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Fricon is an subsequent era social networking and chat app that features realtime chat between members. The utility absolutely constructed with materials UI Framework which supplies you entry like Mobile App.
Software Features
- Simple but Powerful Social Connectivity App
- Inbuilt Realtime Chat Module. Chat with Friends is feasible
- Responsive Mobile Oriented User Interface
- News & Updates by Admin Module
- User can publish & Share their very own posts.
- Easy to Localize
- Enhanced Email Validation System
- Laravel Framework + Material Design
- 100% Customizable
- Clear & Simple Documentation
Live Demo
Click Here for Live Demo Access
Email: [email protected]
Password: 12345
Change Log
Version 1.2 - 05.04.2017 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added New Features - User Publish Post, Social Sharing.. Version 1.0 - 05.11.2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Release
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