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if you like this script. Also this will keep my morale up and I’ll keep rolling new updates and cool features. thanks.
If you’re a code nerd or a PHP newbie, JumbleKey is for you. It’s simply built for everyone, and can be as simple or complex as you want it to be.
- Multi Administrators, you can create more than an admin account.
- Seo Friendly, custom friendly url for every plugin.
- Multi Language Systems, this system will allow you to translate the entire website in more than a single language.
- Template system, that will allow you to design your own template, and activate it from administration.
- Widgets system, that will allow you to add widgets spaces into your template.
<?php echo ($widgets->load(ID)) ; ?>
Where ID is your defined widget id.
$template_widgets = array ( "Footer menu" => "10", "Footer Widget - left" => "11", "Footer Widget - center" => "12", "Footer Widget - right" => "13", "Social icons" => "14" );
Default plugins
All plugins can be translated in more than one language, so you you will have a single website in all languages that you want.
- Html Widgets
- create html widgets that will appear into your template.
- Pages
- This plugin will allow you to create custom pages.
- Html editor ( ckeditor ).
- Menu Plugin
- Create custom menues and submenues
- Add your menu into your template widgets
- Carousel
- 2 types of carousels
- You can add your carousel into your widgets space
- Demo : http://www.demo.jumblekey.com
- Video preview : http://youtu.be/yYVD7uIMDWE
Change Log / Updates
v 0.9.2 – plugins updating ( 10/10/2013 )
- plugins/carousel/widgets/widgets.template.php
- system/pages/view/contact.template.php
v 0.9.2 to v 0.9.3 ( 10/9/2013 )
plugins/pages – replace the entire plugin folder ( but you can keep your static filles, css /js ) plugins/carousel – replace the entire plugin folder ( but you can keep your static filles, css /js ) plugins/html-widgets/admin – replace the entire plugin folder ( but you can keep your static filles, css /js )
v 0.9.1 to v 0.9.2
- plugins/languages/widgets/widgets.template.php
- system/language/change.language.php
- config.php – replace with the new config, and add your website details ( URL + DATABSE )
v 0.9 to v 0.9.1
- system/libraries/widgets.class.php
- config.php – replace with the new confing, and add your website details ( URL + DATABSE )
v 0.8 to v 0.9
- load.php
- plugins/html-widgets/admin/admin.template.html-widgets.php
- plugins/pages/admin/admin.configs.pages.php
- system/pages/view/contact.template.php
- system/language/english/en.php
- system/language/romana/ro.php
- system/libraries/prepare.class.php
v 0.8
- admin/template/ts/index.php
- templates/default/js/custom.js.php
- system/libraries/prepare.class.php
- plugins/menu/widgets/widgets.php
- plugins/menu/widgets/widgets.template.php
- system/libraries/prepare.class.php
v 0.7
- plugins/pages/admin/admin.configs.pages.php
- plugins/pages/admin/admin.class.pages.php
- system/libraries/prepare.class.php
v 0.6
Filles affected
- plugins/carousel/admin/admin.class.carousel.php
- script/system/pages/controller/contact.class.php
Fixed :
- Added utf-8 for contact form
- Fixed carousel widets system
v 0.5
- released
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