Flappy Game: iAd, Interstitial, GameCenter, Push

Flappy Game: iAd, Interstitial, GameCenter, Push


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This full Space Debris! (Flappy Bird Style Game) makes use of customizable graphics, audio, simple customization for each side of the sport. GameCenter Integration!! (Leaderboards and Achievements). iAd Integration & Interstitial Ad (by AdBuddiz)!


  1. Added three ranges of issue ( with three completely different classifications )
  2. Added Push Notification configuration with the online service Parse (extra data: parse.com)
  3. Interstitial Ad (by AdBuddiz)

Develop your “Flappy Bird” fashion app sport, you simply have to alter some graphics information:

  1. ‘Bird’ (on this app is an Astronaut)
  2. Background picture ( on this app is the Space)
  3. Obstacle ( on this app is particles.. completely different kind!)
  4. App Icon, Launch Image
  5. Good remuneration by integrating Ad!

Customization Preferences:

// Gameplay - astronaut motion
static const float kGravity = -1500.0;
static const float kImpulse = 400.0;

// Gameplay - floor pace
static const float kGroundSpeed = 150.0f;

// Gameplay - obstacles positioning
static const float kGapMultiplier = 2.0;
static const float kBottomObstacleMinFraction = 0.1;
static const float kBottomObstacleMaxFraction = 0.6;

// Gameplay - obstacles timing
static const float kFirstSpawnDelay = 1.75;
static const float kEverySpawnDelay = 1.5;

// Looks
static const int kNumForegrounds = 2;
static const float kMargin = 20;
static const float kAnimDelay = 0.3;
static NSString *const kFontName = @"PressStart2P";

// App ID
static const int APP_STORE_ID = 827219677;

If you’ve got an thought for a brand new “flappy bird” fashion, with this app you’ll understand in a short while!

The app contains integration with Game Center + Guide GameCenter:

  1. Leaderboards (high rating)
  2. Achievements (9 parts)

You can discover this app on app Store : search “Space Debris!” it’s Free !!


To get this product on 50 p.c low cost contact me on this link



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