jqEasytooltip – JQuery Tooltip Plugin

jqEasytooltip - JQuery Tooltip Plugin - 1


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jqEasytooltip - JQuery Tooltip Plugin - 1
jqEasytooltip - JQuery Tooltip Plugin - 2
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jqEasytooltip is a straightforward and customizable jquery plugin, inbuilt css3 and properly-designed javascript. Easy to make use of and customise for newbies, and powerful for superior customers. Only one class to initialize (Declarative init) with knowledge attributes. Modern css3 open and shut results.

This plugin options loads of design themes, css3 transition results, and greater than 300 icons from font superior included for consumers. All customization could be dealt with through jQuery Options, HTML 5 knowledge-attributes and CSS!

jqEasytooltip - JQuery Tooltip Plugin - 6

What you get

  • minified and full supply javascript file – jqEasytooltip plugin
  • 369 icons fonts from font superior
  • css file with designed themes and positions
  • Free Google Fonts Used
  • additional file – google maps integration
  • additional recordsdata – easy kind integration
  • Complete documentation, examples and help middle entry

What are consumers saying:

nice look and really helpful  :) good job, I whish you good luck with the gross sales !


up the good work, SUPER PLUGIN )” title=”;)” />
[..] Regards – one very comfortable purchaser )” title=”;)” />


Great work!! Good aesthetics and It appears simple to make use of. Good luck with gross sales.


MANY MANY THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!! You help ROCKS!!!! [..]

I’ll inquire of envato so as to add 6 stars score system.. 5 stars for you is just not sufficient!! )” title=” :)” />


Hello Just needed to say I’m Impressed. Purchase your product from the preview and have been happy.[..]



  • 25 themes to decide on and customizable
  • More than 300 icons prepared to make use of
  • 10 pure CSS3 animations for seem and disapear
  • Customizable occasions to indicate, conceal, mousemove, allow, disable, and many others..
  • Declarative init, simple and quick
  • Follow mouse or mounted place
  • youtube, vimeo, googlemaps, and many others… tooltip content material
  • collision window system
  • Google maps Integration. Full code to your individual customizations
  • Better search engine marketing efficiency with examples. Search Engine Friendly.
  • protect Position on zoom, on Mobile portrait.
  • Responsive Design Demos
  • NEW! Awesome Forms Demos
  • NEW! Boopstrap Demo
  • NEW! 10 FLAT Themes
  • NEW! CURTAIN EFFECT with 10 customized Themes
  • And rather more configurations!!

Cross Browser

jqEasytooltip works completely in main sorts of browsers reminiscent of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE7+, Opera, Mobile pleasant

jQuery 2.0 Compatible and older variations

ThemeForest Usage

If you need to use jqEasytooltip in your Theme right here on ThemeForest too please buy 1 prolonged license for every theme you placed on {the marketplace}!


jqEasytooltip credit

jQuery http://jquery.com/

PT Sans Font http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/PT+Sans

Font Awesome (Commercial and Redistribute license) http://fontawesome.io/license/ (Font Awesome by Dave Gandy – http://fontawesome.io)


Demo´s picture Creative Commons for business use http://www.gratisography.com/

stepsForm.js by Mary Lou (MIT License)

classie – class helper capabilities * from bonzo https://github.com/ded/bonzo

normalize.css – http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/

jqEasytooltip preview credit

Damion Font http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Damion

Poiret One Font http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Poiret+One

Google maps – https://developers.google.com/maps/?hl=es

Icomoon (Extended license) http://icomoon.io/

jQuery cycle 2 http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle2/

html5shiv http://code.google.com/p/html5shiv/

jQuery Appear https://github.com/morr/jquery.appear/

jQuery wipetouch http://wipetouch.codeplex.com/license

jQuery easing http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/

Modernizr http://modernizr.com/

reply http://responsejs.com/

Images utilized in preview Creative Commons for business use http://www.gratisography.com/

NiceScroll http://areaaperta.com/nicescroll

Social icons by Consumer10 in vector icons ( Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License) http://www.vecteezy.com/vector-icons/53242-flat-vector-social-icons-eps

Keyboard Photo by riddian (Creative Commons Attribution) http://www.flickr.com/photos/riddian/

Flat Web Browser Icons http://www.psdexplorer.com/psds/flat-web-browser-icons-free-psd/

Happy Bunny Vector by Thecatwhodesign http://www.vecteezy.com/holiday-seasonal/55992-happy-bunny-vector

SyntaxHighlighter http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/

comedian sources – free bundle license by http://www.bypeople.com/


Read envato license for our plugin..




   1.3.1 (27 May 2014)
    * higher efficiency
    * minor bug fixes
    * add loading when gradual exterior content material
    * stop delays

 1.3 (3 March 2014)
* Curtain impact added with 10 customized Themes
* delay open and delay shut new parameters
* create tooltips on the fly on ajax request
* 10 Flat themes added
* Boopstrap demo added
* index demo added
* Awesome Forms Demo added
* mouse depart new config parameter
* min marging config parameter

1.2 (5 February 2014)
* Google Map Integration
* search engine marketing efficiency
* Preserve place
* Demos added (html, javascript)
* New examples in internet preview
* Documentation updates

1.1.1 (20 January 2014)
* BugFixed: load script plugin in head tag
* BugFixed: factor initialize in javascript multiple
* BugFixed: forestall factor hidden proper on resize
* get tip operate - utilizing discipline 'tip' to get tooltip factor
* Demos added (html, javascript)
* delete opacity photographs in css
* Documentation updates
* Delete Shortcode instrument Id tag

1.1 (18 January 2014)
* First launch with a model quantity.


To get this product on 50 % low cost contact me on this link



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