Healwire iOS – Online Medical Store


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After the runaway success of Healwire – Online Pharmacy, Webandcrafts is proud to current its newest launch, Healwire iOS App


For the iOS model to work, you must have healwire-webapp deployed to the server and working. Purchase the app from Healwire – Online Pharmacy

Demo APP

You can obtain the demo app from the next hyperlink :

Demo Login Credientials

Email ID : [email protected]
Password : admin

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Healwire iOS App, utterly developed within the native iOS platform gives an intuitive person interface to acquire medicines via a easy one-click on buy course of out of your iOS gadget. It incorporates newest options offered by iOS market. With minimalistic and simplistic UI design, it add extra colours to pharmaceutical enterprise mannequin.

The retailer incorporates a person-pleasant and visually pleasing format with responsive navigation, making it very a lot workable and accessible even for the non tech – savvy folks. The entire technique of order inserting and processing is straightforward and bother free, growing your conversions providing you with extra of what you need out of your cell app. If you’re not sure of your medicinal prescription merely add the picture or scanned copy of your prescription and your cart shall be up to date with prescribed medicines by the pharmacist admin. Or else you may browse for medicines by model or commerce identify utilizing the Search bar and add it to your cart. All related particulars concerning the drug like energetic components, drug kind, warnings, alternate medicines and instructions of utilization shall be made out there to you earlier than the order placement.
Give the precise drug, in the precise dose, to the precise particular person, on the proper time and in the precise approach via Healwire IOS.

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Healwire iOS, comes with the built-in the fee answer, thus making you life trouble free from fee associated choices.

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