iPhone Google Places API example app

iPhone Google Places API example app


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iPhone Google Places API example app V1.1

  • Integrated ARTi – Titlanium Augmented Reality module
  • Couple of minor bug fixes with longs and lats and variable naming

iPhone Google Places API example app V1.0

This example Titanium mobile application hooks in to the new Google Places API exposing the public API’s giving the user live information direct from Google.

Each listing has a details page which has directions to it as well as a phone number which will invoke the phone on selection.

There is also a simple search that allows the user to search for places by a specific category.


Set up a new titanium project and then copy this resources directory over the top of your newly created projects resources directory.

Quite Simple really. In order to use this App you will require an API key from Google as well as a google account. Full information can be found on the Google Code site : http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/places/

Once you get the API key you need to open lib/places.class.js and replace
var PLACES_API_KEY = ’<YOUR_KEY_HERE>’; with your API key.


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