IonSocialApp – Ionic Template – IonicThemes

IonSocialApp - Ionic Template - IonicThemes


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IonSocialApp provides everything you need to build a good looking and high quality Ionic Framework app. Built with the power of AngularJS, the app has a clean separation between application logic and a carefully designed UI.

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The app uses SASS, which basically is CSS with super powers. Each component has its dedicated sass files and partials well structured with independent variables so you can have maximum modularity, flexibility and customizability.

Ionic framework is an open source front-end SDK for developing awesome hybrid mobile apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Ionic is focused mainly on the look and feel, and UI interaction of your app.

Cordova is a platform to build Native Mobile Applications using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

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  • PhoneGap / Cordova Full Hybrid App using AngularJS + Ionic framework
  • Ionic framework open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5
  • AngularJS Controllers, Directives, Filters, Services, Factories
  • Complete guide to help you understand and use this app.
  • handsome UI/UX
  • Easy style customization
  • UI Route Authentication
  • Access your phone native email sender provider to send emails using the Email composer plugin
  • Use the native sharing window of your mobile device to share things into your social networks or messaging apps using the SocialSharing Plugin
  • Rate this app functionality in Google and Apple stores. We use a the AppRate plugin
  • Open any external link with InAppBrowser Plugin

Login / Register / Recover Password

  • Form validations
  • Show/hide password functionality
  • Login
  • Create account
  • Forgot your password
  • Terms of service and Privacy Policy modals
  • Facebook, Google+ and Twitter buttons

Note: there is no backend attached to the login, it’s just visual.

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  • Pull to refresh
  • Infinite scroll
  • Link to profile details
  • Social Sharing
  • Like post
  • User content cards
  • Post comments
  • Categories
  • Comments

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New Post

  • Add images from gallery using Image Picker cordova Plugin
  • Add user location using Google Places API

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  • User Posts Tab
  • User Images Tab
  • User content cards
  • Post comments modal
  • Followers and following lists
  • Open url using in-app-borwser cordova plugin
  • Contact through email using the email composer cordova plugin

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  • People Suggestions list
  • People you may know list
  • Link to profiles

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  • Browser by categories and trends

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Post Details

  • Post comments
  • Share post
  • Post category

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  • Available from logged user profile
  • User settings
  • App settings
  • Link to privacy policy, terms and conditions, etc.
  • App rate functionality
  • Sing out

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Important: Read before you buy

In order to modify the app you need to have knowledge in web technologies such as javascript, html5 and css3.

You also need to be able to install Ionic and its dependencies on your machine. We recommend you to use the Ionic official installation guide and inquire of on the Ionic forum for support.

We then will be happy to respond all the app related questions/issues.

You can build this app with phonegap build, however, we don’t provide support on how to build the app using phonegap build.

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Version 1.2 – released 21 July 2017

## Updates
- Update project to work with Ionic new CLI by adding the following devDependencies:
    - "@ionic/cli-plugin-gulp": "1.0.2" 
    - "@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic1": "2.0.1" 
- rename ionic.project for ionic.config.json
- removed views.js file and its references

Version 1.1 – released 14 July 2016

## Misc
- Update Ionic Version to v.1.3.1
- Update gulp-sass to latest Version
- Fixed a line in scss/common/common.styles.scss that was throwing an error

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