immense Bold CSS Button

Big Bold CSS Button


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Big Bold CSS Button - 1

immense Bold CSS Button

immense Bold CSS Button is a sharp, easy-to-use, configurable button set made in CSS3 for use in modern browsers. It is perfect for eye-catching download buttons or call-to-actions – and comes complete with an animated ‘sheen’ effect on hover and smooth shadow effect on click.

It includes an easy-to-use and simple Button Builder HTML document, with live updating Javascript button to demonstrate how the end result looks – Just select the parameters for your button and watch as it updates before your very eyes

It comes with 68 preset buttons, found in the buttons document, and uses Font Awesome icons by default – additional icon fonts can be added with basic knowledge of CSS & HTML.


  • Easy-to-use Button Builder to make it even easier to setup and configure buttons for use.
  • Instructional Document to explain functionality of the Button Builder.
  • 34 Rounded Preset Buttons and 34 Square Preset Buttons for a total of 68 Preset Bold CSS Buttons which are ready to use.
  • Sheen animation when hovered.
  • Shadow animation when clicked.
  • Simple and understandable CSS code.
  • Big Bold CSS Button - 2


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