To get this product on 50 % contact me on this link
Folio Fox – Single web page Parallax HTML5 templated with numerous options backed with PIXEL PERFECT design ideally appropriate for all artistic people
Appreciation assist us to maintain ourselves motivated.So please step forward and fee us
Please see under point out hyperlinks for Source & Credits
- Jquery Parallax
- jquery-flickr-plugin
- jQuery One Page Nav Plugin
- Fit Videos for vimeo, youtube, daily motion videos
- Responsiveslides used for gallery post
- Sticky Plugin v1.0.0 for jQuery
- jquery.gallery 3d gallery used for testimonials
- Pretty Photo
- Isotope
- BxSlider
- FlexSlider
- GMAP3 Plugin for JQuery
- CSS3 Animation
Please see under point out hyperlinks for Images Credits
- http://vimeo.com/69948148
- http://vimeo.com/81929275
- https://soundcloud.com/pitbull/wild-wild-love-feat-grl
- Open Sans Google Font
Note: All photos used are for demo function solely
Thanks for buying Folio Fox. If you will have any queries please be at liberty to inquire of
Appreciation assist us to maintain ourselves motivated.So please step forward and fee us
Change Log 1.1
* Shortcodes Styling Page added
* New Dark model Styling added
* Project Single Page Styling up to date
* JS points resolved
* CSS Fixes carried out
To get this product on 50 % contact me on this link