Ionic Bitcoin App Starter

Ionic Bitcoin App Starter


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The Ionic Bitcoin App Starter is a quick start accelerator to aid in the creation of bitcoin apps. It is the complete solution to get you started on making your very own bitcoin app.

Ionic is a powerful open source HTML5 SDK that helps you build native-feeling mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is focused mainly on the look and feel, and UI interaction of the app. The Ionic Bitcoin Starter provides you with the necessary features to kick start the development of your own Bitcoin App based on this powerful framework.

Firebase is a real-time NoSQL Backend as a Service. Owned and supported by Google, it supports anything from small, quick demos, to large enterprise-scale applications. It can power any app’s backend, including data storage, user authentication, static hosting, and more. The Ionic Bitcoin Starter uses it for user authentication.


  • HTML5 Hybrid App built with the Ionic framework and AngularJs.
  • Firebase provides powerful real time backend services for your app.
  • Ionic is a powerful HTML5 SDK that helps you build native-feeling mobile apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • AngularJS Filters, Controllers and Services.
  • News Slide-in Animation with hierarchical timing and consistent choreography.
  • Color alert feature that changes app theme when price value fluctuates.
  • One abstract Layout: side-menu layout.
  • Local storage via caching optimized for fast load with auto-refresh functionality.
  • Firebase user authentication.
  • Already built for Android platform using the Ionic Command-Line Interface – Build is included in the deliverable.
  • News Aggregator (already reading from 5 sources).
  • News search capability.
  • Pull-to-refresh functionality.
  • Infinite scrolling functionality.
  • BPI (Bitcoin Price Index) Data virtualization.
  • Bitcoin Price Ticker.
  • Bitcoin Calculator (167 supported currencies).
  • ATM Locator configured with Cordova Geolocation Service.
  • News, Price Ticker, BPI calculator and ATM Locator are fetching data from JSON sources using AngularJS services.
  • All external links are opened from within the in-app browser.
  • Social sharing capability.
  • Gravatar Url Builder Integration.


News Aggregator

You can download RSS feeds using only JavaScript, so you can mash up feeds with your content simply by adding a new source object (name and url). This makes it easy to quickly integrate feeds on your app.

Price Ticker

Serve real-time bitcoin market data.

Data virtualization

You can accurately represent the market data over different periods.

Bitcoin Price Index Calculator

Convert all the supported currencies market value relative to the current market value of bitcoin.

ATM Locator

You can use the Google Maps API to serve up the map and the Coin ATM Radar API to get locations for all installed Bitcoin processing ATMs worldwide. Geolocation functionality already integrated.

NB: For Premium Google API users only (to get nearest ATM)

Local Storage

You can cache your app’s data for different amounts of time i.e. News feed, Market data and ATM locations. The caches can be cleared from the settings control. The caching implementation improves fast data load and comes with auto-refresh functionality.

Cordova Plugins

Below are Cordova plugins integrated in the starter project.

  • Console: ensures that console.log() is as useful as it can be.
  • Device: defines a global device object, which describes the device’s hardware and software.
  • InAppBrowser: provides a web browser view that displays when calling
  • Splashscreen: displays and hides a splash screen during application launch.
  • Statusbar: provides some functions to customize the iOS and Android StatusBar.
  • Whitelist: implements a whitelist policy for navigating the application webview on Cordova 4.0
  • Geolocation: grabs the current location of the user, or grabs continuous location changes.
  • Social sharing: used to share images, text, messages via Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, WhatsApp, etc.
  • Cordova toast: allows you to show a native Toast (a little text popup) on iOS, Android and WP8.


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