Ionic Material Design

Ionic Material Design


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Ionic Material Design Version 4.2 : We have update the project to keep project up to date as below detail :

  • Plugin :

    1. Add plugin cordova-plugin-whitelist to avoid http 404 errors when your app tries to make network requests on android.
  • CSS:
    1. Add hidden overflow-x to class product-slide-list to fix horizontal scroll bar appear on page load.
  • More Detail

Instruction : How to update project to this version

About :

Ionic Material Design is Mobile Native Web Application that
developed by Ionic Framework under the design concept of Google Material
Design integrate with the functions of ngCorgova.

The application will present the function of Application storage, Social Connect, Share content to social network, Advertising in application, Push Notification, Map API Connect, Hardware connect and Material Design Concept.

Also we have the documentation that will Introduce you about how to getting
started with the project.

Highlight :

ionic material design

SQLite Database :

ionic material design

Local Storage Database :

ionic material design

WordPress :

ionic material design

More detail about register WP REST API :

Facebook :

ionic material design

More detail about register Facebook API :

Google Plus :

ionic material design

More detail about register Google API :

Instagram :

ionic material design

More detail about register Instagram API :

Foursquare :

ionic material design

More detail about register Foursquare API :

Dropbox :

ionic material design

More detail about register Dropbox API :

Share Application Content :

ionic material design

Mail & Message :

ionic material design

Google AdMob :

ionic material design

More detail about register Google AdMob API :

Single Push

ionic material design

Schedule Push

ionic material design

IOS Map Connect (New

ionic material design

Android Map Connect (New

ionic material design

Mobile Contract :

ionic material design

Image Picker :

ionic material design

Vibration :

ionic material design

Flashlight :

ionic material design

Device Information :

ionic material design

Material Design Themes :

ionic material design
ionic material design

Theme Color :

You can change color of application theme, Just config it !!!

ionic material design

about theme color configuration here


Version History

Version 4.2 – Released 24 June 2016

Plugin :
- Add plugin cordova-plugin-whitelist to avoid http 404 errors when your app tries to make network requests on android.
- Add hidden overflow-x to class product-slide-list to fix horizontal scroll bar appear on page load.

Version 4.1 – Released 30 May 2016

Update Framework :
- Update cordova to lasted version.
- Remove fix plugin version.
Update Feature :
- Change plugin AdMob to AdMob Pro version for use more stable version.
Plugin :
- Because of plugin update make npm throw error while installing plugin. We are changed below plugin to stable version :
- Change plugin (AdMob) to cordova-plugin-admobpro (AdMob Pro)
- Change plugin [email protected] to cordova-plugin-email-composer
- Change plugin [email protected] to cordova-plugin-splashscreen
- Removed unused plugin [email protected] because of changed plugin AdMob to AdMob Pro version.
Documentation :
- Update content of section D-4) Add Ionic Plugin
    Change plugin (AdMob) to cordova-plugin-admobpro (AdMob Pro)
    Change plugin [email protected] to cordova-plugin-email-composer
    Change plugin [email protected] to cordova-plugin-splashscreen
    Removed unused plugin [email protected] because of changed plugin AdMob to AdMob Pro version.
- Update content of section D-7 Android Build
    Add new instruction for build AdMob Pro in android to avoid build error.
- Update content of section D-13) Update project to latest version
    Add new content of file and resource that update in this version.
-   Update content of section M) Support
    Add new content about devise size
- Update content of section J-2-2) Facebook
    Update new content of Facebook API Registration according from Facebook update.

Version 4 – Released 24 February 2016

New Feature :
- Show popup dialog before application close when tap Back Button on android.
- Make the side menu close when swipe left on side menu.
- Make the side menu close when tap Back Button on android.
- Make the bottom sheet close when tap Back Button on android.
- Make the popup dialog close when tap Back Button on android.
- Make the md-menu close when tap Back Button on android.
- Make the md-select close when tap Back Button on android.
Update Feature :
- SQLite contract list page will show grid with md-menu by default.
Documentation :
- Update content of section D-4) Add Ionic Plugin
    1.Update plugin cordova-plugin-inappbrowser to version 1.1.3
    2.Change cordova-plugin-splashscreen plugin to org.apache.cordova.splashscreen to support new version of Android and IOS
    3.Remove section of About local notifications plugin Because the probelm has been fixed.
- Remove content of section Plugin that will not working on El Capitan, Xcode 7 (Only IOS) Because the probelm has been fixed.
- Add new section Update project to latest version for project update instruction.
- Add new content of section Support

Version 3.3 – Released 08 February 2016

Documentation :
- Update content of section D-4) Add Ionic Plugin
   1.Fix version of cordova plugin to avoid plugin update not compatible with framework make project build failed.
   2.Change plugin cordova-plugin-inappbrowser to version 1.1.1 because of version 1.1.2 have error about callback url.
   3.Add new section About local notifications plugin
     - For IOS Build from Mac OS Version that is not : El Capitan
     - For Android Build (Mac and Windows)
- Update new content of section K) Known Issues : Plugin that will not working on El Capitan, Xcode 7 (Only IOS).
   1.Flash Light
   2.Image Picker
   3.Send Text Messages

Version 3.2 – Released 10 January 2016

Plugin :
- Change ionic plugin keyboard to stable version from com.ionic.keyboard 
  to ionic-plugin-keyboard
- Add new googleplayservices plugin to supprot dependencies update of AdMob plugin.
Update package.json File :
- Update dependencies and devDependencies of gulp-sass from version ^1.3.3 to ^2.0.0 
  for support NodeJs version > 4.0.0
Documentation :
- Update content of section D-1) Installing Ionic Framework to using NodeJs LTS 
  version to avoid cordova plugin issue.
- Add new content of section D-1) Installing Ionic Framework about instruction 
  for Mac OS El Capitan to fix issue of cordova when add platform then it will 
  get failed return (cordova keeps a cached version in your ${HOME}/.cordova folder.)

Version 3.1 – Released 9 December 2015

JavaScript libraries :
- Update ngcordova to Version 0.1.23
Plugin :
- Change inappbrowser plugin to stable version 
  from org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser to cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
Update :
- Update controller of AdMob to compatible with last updated of AdMob Plugin. 
Documentation :
- Update content of section D-1 because of the latest version of cordova 
  is not stable. We recommend you to use cordova version 5.3.3 for avoiding 
  plugin installation issue. 
- Update content of section D-4 change link of inappbrowser plugin to 
  stable version from org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser to 

Version 3.0 – Released 4 November 15

New Feature :
- Android Map Connect.
- IOS Map Connect.
- Setting for Enable/Disable view animation.
Performance :
- Improve application performance by add Crosswalk Browser for Android.
- Improve view content and add new setting section for Enable/Disable view animation.
Update :
- Update toggle left Menu to enable animation on IOS and disable on Android.
Plugin :
- Change SQLite Plugin to
- Add new plugin cordova-plugin-transport-security to allow 'Arbitrary Loads' by adding
  a declaration to the Info.plist file to bypass the Xcode 7 and iOS 9 App Transport
Documentation :
- Add new section for detail of IOS Map Connect J-6-1
- Add new section for detail of Android Map Connect J-6-2

Version 2.0 – Released 4 October 2015

New Feature :
- Single Push Notification
- Schedule Push Notification
Update Library :
- Font Awesome 4.3.0 to 4.4.0
Compatibility :
- This project was tested in IOS 9 iPhone 6s & 6s+ PASS
- This project Can Build on Xcode 7 PASS
Documentation :
- Add new section for detail of Single Push Notification J-5-1
- Add new section for detail of Schedule Push Notification J-5-2
- Update VDO of section D.Getting Started for project installations IOS and Android.
- Add Important note to all section in J.Component Detail
- Update Google API Registration Instruction (Case of Google Update)
- Update Instagram API Registration Instruction (Case of Instagram Update)
- Add new section I-1 Theme Color About Theme Configuration.
- Add new Known issues about Ionic View at section K.Known Issues.
- Add Important note to section M.Support

Version 1.0 – Released 21 September 2015

Add Project to store.


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