First Strike

Product Name: First Strike


Click here to get First Strike at discounted price while it’s still available…

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First Strike is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Attention: Any Man Concerned With The Rise Of Violent Encounters In Germany — and Who Wants To Protect Himself and His Family From Those Who Intend Harm — Must Master The 17 Viciously Effective Special Forces Combatives Moves Now Revealed For The First Time On This Page

But within seconds nobody was laughing anymore — this guy Steve had both his aggressors stunned on the floor, wondering what happened while he quickly pulled his wife to safety and got the hell out of there…

Yet he had never trained in martial arts. And his only belts were for holding up the pants of the suits he wore to work every day.

So how did Steve — a short, skinny, and kinda flabby guy who doesn’t work out, and who has never stepped foot in a martial arts studio — lay out these two aggressive guys twice his size?

Steve quickly read the situation, which we’ll look more closely at in a minute. He recognized all the patterns that were playing out in front of him. And he had the confidence to trust his own instinctive reaction to inflict devastating violence on his aggressors.

And get this… he learned how to unleash his genetically hardwired ability to unleash crippling force in less than a few hours — without any formal martial arts training — using a brand new collection of devastatingly simple Special Forces combatives. I’ll tell you exactly how he did it in a minute so keep reading…

Did you know your ability to inflict serious damage to an aggressor in order to protect yourself and your family is hardwired into your human genes?

As a man, you have instinctive reactions passed down through countless generations designed to keep you and your loved ones alive and safe.

Yet the modern world has quietly stripped you of these precious skills that already exist deep in your subconscious…

Society has pressured you to back down, act meek, and turn the other cheek. It has stripped you of your right to move through the world with confidence and self-assuredness.

And unless you take some simple steps to awaken those dormant instincts before it’s too late, you won’t have access to them when violence strikes. And it will…

(sorry, it’s a question of WHEN rather that IF…)

Look, I’ve seen it time and again. As a former SWAT Team leader I’ve been witness to countless acts of meaningless violence. And it springs when you least expect it.

The good news is, your body ALREADY knows what to do. It’s encoded in your very cells. More about that in a second. First…

I want to assure you that awakening your dormant instincts for protecting yourself and your family will take as little as a few hours.

How do I know? Let me introduce myself…

My name is Todd Lamb. I began my career as a Special Operator in the Canadian Forces SSF. And until recently I served as leader of one of the most prestigious SWAT Teams in the world.

Together with Personal Protection expert and long-time martial arts teacher Ari Knazan, we’re on a mission to help men around the world regain the confidence that comes from KNOWING you can take care of business when violence strikes.

Look, most people think Special Forces guys spend hours training in lethal martial arts techniques. The truth is…

We really only rely on a handful of devastating tactics that are learned in weeks instead of years, and that are based on natural human reflexes to end the encounter quickly and efficiently.

I don’t want to put down martial artists. There is a ton of value in the discipline and ritual involved. It’s a great tool for self exploration. However…

In a real world violent encounter a black belt may do you more harm than good. You see… martial arts assume there are RULES. Even MMA has a handful of rules that need to be respected. But the bad guys don’t follow the rules in the real world.

Which is why I want to show guys how to respond with devastating force when faced with violence. And the only way to do that is to give you the most vicious and deadly techniques passed down and refined through generations of what’s called “combatives”…

Over 200 year ago, the Shanghai Municipal Police — pioneers of modern SWAT who operated in what was the most dangerous port city in the world — had an important realization. Here it is…

When someone throws something at you unexpectedly, what do you do?

You jerk your hands up right? You don’t even think about it…

That is a reactive or instinctive action and it formed the basis for a devastating approach to violent encounters first developed by those Shanghai operators.

After studying under the most respected fighters in China and Japan, these officers condensed the most practical techniques based on natural human instincts, combined them with the moves of Shanghai gangster fighting, and field-tested the result in over 2000 documented encounters.

This real-world fighting style has become known as combatives and has continued to evolve.

After returning home to the UK or the US, veterans of the Shanghai Municipal Police were recruited to train allied World War II Special Forces teams. After only weeks of training, during close quarter engagements with the enemy this new combatives method produced the highest number of documented kills of any system ever seen.

Yet these Special Operators did not train for years to develop these skills. Indeed few had trained in any form of formal martial arts.

In fact these methods were so simple and devastating that I’m sure you can see why they have never been made widely available to the public!

Actually there are a lot of folks who are enraged that we are now making these simple yet terribly effective methods available to any man who wants to be able to protect himself and his loved ones.

Which is exactly why we want to make sure you have access to them. Because in just days or weeks you’ll finally have the confidence to know you can handle yourself in any situation. And you’ll know that you have the power to protect others when the shit hits the fan!

Listen, Steve’s story could have turned out very different…

Imagine yourself in his situation. You’re on vacation with your wife. It’s early evening and you drop into a bar on your way to dinner for a quiet cocktail.

You’re enjoying your evening, minding your own business, when these two tough looking guys a couple tables over start getting loud.

One thing leads to another and they start heckling you and making lewd comments about your wife. Which is when they get up and approach your table…

This is where Steve let his instincts kick in. However…

Do you keep your eyes down and just hope they go away? The whole time feeling like a cowardly weakling in front of your wife?…

Do you take your wife’s hand and try to get out of there — hoping the thugs don’t follow?

Do you stand up to these towering aggressors even though you are terrified and don’t have a clue how you could possibly stop them if push comes to shove?

Because those are your only choices unless you’ve spent some time unlocking the instincts deep inside you that are there to keep you alive and keep your loved ones safe…

And PLEASE do not make the same mistake most men make…

…thinking that violence is something that happens somewhere else. To other people…

I see so many men who walk around thinking: “it won’t happen to me”…

Look, just because you live in what you think is a “safe” place and don’t go looking for trouble doesn’t mean it isn’t going to find you…

In fact it lurks around every corner. And it will strike when you least expect it. Unless you learn to recognize it and shut it down before you become a victim.

Which is why you need to learn to make the FIRST STRIKE when violence comes knocking — exactly how Steve did…

Now if you still think violence doesn’t strike guys like you, just consider some of these situations that happened to guys we’ve worked with. These are regular Joes who only thought to prepare themselves AFTER they or their loved ones had been victimized. Put yourself in their shoes for a second. (But please don’t make the same mistakes they did…)

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. These are real things happening to real people every day. And it’s just getting WORSE every year.

However you don’t have to be the victim. You don’t have to play by the bad guy’s rules.

Let’s take a look at how Steve got him and his wife out of that bar alive and well…

First, he recognized the early signs that these guys were trouble and started to listen to his instincts.

As soon as these guys got up from their table Steve also got out of his chair, adopted a dominating stance, looked these guys in the eyes, and told them to back off…

Now, they were not visibly intimidated by any means by this scrawny guy in his fancy clothes. In fact they laughed at him. But on some level they were thrown off by this unexpected behavior.

However Steve could see they were still intent on bullying him and his wife. He didn’t know if they intended actual violence or not. And he didn’t care…

He didn’t give the situation a chance to unfold and turn him and his wife into another statistic of violent crime. He allowed himself to act on instinct. To make the First Strike to end the encounter…

The whole time he had kept one hand casually on the back of a bar stool. It seemed innocent but he remembered the importance of Weapons Of Opportunity. When it became clear these guys were not backing down, that stool came whipping around out of nowhere to crack one of the thugs across the side of the head before he even realized what was happening…

I mean c’mon… this little guy actually fighting back??…

And before the other guy could even react Steve jammed a “thumb out ridge hand” to his throat and kicked his feet out from under him. The guy’s head hit a table and he was probably out cold before he hit the floor. However…

Steve would never know because — following his next instinct — he instantly whirled around, grabbed his wife by the hand and got her the hell out of there before she could even register ANY of this…

Only after making sure his wife was safely away did he pull out his cell phone and call the cops. After all he knew the cops are so overrun they can only show up after the dust has already settled…

The sad truth is that most “self defence” systems hide their ineffectiveness by blinding you with stacks of DVDs, hours of videos, and hundreds of techniques to learn.

Truth: Trying to learn all those techniques will likely get you killed…!

It has been proven time and again throughout history — in the most violent docksides, war fronts, gang enclaves and criminal hotbeds — effective and deadly fighting boils down to somewhere between 15 to 20 moves, depending on which system you look at.

From the Shanghai police special operations in the 1800s, to WWII Combatives, to modern day Special Forces combatives… each group looked at the best the “martial arts” had to offer and molded the most devastating elements into the kind of simple, real world system that can be learned quickly and easily by every new recruit.

Building on the tradition of these combatives methods, Ari and I have boiled our combatives approach down to 17 deadly moves that are all you’ll ever need.

We’ve combined my Special Forces background with Ari’s decades of applying his martial arts experience to the real world demands of personal protection and security work. The result is the most easy-to-learn system of devastating fight techniques ever created.

Yes… you’ll need to practice these moves a bit to awaken your natural instincts. Yet each of these combatives moves is clearly delivered in 3 minutes or less in easy-to-understand videos that you can watch anywhere, even on your phone.

After only weeks — sometimes even just days — you’ll master our most devastating combatives moves including…

Remember, you’ll absorb these moves in a matter of days or weeks rather than through years of martial arts training. And since each move is presented in a simple and easy-to-understand 3 minute video, you’ll quickly and easily master the system. And…

Knowing you’ve unlocked your instinctive ability to unleash these deadly effective moves will give you the confidence that others can detect and that often ends an encounter before it begins…

Have you ever noticed that certain men — no matter how small or big — snap up the space in a room as soon as they walk in?

And have you ever wondered what it feels like to be that guy? The one who commands respect without even saying a word?

Do you know what’s different about guys like that? It’s simple…

I’ve seen 5’5” guys cause 6 foot thugs to turn around and walk away with nothing but a look.

I know it sounds woo-woo or mystical. But there’s a physical force that projects from guys that have self confidence. And…

Believe me when I tell that the root of true, deep and profound confidence for every man is the knowledge that they have the power to inflict violence on those who intend harm to them or their loved ones.

Look: real men aren’t looking for violence… but when it comes knocking they are willing and able to make the First Strike. And the sickly predators of the world sense that and back away.

Just knowing you can take care of business will inflate you with a supernatural feeling of confidence and power that will practically fill the room when you walk in.

However there are certain tricks you can use instantly to magnify your aura of Alpha Dog confidence and power even more! These closely guarded methods create a virtual shield around you and your loved ones — and have been secretly taught to special operators, martial artists, spies and bodyguards throughout the ages.

Once you master these simple tricks — everyone around you will sense it. 9 times out of 10 that’ll be enough to stop potential attackers before they even think of making you the victim. Because let’s face it, most of these guys are looking to attack the easiest target…

Which is why I created a simple manual called Command Presence so you can quickly master the art of silent domination. And…

Yes, I want to GIVE you another free bonus…

…because reading your situation objectively and skillfully can literally be the difference between life and death…

Too many guys walk through life like blind sheep — completely trusting that decency and the rules of society will protect them…

Listen, that’s just naive. And it’s DANGEROUS to you and your loved ones…

You don’t have to be paranoid or become a conspiracy theorist. In fact as a Special Forces operator and then SWAT Leader, if I let that happen I probably would have gone crazy…

So your survival depends on creating a balance between vigilance and still experiencing and enjoying your life and activities…

Which is why Ari and I used our collective experience to create the Advanced Situational Awareness manual.

As a personal protection and security professional, for decades Ari has been staking his life on his ability to read the situation around him. So…

The simple observation, scanning and monitoring techniques in the Advanced Situational Awareness guide have been thoroughly tested and proven in the field to work over and over again so you can avoid violence before it begins.

And every skill in this easy-to-understand book will quickly become second nature so you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe without even thinking about it!…

Remember, you can’t put a price on your safety and the wellbeing of your loved ones!

Think about this… What is it worth to you to have the confidence of knowing you can keep your family safe when the shit hits the fan?

If you asked me that question, I’d say it’s priceless. What’s more…

The real question is, what’s the price of hiding from the truth and sticking your head in the sand?

Are you willing to be the guy lying semi-conscious on the ground watching helplessly while vicious criminals do unspeakable violence to your wife or girlfriend?

Can you imagine the cost of being beaten to within an inch of your life? The hospital bills, the time away from work, not to mention the deep emotional scars…

Will you put up with the feeling of having your heart skip a beat every time some tough looking guy looks your way, or even just comes into your space?

I’d pay anything to escape that powerlessness. And so many guys actually do spend thousands of dollars and countless hours attempting to crawl out of that place of fear. However…

As we’ve already seen, usually simpler is better. Which means you won’t have to spend even a fraction of the time and money to quickly master the handful of moves you’ll need to unleash unstoppable violence on anyone who wishes you harm.

In fact today, because I want you to join the other confident and fearless Americans who have now taken control of their instinctive role of vicious protector — I’ve got a very special offer for you…

However I’m not sure how long I can maintain this limited time offer and all your free bonuses. This page will probably be coming down any day now. You see First Strike is becoming so popular that we’re being forced to expand the business so we can accommodate the demand.

Which means we won’t be able to continue offering the system at such a low price and giving away so many of our manuals for free.

Just make sure you take action now to secure everything at today’s price so you don’t miss out. Just use the button below to guarantee your access now.

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

I think you’ll agree this limited time online offer is more than fair for a simple system designed to quickly give you the gift of confidence and power that comes with mastering the skills that will keep you and your family safe.

Yet we’re happy to get this into your hands at such an affordable price because we’ve seen how much these easy-to-learn methods will improve your life in every way. Just consider this small sample of hundreds of notes we’ve received from grateful clients…

I was travelling home from Vancouver with my daughter and her friend on BC Ferries. There were 2 young men in a verbal exchange of a heated manner. The aggressor was using VERY salty language in an area that was a designated children’s area. So I got up and asked them to move on. The aggressor looks at me, “tough guy, eh”!? I escorted him out of the area and he “promised” me that I was next. I ignored him as for the next hour as he circled the boat staring down his original victim. I had to go to the bathroom before I disembarked. As I was exiting the bathroom, there stood the 2 combatants from earlier. The aggressor turns to me and says “hey tough guy”!!! I told him that I just wanted to take my kids and go home. He said sure, then pushed my face… I grabbed his hood, pulled it across his face and smacked his head into the wall. He threw 2 wild punches which were easily dodged. I then grabbed his arm across my chest, trapped, turned and threw. I landed on him with punches coming up to me. I pushed his arm to the side, slid off to apply a head and arm choke. When I felt him almost go out, I stopped, grabbed the arm, rolled him to his belly and placed him in a pin. Security on the boat grabbed some tie straps and we made a pair of cuffs. He was turned over to the staff, police were called, and my job done. Thanks Ari!

George Lopez, Vancouver BC

One day on the job I found myself in a close quarters wrestling match over a pistol with a robber at a pharmacy I interrupted. The principles of First Strike, how to control a body and isolate limbs allowed me to end this conflict quickly without having to take this guy’s life, losing mine or endangering the store full of bystanders in the backdrop if I would have used my firearm.

I was coming out of a local grocery store and heading back to my car. It was about 8pm, dark and cold out. All I wanted was to get home. I walked down the stairwell to the first floor and came upon two guys going through a bag at the bottom of the stairs. All I saw was cosmetics and papers on the ground which I assumed to be a women’s purse. I also noticed a long metal rod near one of the thieves.

I rounded the corner and stopped maybe 6 steps above them. One of the guys looked up and said “fuck you… get lost.” His buddy picked up the rod and moved forward, maybe 2 steps up from the landing. He spat and said “get out of here or….” I just reacted and kicked him in the face from 4 steps up. I wasn’t going to wait for him to close the gap or finish his sentence. I had no idea what he was going to do with the rod and I wasn’t going to take the chance. I kicked the guy hard enough that he flew back, crashing his head against the door at the bottom. The second guy just ran. And the first guy was, well, knocked out. I ran up the stairs to the first floor and called the cops.

I recently got a real life lesson in road rage when a guy slid into my car at a stop sign. I got out of the car to see the damage and figured that it was the slick roads that made the other driver hit me. But since the bump was significant, I still needed to see if there was any damage. I had no idea the other driver would lose his shit. I get out of the car and the other guy starts yelling at me saying that I stopped too quickly. I pointed out the large stop sign and that he was following too close. I also noticed he reeked of booze. I was taken aback by his aggressive behaviour and as we investigated the ‘damage’, he swore and just grabbed me in this head lock. I couldn’t believe I was in a fight over a fender bender. I didn’t expect it (who does) and remember thinking “this can’t be real’. I reached up, placed pressure on his face with one hand and lifted his leg with the other. I had him off the ground and then crashed him the to concrete. He immediately let go and stopped fighting as the impact had rattled him. Before I know it, the police were there as they were at the opposite intersection and someone waved them down. I explained my situation and had witnesses to back me up.

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Listen, Ari and I have been at this for a while. We’ve seen all kinds of guys quickly master the system. They come in every shape and size. And they all come to us with all kinds of excuses in their heads as to why it won’t work for them. And…

It’s the best feeling in the word to see how quickly their excuses disappear once they see how simple and natural the First Strike system is, and how easy it is to master…

So rest assured, this is guaranteed to work for you even if…

Now, when I guarantee this will work for you I mean it…

In fact even though I know you’ll master most of these combatives moves in only days, I’m going to give you an entire 60 days to evaluate the First Strike system for yourself. If at ANY time in the next 60 days you decide the system is not for you, just let me know and I’ll make sure you get a full refund the very same day!…

We expect you to test the First Strike program for a full 60 days to prove every promise we make and experience the results for yourself. If for any reason you are not happy with the System simply email us and you’ll receive a 100% no-questions-asked refund at any time within those 60 days. Guaranteed.

Look, this is all about giving you the confidence to trust in the power of the First Strike system to keep you and your family safe. So I want to make sure you are completely free of risk and able to try First Strike without any hesitation. That’s why I’m so insistent on giving you my 100% iron-clad money-back guarantee that this WILL work for you.

So go ahead and see for yourself without any risk. Just make sure you act today so you secure the current low price and get all the extra manuals we’re giving you absolutely free for a very limited time…

In fact, I’ve got a couple more surprises now that I know you’re going to love…

When I was in the military, and then SWAT, there’s one thing above all others that pushed me to be the best I could be. It was the team of guys at my back.

It’s a proven fact that support, follow up and accountability are the #1 secret to success in anything. Which is why I was inspired to found a one-of-a-kind community of motivated men called Alpha Nation. And…

I want to get you into the club for FREE so you can see the power for yourself. So I’m giving you FREE access for the next 30 days to help you get a head start on mastering the First Strike skills.

That’s not all though… you’ll also find hundreds of other videos and articles covering every aspect of being a well rounded, respected and highly regarded man and leader. You’ll discover everything from how to survive an urban disaster to how to trim your beard and everything in between — including priceless information on how every man can easily get and stay in top physical shape.

Warning: this is powerful stuff. And I’m only giving it to you because in my experience, unfortunately, every man ends up needing these skills at one point or another.

And they are almost impossible to learn anywhere else because most experts are under orders to withhold them, or have signed NDA agreements with whatever organization trained them.

Fortunately I have no such restraints. So you are going to learn the exact skills that will turn you into a “ghost” right under the nose of your adversary. You’ll discover exactly what to do if…

Like I said though… use these skills responsibly. They are tradecraft secrets I’m sharing with you only for the most important circumstances. In fact…

I’m really not sure if I’m going to continue offering this sensitive information. Let’s just say this is a trial run to see how men like you handle the responsibility. So if you want to guarantee access it’s best to take action right away today in case I have to take this bonus away before the end of the month…

To secure everything right now at today’s huge discount — including the 17 deadly combatives moves in the First Strike system, the Command Presence and Advanced Situational Awareness bonus manuals, your FREE month of Alpha Nation online coaching, AND your Ghost Protocol bonus — just use the button below…

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Yes Todd, I Want To Secure First Strike & All The Free Bonuses Before It’s Too Late

Stand Apart,

Todd Lamb

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First Strike is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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