Ionic5 Ecommerce – Universal iOS & Android Ecommerce / Store Full Mobile App with Laravel CMS

Ionic5 Ecommerce - Universal iOS & Android Ecommerce / Store Full Mobile App with Laravel CMS


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– Version: 4.0.12 (immense Update)
– Last Update: 05 Apr 2020
– Files Included: Full Source Code Ionic App & Laravel CMS
– This is Exclusive Product Licence from Envato

– Updated Our Item to Latest Ionic 5
– Updated Laravel CMS
– Added 21 New Product Card Styles
– Added 05 New Banners Styles

– Separate Website Item is Available.
– Both Mobile App & Website have one Single Admin Panel.
Laravel Ecommerce

Ionic5 Ecommerce - Universal iOS & Android Ecommerce / Store Full Mobile App with Laravel CMS - 1
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CMS Demo

username: [email protected]

password: admin

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Change Logs:

Version 1.1 – Released Date: 17 November 2017

Laravel CMS New Features:
- Add ability to change admin dashboad in other language. Copy this folder "/resource/lang/en/" and rename link i.e /ar/ and open this file "/resource/lang/ar/labels.php" and update all labels in arabic language. After that open "config/app.php" and update below two lines

'locale' = 'en', // set to 'ar'
'fallback_locale' = 'en', // set to 'ar'
Cms Issues Fixed:
- Add New Customer Bug Fixed 
- Tax Issue with Braintree Fixed
- Payment Methods Cash On Delivery Fixed 
- 'payments_setting' sql table updated with new fields (cash_on_delivery, cod_name, stripe_name, braintree_name)
- Payment methods service updated 
App New Features:
- Payment Methods are now enable/disable from the server
- Some minor bug fixes 

Version 1.2 – Released Date: 28 November 2017

- Fixed Some Minor Issues

Version 1.4 – Released Date: 03 December 2017

- Fixed Some Minor Issues

Version 2.0 – Released Date: 09 December 2017

We have updated our app to latest technologies:
- IONIC 3.9.2
- Laravel 5.5
- iPhone X Ready
App & CMS New Features:
- PayPal Integration
- AdMob  
- App Share
- Rate This App
- Animations
- Ability to translate CMS to any language
- Ability to select app home screen and category screen from CMS
- Ability to manage app navigation links from CMS 
- Bug Fixes & Improvements. 

Version 2.1 – Released Date: 29 December 2017

Cms Issues Fixed:
- Special Product - Remove comments from line no 328 to 330 from  appHttpControllersAppMyProductContrroller.php 
- Some cms labels were missing
update file resourcelangenlabels.php 
update file resourcesviewsadminEditProduct.blade.php 
- Replace these lines in CustomersController.php
$customers_email_address = $user['email'];
$customers_email_address = $user['email'];    
$customers_email_address = '';

Version 2.2 – Released Date: 07 Feb 2018

App & CMS New Features:
- OneSignal Notification Integrated
- Added option to select OneSignal or FCM from CMS
- Optional Image Notification from CMS
- Added the ability to register device to CMS using OneSignal 
- Auto notification and email on User Signup, Order Status Change, Add New Product, Add New News, Forgot Password.
- Manage Notification/Email Settings From CMS
App Issues Fixed:
- Bug Fixes and Code improvements. 
- Shop(products) page filter scrolling fixed
Cms Issues Fixed:
- Bug fixes and code improvements 
- Products status bug fixed
- Language translation bug fixes
- 'languages' table altered, extend characters length for field name 'code'

Version 2.3 – Released Date: 12 Feb 2018

App & CMS New Features:
- AdMOB separate credentials for ios and android. Now you can add android and iOS ad ids separately
- Add new fields in `setting` table
- Update CMS Pages
- Bug Fixes and Code improvements. 

Version 2.4 – Released Date: 17 Feb 2018

- Minor Bug Fixes and Code Improvements. 

Version 2.5 – Released Date: 23 Feb 2018

- Some bug fixes in cms.

Version 2.6 – Released Date: 15 March 2018

- Bug Fixes in CMS
Notification service enable/disable bug is fixed.
Currency symbol was missing.
Email notification bug is fixed.
Delete language will delete all labels and content against this language is fixed.
Disable payment setting bug while saving.
Enable/disable option for email and push notification on place order was missing. 
In Database table 'alert_settings', we added two fields
- File affected:

Version 2.7 – Released Date: 19 March 2018

- Minor bug fixes in app. 
- File affected:
App Source Codesrcappapp.html

Version 2.8 – Released Date: 21 March 2018

- Bug Fixes in CMS
Notification bug is fixed while placing order.
Redirect url issue after delete language is resolved. 
- File affected:

Version 2.9 – Released Date: 30 March 2018

- Bug Fixes in CMS
Address service bug is fixed.
Translation of payment method and shipping methods is added.
- Files affected
- Database
2 new tables are added payment_description, shipping_description
- Bug Fixes in App
Code optimization and cordova error fix
Shipping methods are with translation
Payment methods are now with translation
- Files affected

Version 2.9.1 – Released Date: 05 April 2018

- Bug Fixes in CMS
Order email to admin is added.
- Files affected:
SQL dump has been updated, previous two db dump releases cause 500 error issue. 

Version 3.0 – Released Date: 27 July 2018

- Secured App API
- Compatible with LaravelEcommerce website item
- Restructure Database
- Product Image Zoom
- Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version 3.1 – Released Date: 04 Aug 2018

- Duplicate products issue is resolved.
- Delete product attribute issue is resolved.
- Update tax issue is resolved.

Version 3.2 – Released Date: 02 Sep 2018

- Upload multiple product images issue fixed in cms.
- Facebook setting issue fixed in cms.

Version 3.3 – Released Date: 24 Nov 2018

New Features:
- Loading Speed Improvements in application.
- PNG Navigation Icons option along with Ionic Default Icons  
- Instamojo payment method added for our Indian Customers
- Hyperpay payment method added for our Middle East Customers
- Flash Sale Section Added in App Home Page 
- Product types are added. i) Simple ii) Variable iii) External
- Products are associated with multi categories.
- Products stock can be managed according to the products types.
- Products Attributes based inventory management added 
- Products stock min/max stock is added.
- Calculate shipping price by products weight
- Free shipping over set order total feature added
- Multi admin feature (admin role) is added with assigning privileges.
App Bugs Fixes:
- Duplicate products while getting orders fixed.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements in application 
Admin panel CMS Bugs Fixes:
- Delete product attribute bug is fixed.
- Update tax bug is fixed.
- Additional products image bug is fixed.
- Facebook secret key missing is added.
- Admin panel links corrected.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Restructure and Normalize Entire Database with new Tables and Table Fields.
- Admin Roles table is added.
- Admin Types table is added
- Site logo and site name in setting table.
- Products options / options description table added
- Products options values / options values description table added
- Hyperpay payment method fields are added.
- Flash sale table is added
- Products detail left and right banner with expiry date fields are added.
- Constant banner table is added.
- Orders table transaction_id field is added for payment methods.
- Products shipping rates table is added to manage shipping rate by product weight.

Version 4.0: Released Date: 27 Sep 2019

- Major Release
- Restructured Entire Project inlcuded front end, back-end, app api services and database.
- Update Laravel version to 5.8
- Multi currency feature
- Installation wizard
- Updater from admin to update all future updates with single click
- Merger to merge laravel ecommerce, ionic ecommerce and android ecommerce project with single click 
- And many more features & improvements

Version 4.0.1: Released Date: 10 Oct 2019

- Fixed Purchase code verification bug in installer 
Admin Updates:
- Home page theme setting fixes
- Enable multiple cart page, product detail page, contact us page and shop page
- Multiple Currency fixes
- Language slider fixes
- Enable multi color for website
- Change logo fix
- Slider images for multi Language
- Improve banner data entry
- Minor enhancements & improvements 

Version 4.0.2: Released Date: 12 Oct 2019

- Fixed Updator & Merger script
Admin Updates:
- Fix edit category
- Added default languages, currency and banners
- Fixed admin version for updation
- Minor enhancements & improvements 

Version 4.0.3: Released Date: 23 Oct 2019

Admin Updates:
- Social Login
- Enable Maintenance Mode, Production and Development Mode
- Fix logo issue for mobile responsive
- Enable Slider and banners data entry with out wizard
- Minor enhancements & improvements 

Version 4.0.4: Released Date: 24 Oct 2019

Admin Updates:
- Compatible with HTTPS
- Place htaccess file to hide public from URL
- Minor enhancements & improvements 

Version 4.0.5: Released Date: 01 Nov 2019

Admin Updates:
- Change currency algorithm to choose default currency for admin
- Social Login Fix
- Minor enhancements & improvements
Ionic App Updates:
- Update mobile app to ionic 4

Version 4.0.6: Released Date: 27 Nov 2019

Admin Updates:
- Backup / Restore feature
- Fix role management
- Add transition
- Fix number format issue for multi currency
- Minor enhancements & improvements 
Application Updates:
- New application with bottom navigation
- Enable guest checkout
- Fix number format issue for multi currency
- Minor enhancements & improvements 

Version 4.0.7: Released Date: 05 Jan 2020

Important Notes:
Presteps Before upgrading your project from version 5.8 to 6.x:
- Delete "packages.php" and "config.php" if avaible from "/bootstrap/cache".
- Delete All cached views from "storageframeworkviews".
- Clear laravel cache like: You can clear laravel cache after any update. 

Laravel Admin Updates:
- Update our item cms to latest Laravel 6.x
- Fix / improve media management
- Minor enhancements & improvements 

Version 4.0.8: Released Date: 10 Jan 2020

Admin Updates:
- Fix product data entry issue
- Fix default currency
- Fix default language
- Minor enhancements & improvements

Version 4.0.9: Released Date: 12 Jan 2020

- Fix laravel installation wizard
- Minor enhancements & improvements 

Version 4.0.10: Released Date: 25 Jan 2020

Admin Updates:
- Fix Cancel oder amount in reports
- Customer redirect issue fix when login from admin
- Fix coupon cart percentage discount
- Improvement & glitch fixes of rating & review
- Fix and improve language module
- Fix Flash issue Glitches
- Fix variable product
- Improve guest checkout
- Fix & improve admin reports
- Media management enhancements & improvements
- Fix braintree payment method
- Minor enhancements & improvements 

Version 4.0.11: Released Date: 13 Feb 2020

Admin Updates:
- Fix Application Orders
- Fix coupon on maximum spent
- Fix adding new language
- Fix showing multiple language after delete one language
- Fix variable product add to cart
- Fix guest checkout
- Fix report total earned
- Fix news category
- Fix multiple media
- Fix braintree payment method
- Fix report cancel order
- Fix report low stock
- Fix product units
- Fix payTM payment method
- Fix admin types / roles
- Minor enhancements & improvements 

Version 4.0.12: Released Date: 05 Apr 2020

- immense Update
- Update Our Item to Latest Ionic 5 version
- Updated Laravel CMS
- Added 21 New Product Card Styles
- Added 05 New Banners Styles

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Essential UIUX Items For All Level of Ionic & Android Developers ↴

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