Flow-Flow — Social Media Stream PHP Script

Flow-Flow — Social Media Stream PHP Script


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Premium WordPress plugins at Looks AwesomeFollow Looks Awesome on EnvatoFollow Looks Awesome on TwitterKnowledge Base Flow Flow Social Stream

Flow-Flow — Social Media Stream lets you to display any combinations of public social feeds in a handsome media walls on any page of your site. For example, you can have Facebook feed, Instagram feed and Twitter feed mixed in the same stream as easy, as 1-2-3. Flow-Flow is responsive, fast and works well on mobile devices. It’s great to use this powerful tool for streaming your news, photos, reviews, e-commerce products, porfolio, social testimonials and any other content you can imagine!

From authors of the best-selling WordPress version of plugin. For its price Flow-Flow is a great alternative to web services that charge monthly payment for similar functionality.

* * * Check out admin demo. * * *

Smart caching with server tinquire of allows to deliver content blazingly fast without long page loading. It’s especially crucial when many networks are pulled or you have immense traffic. Your visitors won’t see any API calls limit errors using your tokens. Jump to “How it works” section to check out details. It’s great to use this plugin for streaming your news, photos, social reviews and any other content you can imagine!

You can moderate your feeds with this plugin excluding posts by URL, by username, by words. Broadcast your news, make portfolio, show client testimonials by your company’s tag etc. Plugin provides social sharing buttons to drive user involvement and interaction. We’re focusing on increasing the number of use cases for plugin.


* * * Please note this product is for experienced developers. Newbies may struggle during installation process as it’s not super easy. Check out Getting Started and First Steps After Installation articles first. If you have concerns we recommend to get WordPress version of Flow-Flow. * * *

Feeds to stream

  • Facebook: post and albums of public PAGES (fan pages).
  • Twitter: home timeline, user feed, search * including hashtags, user lists, likes feed.
  • Instagram: public user photos. We support API changes after 1st June 2016.
  • YouTube: user, channels, search, public playlist.
  • Google+: any public profile.
  • Pinterest: public user or board.
  • SoundCloud: public playlists.
  • LinkedIn: company updates and jobs (since recent API changes you must be admin of company page to stream it).
  • Foursquare: location tips, location photos.
  • Flickr: public user photos, photos by tag.
  • Dribbble: public posts of user, likes of user.
  • Tumblr: photo posts (will be more types in future).
  • Vimeo: public videos of user, album, channel and like feed of user.
  • RSS: any valid RSS feed. ATOM format is not supported.
  • Request your social network or feed!

* Twitter Search API restricts getting tweets older than week.

Social Stream Toolbar


Seamless API connection
Connect Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare with one click! Other networks are incoming.
        Content moderation
Excluding posts by word, by username, by URL. Clean your grid from trolls and spam!
Blacklist filters
You can blacklist any word, user or post.

        Social sharing buttons
Drive the interaction and user involvement!
All popular Social Networks
And their number is growing (based on popular requests).
        Smart server caching
Streams load almost instantly. No need to load data every time.
CSS3 transforms animation
Shows the best performance and speed.

        Cosy Admin Panel
Intuitive and clean interface with live preview.
Lightbox galleries
Fantastic look with attractive animations. Smart media preloading.
        Well documented
Straightforward step by step setup guides.

Responsive design
With swipes support for sliding on mobile devices.

        Highly customizable
Change colors, use pre-defined presets, build own single card design etc.
Sorting and search bar
Let your visitors find specific posts or sort content by sources.
        Enjoyable interaction
handsome animations and hover effects.

Video support
For YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram.

        “Show More” button
Load more items in stream.
Approval system
You can preview posts before publish!
        Responsive layout
Will adjust to different container sizes.

How plugin works

You create streams in Flow-Flow admin and inject them in any block on any page of your site. Plugin has special compact mode for narrow blocks like sidebar. When stream is shown first time, it’s got cached (takes more time for initial caching but then it will show blazingly fast) and rest of visitors see this cache for cache lifetime. So for example if you have set 20 min cache and 10000 users visit your site within these 20 min, it’s only one time plugin will request API to pull data, for the rest of time users will see cached data almost instantly. Considering that server runs cache renew tinquire of in background it guarantees plugin’s improbable performance. Check how to update cache in several ways on your PHP server on this page

Flow Flow multiple social feeds banner

Design your stream

Flow-Flow provides a great flexibility on design customization of your media streams. Select your layout from mansonry, justified gallery or one-height grid. Build your card with help of drag&drop builder. Style social cards and the whole stream fast and easily. Even your grandmother can do!

Social Stream design constructor

How multiple feeds work

First of all you can create unlimited Flow-Flow streams on your site. The magic thing is that you then add as much social feeds from one or different social networks as you want. For example, you want to include in one stream 3 twitter accounts, 1 twitter hashtag, 2 google+ accounts and 5 facebook feeds. No problem! Here is a visual scheme:



Filter is optional feature of Flow-Flow. If you would like to use plugin with complex streams this feature could be handy.



  • You need to have jQuery version 1.7 or later on you PHP server.
  • Server PHP v5.3+.
  • Some network API can require secure connection to send data so your server should have SSL certificate installed. In the most cases SSL is provided by hosting. We use private APIs because it’s more secure obviously, no one sees your secure data (tokens etc) on client side and these APIs provide more possibilities for streaming.
    If you don’t have SSL check this article to consider free and lowcost options.

    Next networks require secure connection: Twitter, Facebook, G+, Instagram.
  • Grid engine is pretty resourse heavy and using latest technologies so some devices (eg. low-end or old models) can struggle displaying grid especially when being combined with another heavy scripts on page

Flow-Flow — Social Media Stream PHP Script - 1


Version 3

[3.1.2] [UPDATE] For Instagram feeds 
[3.1.1] [UPDATE] Removal of FB groups support due to API retirement
[3.1] [UPDATE] For Instagram changes
[3.0] [FEATURE] More grid layouts. Justified and one-height grid styles added
[3.0] [FEATURE] Drag&Drop card editor with live preview
[3.0] [FEATURE] Various responsive settings and mobile improvements 
[3.0] [FEATURE] Lightbox for smartphones
[3.0] [FEATURE] Social activity counters
[3.0] [IMPROVEMENT] Cards, filters, UI elements of stream was reinvented and redesigned
[3.0] [IMPROVEMENT] New shiny toolbar with improved design of social sharing tooltip and buttons
[3.0] [IMPROVEMENT] Performance improvements for both desktop and mobile

Version 2

[2.2.1] Updated for recent Facebook API changes and getting token
[2.2.0] Fix and updated for recent API changes
[2.1.0] Various improvements and fixes
[2.1.0] Instagram 1 June API changes supported via our own app which can be used to get token
[2.1.0] New authentication methods added for Instagram and Facebook
[2.0.1] Fix for missing file in 2.0.0
[2.0.0] Premoderation approval system added
[2.0.0] Linkedin images from shared articles fix

Version 1.0.13-16

- Fix for "SafeMySQL: 2005 Unknown MySQL server host" error
- Fix for Youtube playlists
- Fix for FB extended token cannot be reset via admin

Version 1.0.12

- Fix for new line symbols converted to 'n'

Version 1.0.11

- Fix for broken Linkedin API 

Version 1.0.10

- Update for Pinterest API (affecting boards)
- Fix for usecase with Instagram user IDs when wrong user can be requested

Version 1.0.9

- Fix for possible problem with MySQL connection (don't update if it's working)

Version 1.0.8

- Update for latest Flickr API

Version 1.0.7

- YouTube API v3 support added

Version 1.0.6

- Various fixes and tweaks

Version 1.0.5

- Fix for FlowFlowAutoloader.php
- YouTube support video filtering

Version 1.0.4

- Fix for RSS for some usecases

Version 1.0.3

- Fix for RSS when post date is absent 

Version 1.0.2

- Fix for duplicating streams issue when saving setting on freshly created stream

Version 1.0.1

- Fix for forcing HTTPS setting

Version 1.0

- Plugin is approved on CodeCanyon

Please leave your feedback on comments page, we’re interested to improve the product with focus on clients’ satisfaction. If you have issues please send message via contact form we’ll try to update/fix as soon as possible.

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