Get File Uploader, cropper, sizes and image format

Get File Uploader, cropper, sizes and image format


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Get File is a plugin which aims to provide an easy way to upload images and other files from a form using AJAX.

In just 5 minutes, you will be able to configure this plugin to save the files selected by the user in your chosen folder using AJAX, without any type of page reloading.

For images you can set Get File for different sizes of the image obtained and placed in the desired folders, you can also activate the crop function, giving the user the possibility to make a cut of the uploaded image to a predefined or free frame and fully adapted for mobile devices.

Get File Uploader, cropper, sizes and image format - 1

Get File Uploader, cropper, sizes and image format - 2

Get File Uploader, cropper, sizes and image format - 3

Feature list

  • Lets you upload any type of file to your chosen folder via AJAX
  • Allows upload multiple files at the same time via AJAX
  • Drag and drop function on all elements
  • Delete files from javascript
  • Sending information to the callback upload progress, perfect for creating a custom download progress bar
  • Mobile ready
  • Bootstrap compatible
  • Lets you specify MIME file types allowed during file upload
  • Callback support to perform any any needed operations after a successful file upload
  • Deletes temporary files after a set time
  • Output file name can be a predefined or encrypted name, or the original file name
  • Error handling: If there is some problem, the callback will receive information for the appropriate handling of the error
  • If the uploaded file is an image, it allows the user to:
    • Crop the image with a friendly user interface
    • Resize the image to a predetermined size, optionally keeping the aspect ratio
    • Determine the output file format (jpg, gif or png) independently of the source image file format
    • Get several copies of the uploaded image in different sizes, allowing you to specify which folder each file must be saved to, and whether it must have any file name prefix
  • Documentation in SYSCOVER Website


Version 4.3 (25/09/2015)

- Fixed translation text with multiple instances
- Add getfile:uploaded event
- Add getfile:throwresize event
- Add getfile:throwcrop event
- Add setOptions function, to rewrite plugin options

Version 4.2.5 (14/09/2015)

- Fixed overwrite function

Version 4.2.4 (1 September, 2015)

- Code optimization
- Better compatibility with older browsers
- Update plugin CssLoader
- Corrections minor fixed

Version 4.2.3 (1 August, 2015)

- Corrections minor fixed

Version 4.2.1 (17 July, 2015)

- Implement overwrite option on crop function
- Corrections minor fixed

Version 4.2 (9 July, 2015)

- Implement image crop option, from image already uploaded to server
- Corrections minor fixed

Version 4.0 (16 June, 2015)

- Change popup by Bootstrap Popup
- Implementation of cropper plugin

Version 3.0 (1 June, 2015)

- Change popup by Magnific Popup
- Implementation of Bootstrap

Version 2.3 (18 May, 2015)

- Included quality option to resize, crop and copy function on jpg images
- Included function to retrain screen crop "showCropWindow" 
- Update CssLoader
- Corrections minor fixed

Version 2.2 (22 January, 2015)

- Fully functional examples
- Deprecated TotalSize property to calculate the progress bar, use Total property

Version 2.1 (7 January, 2015)

- Fixed problem with spinner

Version 2.0 (25 October, 2014)

- Now lets you upload multiple files, crop function not allowed for multiple files
- Change sizes propertie by copies
- Feature erasing files using javascript
- Send to Callback upload progress information
- Ability to limit the size of each file to upload
- Ability to limit the size of files to upload
- Change library, for cssloader, library very lightweight
- Fixed compatibility issue with Crop function IE11
- We have added more code examples

Version 1.1 (11 September, 2014)

- Fixed upload file without crop, resize and extension change
- Corrections on documentation

Version 1.0 (1 September, 2014)

- Initial version


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