Gravitify | Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme



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Gravitify is an unique WordPress Premium theme for Studios, Agencies, Architects and Creatives. Studios and Agencies can use this theme to showcase their portfolios and works in a clear and complex means. Architects and builders would love the construction, layouts and the customized content material constructed for them. Creatives and small companies can use this theme to focus on their work and impress their shoppers with an superior web site. Custom, cleanly coded and extremely practical Architect WordPress theme for companies. Gravitify package deal comes with Three unique demos of Architect WordPress theme, Creative WordPress theme

Gravitify | Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme - 1

Gravitify | Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme - 2

Gravitify | Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme - 3

Gravitify | Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme - 4

Gravitify | Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme - 5

Gravitify | Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme - 6

Package Includes

  • 01. Woocommerce 3.1
  • 02. Page created with Drag and Drop Builder – Visual Composer
  • 03. Child Theme Ready
  • 04. Image, Gallery and Video Post Format Supported
  • 05. Customize Support for Title, Description and Site Icon
  • 06. Online Documentation
  • 07. On click on Demo Importer
  • 10. Widget Ready : Yes
  • 11. Revolution slider free
  • 12. Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer
  • 13. Compatible with contact type 7
  • 14. Architect wordpress theme
  • 15. Creative company wordpress theme

Key Points

  • 01. Gallery Grid Shortcode
  • 02. Gallery Masonry Shortcode
  • 03. Gallery Carousel Shortcode
  • 04. Team Carousel Shortcode
  • 05. Team Grid Shortcode
  • 06. Back to Top Button
  • 07. One Click Demo Importer
  • 08. Child Theme Ready
  • 09. Video background part
  • 10. Parallax background part
  • 11. Animated headings
  • 12. Linked Title Shortcode
  • 13. Portfolio Gird, Masonry & Slider Shortcode
  • 14. Google Map Integration

Gravitify Theme is our among the best multipurpose product we ever did. This is greater than only a WordPress theme. You can create any kind of website for what you are promoting or private objective utilizing this theme. Such superior theme choices panel and Drag&Drop visible composer builder software, give limitless prospects. To present you the way a theme works, we’ve got created a number of demos so you possibly can see how unbelievable this product is. It can’t be described with any phrases. You should see it! LINK


Gravitify is stuffed with completely different pre-built demos so you possibly can simply import any demo at 1 click on. Constantly we add new demos. So far we created demos for: Main(company,company, and so forth.),Photography,style.

  • Multiple Demo:

    Now we’ve got Three demo 1. for company, company or some other buisness. 2. for photographer and their studios. 3. for designer.
    And you possibly can set up any of these demo by one single click on.

  • Drag and Drop Page builder:

    Yes !!, We have this characteristic , you possibly can simply create any web page utilizing visible composer web page builder. Our theme assist js composer.

  • Blog structure:

    There are two weblog component structure. you possibly can set the picture on high or left proper.

    1. Image on high. Link

    2. Image on high. Link

  • Mailchimp Suppported:

    Our theme helps mailchip.

  • Contact type 7 plugin:

    Our theme assist contact type 7. And you possibly can add this manner any the place into your web page.

  • Shopping Cart:

    Gravitify theme is woocommerce supported theme. You can implement your on-line buisness utilizing this theme.You can create product variation utilizing this.

  • Responsive Design:

    Our Gravitify theme is totally responsive theme. Its specifically designed for cellular and small system.

  • Theme particular visible composer component:

    We have created many quantity of visible composer component to make your tinquire of straightforward.

  • ze vc addons:

    We have embody a package deal of Eight visible composer component.

    1. Advanced Image Module
    2. Custom title: Its helps the subtitle additionally.
    3. Google map conatainer: Its a amezing component, You can add any visible composer component inside this component.The google change into the background of that part.
    4. Post List: Its additionally a excellent component . You can play with put up listing any whare in web page.
    5. Overlap container: You can simply overllap any component with some other component.
    6. Produt filter: You can add your product listing with filter in anyplace .
    7. Shop: Its additionally for exhibiting your merchandise however with out filter choice.
  • Theme Option:

    This theme choice created utilizing redux freamwork. And its really easy to deal with.

  • 11 Visual composer addons :

    This extra 11 vc addons lets you create your website quicker.

    1. Custom Title: This is one other customized title , the place you possibly can add subtitle and your website icon, And you possibly can choose typography .S
    2. Divider : Its superior vertion of default devider module of vc.
    3. Gallery: Its a gallery component with superior options.
    4. Image Hover: You can set a picture in anyplace into your website with customized hover impact.
    5. Image with Social icon
    6. Instagram: Its lets you present your instagram feed inside web page.
    7. Linked title
    8. Logo Carousel: You can present your companions or prospects logos in a caraousal format.
    9. Protfolio: you possibly can present your portfolios utilizing this component.
    10. Service Element: it lets you present your portfolios into web page.
    11. Team component: Oh sure, its a unbelievable component to point out your workforce members into web page.
  • Revolution Slider:

    First of all This theme helps revolution slider.

    And its FREE with this theme. And your can get common replace via this theme.

  • Ultimate vc addons:

    This plugin included into our theme.

    And its additionally FREE with our theme. Its market worth $26.

  • Customer Support:

    You can contact our theme assist theme anytime . Just click on this link and open a ticket.

  • All browser Support:

    Our theme helps all trendy browsers.IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Compatible.

  • Free Installation:

    Its completely free for first 75 buyer. So purchase this theme and declare your free set up.

  • This characteristic implement not too long ago to make your website trendy.Check this Link

  • There are two sorts of gallery 1. Grid , 2. Masonry

    And its assist load extra characteristic to make the web page load quicker.

  • Faster web page load:

    Our theme have clear code. So its load fsater than different website.

  • You can create your footer utilizing visible composer . Its unique characteristic of our theme. Link

  • Mega menu

    You can set multi column menu utilizing this theme. Just create a menu from appearence > menu and create your menu. Then pust mega-menu to mum or dad menu merchandise of kid menu objects

Online Documentation

Font Used:


All content material together with info photographs have been taken from varied assets and talked about within the documentation. Images aren’t included with the theme package deal

Other than that, we take satisfaction in our work and supply full assist to all our works via our devoted Support Forum

For assist and assist be at liberty to contact us at any time.


Business,Fashion,Photography,Blog,News,Portfolio,Agency,company,companies,gallery,parts,visible composer,vc,js composer,revolution slider,vc addons,
woocommerce,retailer,purchasing cart,store,sidebar,masonry,grid,bootstrap,multipurpose,responsive,youngster theme,redux,mega menu,Mobile app design,Digital advertising and marketing,Advertising,Branding,Creative,Magazine


Version: 1.2.1 (20th July 2018)

1. Update revolution slider (model: 5.4.8)
2. Update visible composer (model: 5.5.2)

Version: 1.2 (20th June 2018)

1. Add new filterable product vc component.
2. Implement multicolumn menu.
3. Update revolution slider (model:
4. Update final vc addons (model: 3.16.24)

Version: 1.2 (fifth July 2018)

1. Update revolution slider (model: 5.4.8)
2. Update visible composer (model: 5.5.2)

Version: 1.1.7 (24 March 2018)

1. Update demo content material sliders

Version: 1.1.6 (16 March 2018)

1. Update visible composer (model 5.4.7)
2. Solved header background color code exhibiting on the high of the web page bug.

Version: 1.1.5 (12 February 2018)

1. Update Revolution Slider (model 5.4.7)
2. Update visible composer (model 5.4.5)
3. Update Ultimate vc addons (model 3.16.21)

Version: 1.1.4 (Date 14.12.2017)

1. Update Visual Composer (model 5.4.5)
2. Fixed some bugs.

Version: 1.1.3 (Date 29.11.2017)

1. Update CMB2 meta field (Version:
2. Fixed the web page meta field choice bug.

Version: 1.1.2 (Date 23.11.2017)

1. Update visible composer plugin.
2. Update Ultimate Vc Addons plugin.

Version: 1.1.1 (Date 17.11.2017)

1. Add new demo: "Photography".
2. Add new choice in redux and web page metabox:"Sticky footer".
3. Add new revolution slider.
4. Revolution slider replace.
5. Ultimate VC addons replace.
6. Visual composer replace.
7. Add new visible composer component: "Overlap container".
    -- Any VC component can overlap with one other component.
    -- User can set the overlapping worth as per system sensible.
    -- User can set the place attribute utilizing this component.
8. Solved the service picture of structure kind Three parallax challenge (Bug of model 1.0.2).

Version: 1.0.2 (Date 07.11.2017)

1. Bug Fixed
2. Remove "Purchase our theme" button's code from footer.php

Version: 1.0.1 (Date 03.11.2017)

1. Implement one click on demo importer.
2. Solved the customized js code area error in theme choice.
3. Solved some spelling mistake in theme.


To get this product on 50 p.c contact me on this link



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