Goo Include Me – plugin


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Include customized JavaScript, CSS recordsdata and customized HTML codes in a entrance-finish of your WordPress set up, controlling their placement and insertion in varied methods.

Insert with ease (however not restricted to):

  • Google – Analytics monitoring code, Page Level Ads code, AdSense code
  • Facebook Comments code
  • Third occasion social buttons and scripts code
  • Custom JavaScript and/or recordsdata
  • Custom CSS and/or recordsdata
  • Custom web optimization meta tags
  • Custom HTML parts

This plugin is designed to offer further performance to the WordPress website, each for commenceners and superior customers. The essential goal of this plugin is to incorporate in a protected and correct manner third occasion (or your individual) JavaScript & CSS recordsdata and HTML code with out modifying theme core recordsdata. Included assets grow to be a part of the plugin itself, making certain no customization override will happen due theme or WordPress replace.

From plugin admin panel management how your assets will probably be deployed: throughout all pages, solely specific web page/publish (by publish ID or a number of IDs), solely chosen publish varieties (web page, publish, attachment or customized publish sort created by your theme or every other plugin), with exclusion rule marked by chosen publish IDs or create SHORTCODE and insert within the content material wherever you want.

By controlling which pages to incorporate your customized assets, you’re truly dashing up your website, making certain deployment happen solely the place assets truly wanted.


Script recordsdata :: Here you’ll be able to management the deployment and inclusion of your JavaScript recordsdata.

Admin area: Script files

CSS recordsdata :: Here you’ll be able to management the deployment and inclusion of your CSS recordsdata.

Admin area: CSS files

Arbitrary HTML :: JavaScript code snippets and DOM parts.

Admin area: Arbitrary HTML

In Action

#1 Example :: jQuery Datepicker implementation

Frontend: Datepicker

Plugin settings
plugin settings
plugin settings
plugin settings

#2 Example :: Insert Google Adsense Ads to commencening, and on the finish of each publish

Frontend: before and after post content

Plugin settings
plugin settings

#3 Example :: Include “Facebook Comments” snippet in each publish

Frontend: Facebook comments

Plugin settings
plugin settings

Documentations & Demo

documentation at official web page: Goo Include Me

Demo & “How to” examples:
Insert Google Analytics code with Goo Include Me plugin,
Insert Google AdSense code to all posts with Goo Include Me plugin,
Apply Datepicker (jQuery UI) with Goo Include Me plugin,
Include Facebook Comments Plugin in every post with Goo Include Me plugin


To get this product on 50 p.c low cost contact me on this link



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