GoJazz Starter Example – ASP.NET Roles and Membership

GoJazz Starter Example – ASP.NET Roles and Membership


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Open Source – GoJazz Starter Example – Roles and Membership – ASP.NET CORE 2.2 + Bootstrap 4


Demo Url Link:  http://gojazz-starter.azurewebsites.net


– e-mail: [email protected]

– password: 123456


ASP.NET Starter Example – Roles and Memberships
Custom modification ASP.NET id with additions:


  • – configuration over growth (Identity configuration by means of appsettings.json)
  • – customized error administration (ex: 404 and 500 customized error web page)
  • – consumer membership with dynamics roles administration
  • – dbinitializer for information seed (ex: tremendous admin consumer initialization)
  • – consumer registration and change password administration
  • – primary profile administration
  • – override id consumer with customized column
  • – energetic / de-energetic member
  • – customized safety service applied by means of DI (dependency injection)
  • – xsrf / anti forgery token
  • – clear code with feedback
  • – applied utilizing fairly asp.web gojazz theme (bootstrap 4)

The product include built-in instance app, easy todo checklist app that can reveals:

  • – full CRUD of todo entity
  • – datatables.web with easy customized configuration
  • – toastr for easy notifications

Development Environment

  • – ASP.NET Core 2.2
  • – Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition
  • – Windows 10


  • – small quantity data of net programming utilizing ASP.NET , C# and Visual Studio


  • – please strive the demo first earlier than you resolve to purchase


Running The Projects:

  • Open the mission utilizing Visual Studio


Open Source / Full Code

The product include full supply code. You can customise the supply code and use it as starter mission template.



To get this product on 50 p.c low cost contact me on this link



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