, and healthiest meals that burn fat – quickly!

There are some people we simply do not want to give a copy of our cookbook to… and we mean NO offense, but we just don’t want you to waste your time and money. Fair?

You think “simple” means we’re going to “hand deliver” these meals to your front door. Dream on. You are the one that has to take a few minutes each day to prepare your meals. We’ve done everything for YOU except shop, chop, and cook your food…making it as easy as possible for you to meet us half way.

You don’t want to improve the way you are eating. We cover some very simple, basic dietary improvements that you will need to make to see results come extra fast. These are essential, especially if you need to lose weight. Nothing radical, but still…you will not be eating pizza, French fries, and ice cream and wake up with the body of your dreams.

You don’t love great tasting REAL food. Both Amy and I are big time foodies. We love good food that’s actually good for you…and that’s what we specialize in creating for you. If you want to rely on “diet” foods that come in a box, then isn’t for you.

Or, you refuse to move away from counting calories and worrying about grams of fat. Once again, calories matter very little when you eat the right nutrient-rich foods. Sure coconut milk contains more fat and calories than margarine, but you know which one is better for you, don’t you? So let’s agree to just eat natural, whole foods without fussing about that nonsense.

Or, you are just one of those folks who will buy the cookbook and then let it sit on your desktop and never put it to use. Please, don’t waste your money if that’s the case. However, if that IS the case, just realize you’re only going to gain more and more weight…lose control over your diet…be held hostage by food cravings….and perhaps even become ill…unless you do something about your diet and health, starting today.

Look around you…drive down any major street…walk through any food court…

What do you see?

Nothing that will support your goal of eating healthy and
losing weight. In fact, the onslaught of terrible fast and
fattening convenience foods is exactly why Amy and I are
determined to get these simple, healthy fat-burning meals
into your hands.

We know you’re pressed for time. So are we. We know you
don’t want to give up delicious foods. Neither do we. And we
know you’re done with all that calorie counting nonsense,

We want you to succeed and we want to make it easy for you to incorporate fast, healthy fat burning meals into your life.

That’s why we’re giving you this to you TODAY at such a ridiculous discount.

Also, this is not some super-fancy hardcover book with a million-dollar publisher’s ad budget. This is just a simple, yet beautiful, comprehensive, and to-the-point digital cookbook (PDF format) that will give you the everything you need – recipes, inspiring pictures, meal plan, ingredients – in as little time as possible.

Plus, we’re on a mission to transform the lives of more than 10 million people by 2018. And we know that the only to do that is by making done-for-you healthy, fat-burning recipes and meal plans more accessible to reach as many people as possible.

Which means that if, within 60 days, you do not feel that the Fast Fat Burning Meals Cookbook has saved you time, given you more peace of mind, and helped you stay lean without ever counting calories and giving up delicious foods, then you don’t pay a dime….
and you still get to keep the cookbook as our gift to you!

If you aren’t impressed before the end of your FREE 30-day trial, then simply email us so we can cancel your membership.

After that, this RIDICULOUSLY low price will be gone and we’ll be increasing the price of the cookbook to its higher regular price.

So you best order now to make sure you lock in the lowest price possible. Plus…

To accelerate your success and give you even more quick, healthy “done-for-you” meals, we’re also throwing in the following 2 “juicy” bonuses:

Who doesn’t love bread? Sadly, most breads are terrible for your health, create high levels of inflammation, send your blood sugar soaring, and force your body to store excess belly fat.

Well, not anymore! Now, you can have your bread and eat it too with our delicious gluten-free, wheat-free “wonder breads”. You can enjoy these delicious breads until your heart’s content because they’re 100% healthy, loaded with fiber and protein, and take less than 30 minutes to bake in the oven. You’ll enjoy breads like our “Guilt-Free Super Bread”, “Delicious Dinner Rolls”, and mouthwatering “Banana Bread” – just to name a few.

Making a smoothie is one of the easiest ways to send a surge of easily absorbable “high-power” nutrients into your body. In just one glass, you can get 3-5 servings of vegetables and fruit, which provide the vital nutrients your body needs to stay lean and healthy.

In this recipe guide, you’ll get 21 of our best slimming smoothies that you can whip together in 3 minutes or less so that you can get on with the rest of your day and feel about yourself. These are perfect to use when you’re pinched for time and want a quick, healthy “liquid” meal.

Then, we’ve got to be really honest with you. We don’t like sugar-coating the truth and that’s part of the reason we’re so good at helping people transform their bodies and health.

Moments from now, you could be transforming your relationship with food, eating as much of the right foods as you desire…all while burning more fat than you thought possible.

But here’s the thing:

You can keep doing exactly what you’re doing now. You can continue struggling to find the right recipes that are proven to prime your body to release “trapped” fat. You can count all the calories you want without seeing any difference on the scale. Your pants will still feel tight. And you’ll still be held hostage by food cravings and last-minute “convenience foods” decisions because you lack the right plan.

Your “obsession with food” will kick into full gear…all while others who are using our Food Freedom Formula are FREE from the shackles of dieting struggles. They’ll be in full control of the foods they eat. You won’t be.

The months and years will pass, and you will have LOST a golden opportunity to take advantage of a proven system…at the absolute lowest price that will ever be offered.

Sure, that may sound harsh but we’d rather be honest with you then pretend that everything is going to be ok if you try figuring this out on your own.

But never forget this:

Both Amy and I believe in YOU. We believe that you will make the best and only decision for your greatest chance at shedding years of “trapped” fat, eating healthy consistently, turning back the clock, and living a life full of energy.

Your friends in deliciously healthy and simple meals,

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, RHN
New York Times bestselling author, The All-Day Energy Diet
Amy Coates, BSc., RHN
Creators, Fast Fat Burning Meals

P.S. Every second you wait the odds are good you will do nothing. Success in life requires action, so act right now while it’s fresh in your mind…

P.S.S. Remember, you have a full 60-day trial period to put Fast Fat Burning Meals to work for you! Put these meals to the test and you’ll see and feel the difference almost immediately. With today’s special discount and “no questions asked” Money Back Guarantee there’s NO WAY you can lose…

“Excellent easy to follow recipes. Most importantly, they are delicious and healthy and I look forward to making them. Now I consider myself a better cook and the credit goes to Yuri and his team!”

“Loving the recipes – common grocery items, easy to put together, and taste wonderful! My hunger is totally satisfied and there are enough servings for your better half or family to eat, too. I’m already feeling more energy and less bloated. Yuri – you should have your own show on the Cooking Channel or Food Network!”

“These recipes have been a life saver for me! It takes all of the guesswork out of what to cook everyday. Not only is the food delicious, but it makes me feel great! Thank you, Yuri, for making weight loss so simple!”

Q. What makes this cookbook any different from all the rest?

No other cookbook uses our “Food Freedom Formula” which gives you delicious whole food recipes that take less than 15 minutes to make. The end result is that you are in full control of what you eat, free of bad choices, spend less time in the kitchen, and are eating your way to the body of your dreams.

Each recipe is accompanied by a beautiful picture that will make you salivate just looking at it. And to make your life even easier, we’ve provided a no-thinking-required 30-day meal plan so you’ll know exactly which of the meals to make and when. Plus, you’ll also get an itemized grocery list so you have pinpoint accuracy when buying your groceries – this saves you both time and money! Good luck finding all this anywhere else, at such a no-brainer price.

Q. Will these recipes fit into my paleo/raw/vegan, etc… lifestyle?

Yes, the recipes we create that can soothe all eating plans. Some are perfect for paleo, others for vegetarians, and so forth. The one thing they all have in common is that they’re low in sugar, allergen-friendly, are quick to make, and taste amazing.

Q. Are these recipes suitable for the entire family?

YES, they are absolutely family-friendly. Amy and I have 3 young boys and they eat what we eat, which means our meals need to be healthy and delicious. You’ll enjoy most of the meals we make at home as well as those from our contributors, which even the pickiest of eaters will fall in love with.

Q. What if I’m allergic to dairy, gluten, soy, or eggs?

Not worry. None of the recipes contain gluten, dairy, or soy and we have many egg-free recipes as well.

Q. Is this suitable for a non-cook?

YES! On top of all the recipes you’ll learn simple and essential cooking techniques that deliver outstanding taste and great nutrition in no time at all. You don’t need to be a pro to enjoy clean and lean food at home.

Q. Is it going to be really expensive to follow the recipes?

No. We’ve committed to making this easy for you to follow and light on your wallet, especially when you consider spending less money dining out and more time dining in and enjoying the food you cook in your own kitchen.

Which means that if, within 60 days, you do not feel that the Fast Fat Burning Meals Cookbook has saved you time, given you more peace of mind, and helped you stay lean without ever counting calories and giving up delicious foods, then you don’t pay a dime….
and you still get to keep the cookbook as our gift to you!

If you aren’t impressed before the end of your FREE 30-day trial, then simply email us so we can cancel your membership.


Click here to get Fast Fat Burning Meals at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Fast Fat Burning Meals is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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